May 18, 2008

Jovelina Pérola Negra -Jovelina Pérola Negra, RGE 1986

The Black Pearl they call her in Brasil, Jovelina
brings a traditional samba that many people like.
Give it a try ?


1 O dia se zangou
2 Pagode no Serrado
3 Boogie-Woogie da favela
4 Preparado da vovó
5 Menina, você bebeu
6 Agua de poço
7 Laços e pedaços
8 Rabo de saia
9 Maria Trisreza
10 Camarao com Xuxu
11 Chora viola
12 É isso que eu mereço


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  1. J Thyme...kind 20 May 2008 at 10:19 - Reply

    ’86 is a bit late, but every now & then you can find a good one. Let’s hope?

  2. […] Jovelina Pérola Negra 1986 Luz do Repente 1987 Discogs […]

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