October 2, 2008

Docteur Nico ( Kassanda wa Mikalay ), Kina Rama 1983

Docteur Nico, front, cd size

Docteur Nico comes in with this 1983 album, It’s most
certainly not his best. I am posting it because it’s
the only one I’ve got and I like to use it to show you
a very nice film at Worldservice,
a blog you’ll like to know.
If you like to know more about Docteur Nico, check_this.
Both sides of this LP contain one good and one less good song.


1 L’amour sans frontière
2 La ville endormie
3 Uempol
4 Saperli popette


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  1. Ambiance Congo 3 October 2008 at 00:01 - Reply

    If you would like to hear samples of more of Docteur Nico’s late albums, please visit this page at Ambiance Congo blog.
    I agree, Mooos, this is not one of the best of his late albums although the Fanck lassan compositions have a certain charm.

  2. Ambiance Congo 3 October 2008 at 00:01 - Reply

    If you would like to hear samples of more of Docteur Nico’s late albums, please visit this page at Ambiance Congo blog.
    I agree, Mooos, this is not one of the best of his late albums although the Fanck lassan compositions have a certain charm.

  3. aduna 3 October 2008 at 12:04 - Reply

    Thanks for your sweet comment @, for linking me and especially for all this good music you share.

  4. aduna 3 October 2008 at 12:04 - Reply

    Thanks for your sweet comment @, for linking me and especially for all this good music you share.

  5. Anonymous 4 October 2008 at 22:23 - Reply

    Thanks for the great blog you have. I like it a lot.

  6. Anonymous 4 October 2008 at 22:23 - Reply

    Thanks for the great blog you have. I like it a lot.

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