June 26, 2008

Arsenio Rodriguez y
su Conjunto, Ansonia

Time for some Cuban music. One of Cuba’s most famous bringers
of Afro-Cuban, is Arsenio Rodriguez, his songs are still being
played today. Arsenio lost his sight at the age of seven, but his skills,
playing the ‘Trés’ stand firm. Singers on this album are; ‘Raffi Martinez’,
‘Israel Castro’, ‘Candido Antommattei’ and ‘Chewi Rivera’.


1 El reloj de pastora
2 No importa la distancia
3 Comprendo que sufres
4 Yambú en serenata
5 Linda Cubana
6 Hachero pa’un palo
7 El divorcio
8 Frutas del Caney
9 Santa Cecilia
10 Sabor de pachanga
11 Errante y bohemio
12 Pucho Marquez



  1. Gonzalez on Speed 28 June 2008 at 18:51 - Reply

    Hi Moos! I’ve found alot of nice music by the internet in the past years – but this is a real kid-in-a-candystore blog ! Every record is like a sweet bon-bon !
    Thanks so much for sharing this incredible collection !!

  2. moos 28 June 2008 at 19:04 - Reply

    You are too kind Gonzalez,
    but in fact we’re all big kids,
    I am glad you like my toys…

  3. Anonymous 24 November 2013 at 17:57 - Reply

    Muchas gracias para subir esa hojita, pero el enlase esta vencido.<br />Esperando les agradezco por ese gran trabajo que usted esta haciendo.

  4. […] is on number three of our downloads. Much earlier we already had this one, this one, this one and this one.Today we have another album on Tropical, powered by Seeco, it contains some son, bolero and son […]

  5. […] Chano Pozo, legendary Sessions 1992 Sabroso y Caliente 1957 Arsenio Rodriguez y su Conjunto, Vol. 2 Arsenio Rodriguez y su Conjunto Wikipedia […]

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