May 22, 2008

Bezerra da Silva e os Partideiros Nota 10 -O Melhor do Partido Alto, CID 1981

Bezerra comes to the party with some
friends, will you let them in ?


1 Bezerra da Silva – Pega eu
2 Stenio – Olha a Rima
3 Stenio/Barbosa/Garcia – Reuniao de Bacana/Colina maldita
4 Rey Jordao – Caboclo porrete
5 Stenio/Zé Carlos – Barra pesada/Oi compadre
6 Bezerra da Silva/Genaro – Piranha
7 Rey Jordao – Matemática do feijao
8 Bezerra da Silva/Genaro – A necessidade
9 Bezerra da Silva – Cara de boi/O trambiqueiro
10 Darcy da Mangueira – Samba do trabalhador
11 Stenio/Babosa – Jacaré Papao/Mato queimado/Bicho manhoso
12 Bezerra da Silva – Cobra criada


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  1. […] displays Bezerra’s always great taste in samba. One of his older albums you’ll find here . In our samba section, below left, we’ve got plenty related […]

  2. Thankfull Guy 8 September 2014 at 13:21 - Reply

    hi, Moos
    since you welcome my corrections I just noticed something:
    this link is pointing to another Bezerra da Silva file (this one: The Genaro link doesn’t work as I noted earlier. Thus there’s no link to the album of this post, O Melhor do Partido Alto.

  3. Agustín Damianoff 27 May 2022 at 18:36 - Reply

    The file is incorrect. It’s Genaro & Bezerra da Silva’s Partido Alto Nota 10

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