August 23, 2008

Cartola – Cartola
Discos Marcus Pereira 1976

It must have been 6 years ago, when I saw ‘Cidade de Deus’
in a local theatre. When ‘Preciso me encontrar’ by Cartola
came by, I was deeply impressed and had to find out what
it was immediately. Since the day I discovered Cartola,
I’ve been in love with his music. This album is só beautiful,
I don’t say this often, but it is almost perfect.
I am certainly not the first blogger to post it but it felt
almost like an obligation to rip it once more.


1 O mundo é um moínho
2 Minha
3 Sala de recepçao
4 Nao posso viver sem ela
5 Preciso me encontrar
6 Peito vazio
7 Aconteceu
8 As rosas nao falam
9 Sei chorar
10 Ensaboa
11 Senhora Tentaçao
12 Cordas de aço


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  1. Anonymous 7 September 2008 at 09:22 - Reply

    Verry nice album Moos it’s one of my favorits now :-)


  2. Anonymous 7 September 2008 at 09:22 - Reply

    Verry nice album Moos it’s one of my favorits now :-)


  3. DanielFlamencoOz 24 July 2011 at 11:23 - Reply

    I have this LP too… it is amazing. He is a national hero in Brasil

  4. DanielFlamencoOz 24 July 2011 at 11:23 - Reply

    I have this LP too… it is amazing. He is a national hero in Brasil

  5. Sam 12 April 2017 at 23:20 - Reply

    As Rosas Nao Falam is a great poem. No one has ever written a better samba lyric.

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