June 28, 2008

Martinho da Vila – Martinho da Vila
RCA Victor 1969

Martinho da Vila, front, cd size

Today I’m in an all Brazilian mood, Rio on my mind, Yes,I know,
many bloggers have ripped this LP before me, but still I could not
resist to do it once more. And I enjoyed it very much ! A very young
‘Martinho da Vila’, recorded 39 years ago and sounding as fresh as if
it was yesterday. This album deserves to be posted again and again.


1 Boa noite/Carnaval de ilusoes/Caramba
2 Quatro séculos de modas e costumes
3 O pequeno Burguês
4 Iaiá do cais dourado
5 Casa de bamba
6 Amor, pra que nasceu ?
7 Quem é do mar nao enjoa
8 Brasil mulato
9 Tom maior
10 P’ra que dinheiro
11 Parei na sua/Nhêm, nhêm, nhém
12 Grande amor


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  1. J Thyme...kind 30 June 2008 at 05:10 - Reply

    Love these first firings of the Samba machine revving up.

  2. moos 30 June 2008 at 09:59 - Reply

    …and I

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