June 30, 2008

Los Millonarios – 19 Exitos Bailables ! ,vol. 4, Discos Fuentes

Los Millonarios, front, cd size

Here’s a post, especially interesting for it’s collector’s value, more then
for it’s musical value. ‘Los Millonarios’ played instrumental versions of
well known songs. For instance, ‘No me busques’ of ‘Los Corraleros
de Majagual’, or ‘El carretera’ of ‘Guillermo Portabales’. It gives an
impression of all the styles played in Colombian music. And as always,
‘Discos Fuentes’ brings a cover with a pretty girl. Check back cover
for style info. Attention : Track no. 1 jumps one time !


1 El burrito
2 Dios como te amo / Espumita del rio
3 No me busques / Pedazo de acordeon
4 La Bogotana
5 El besito
6 El carretero / Cartagena de Indias
7 El palo
8 En mi viejo San Juan / La tos
9 El tren de las once / Cumbion del cangrejo
10 Feria de manizales / La palma de chontaduro
11 Yo rengo penas / Seis choreao
12 La manzana



  1. Anonymous 2 July 2008 at 07:10 - Reply


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  2. moos 2 July 2008 at 15:01 - Reply

    Thank YOU Jessica..

  3. PEMUDA70AN 4 December 2012 at 16:01 - Reply

    hi, please reupload

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