October 16, 2008

Zé Di – …Samba, Tapecar 1975

Zé Di, front, cd size

It’s been a while since we had some Brazilian music on this page.
Ai que saudade do meu Rio, demorou p’a caramba que temos
um bom samba neste pagina. This is a ‘Sambista’ I discovered
last weekend. I am always thrilled to find an album like this one.
Mid 70’s, Rio de Janeiro, great samba’s. Agorra me orgulho de
te apresentar; Zé Di comes in at Global Groove with topmaterial.


1 Outro bouquet
2 Ontem
3 Quando meu Salgueiro desce
4 Nao vai dizer Adeus
5 Independência ou morte
6 Rei de França na ilha de assombraçao
7 Salgueiro chorou
8 Chapéu de marinheiro
9 De como un homem deixou de fazer música e foi vender pipoca
10 Perdoe meu amor


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  1. aluvsupreme 18 October 2008 at 13:20 - Reply

    Moos. Tanks much brother. I love this album and somehow thought I was the only person who had this or knew about it. Ridiculous right. ANyhow, as you know it was released in 1971 (i think, just too lazy to get up and look at the actual sleeve). Anyhow, I always laught because the design and style of the cover is almost identical to a latin record from 1969 by the one and only Jimmy Sabater. Take a look and laugh:

    Take care, Lem.

  2. aluvsupreme 18 October 2008 at 13:20 - Reply

    Moos. Tanks much brother. I love this album and somehow thought I was the only person who had this or knew about it. Ridiculous right. ANyhow, as you know it was released in 1971 (i think, just too lazy to get up and look at the actual sleeve). Anyhow, I always laught because the design and style of the cover is almost identical to a latin record from 1969 by the one and only Jimmy Sabater. Take a look and laugh:

    Take care, Lem.

  3. moos 18 October 2008 at 15:56 - Reply

    Those shawls were quite popular apparently, ha ha, thanks Lem..

  4. moos 18 October 2008 at 15:56 - Reply

    Those shawls were quite popular apparently, ha ha, thanks Lem..

  5. MrDjango1953 22 May 2014 at 13:50 - Reply

    Great blog! anyway you could re up this Ze Di album—i have a poor quality cassette copy—its a great record.

  6. MrDjango1953 22 May 2014 at 13:51 - Reply


  7. violao 13 June 2014 at 11:04 - Reply

    Any chance of putting this up again—looks as though it would be great!–Tapecar was a great label.I can but ask:-)

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