October 4, 2008

Ed Lincoln – Ed Lincoln, Musidisc 1962

Goodday Global Groovers, we’re back with an oldie today.
Ed lincoln is back with a splendid LP. From 1962 here’s
an album very much sought after by DJ’s around the world.
It’s been sampled in modern dancetracks by many. If you
listen to the sound they created 46 years ago it is
vey understandable. The great voice we hear on 4 tracks,
belongs to ‘Pedrinho Rodrigues’, of whom I also posted
several LP’s, check the Samba section on the side.


1 Nunca mais
2 Confissao
3 Eu nao tenho onde morar
4 Amanha eu vou
5 T’aimer follement
6 Atire a primeira pedra
– Deus me perdoe
– Pergunte ao Joao
7 Tristeza de Nós dois
8 Leçon de Baion
9 Vai com Deus


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