December 25, 2008

Pedro Laza y su Banda
Discos Fuentes 1979 plus Bonustracks

Pedro Laza, front

Today I thought I’d post us some Colombian music. ‘Navidad Negra’
which I addad as a bonustrack is a good example of music they
play in Colombia with Christmas. Pedro Laza is the man who wrote
lots of such songs. On ‘El güiro’ vocals by Daniel Santos, on ‘La
cosecha de mujeres’ vocals by José Maria Peñaranda.
On ‘Cumbia en el monte’ vocals by Pascual Rovira, on ‘Navidad Negra’
vocals by Tito Cortes. On ‘La calle 13’ and ‘La negra caliente’
vocals by Crescencio Gamacho.
As for me, I can play this type of music all year through, such
happy sound should be for always.


1 El tachuelo
2 La rabadilla
3 El San Anterano
4 La champeta
5 Playa blanca
6 Aurora
7 Mosaico
8 Puya Bayunquera
9 Tu recuerdo
10 Las mañanitas

– Bonustracks;

11 Navidad negra
12 La negra caliente
13 Cumbia en el monte
14 El güiro
15 La boquillera
16 La cosecha de mujeres
17 La calle 13


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  1. cartagena56 25 December 2008 at 16:16 - Reply

    Global Groove soy asiduo visitante (diariamente) de tu blog. Esta musica no de Los Pelayeros no se consiguen ni en Colombia, gracias por recordar esos viejos tiempos. Te deseo feli navidad y prospero año nuevo. Gracias

  2. cartagena56 25 December 2008 at 16:16 - Reply

    Global Groove soy asiduo visitante (diariamente) de tu blog. Esta musica no de Los Pelayeros no se consiguen ni en Colombia, gracias por recordar esos viejos tiempos. Te deseo feli navidad y prospero año nuevo. Gracias

  3. Gonzalez on Speed 27 December 2008 at 21:01 - Reply

    this song “Aurora” is really a great modestly powerfull played piece of instrumental beauty !!

  4. Gonzalez on Speed 27 December 2008 at 21:01 - Reply

    this song “Aurora” is really a great modestly powerfull played piece of instrumental beauty !!

  5. Elepe 3 January 2009 at 21:25 - Reply


    as cartagena56 says, is dificcult to find this disc here.. i live in barranquilla.


  6. Elepe 3 January 2009 at 21:25 - Reply


    as cartagena56 says, is dificcult to find this disc here.. i live in barranquilla.


  7. sulingman 14 January 2009 at 03:43 - Reply

    oh yeah baby this is sweet! I was hoping for something Peregoyesque and this is it!! Yeah!!! Thank you.

  8. sulingman 14 January 2009 at 03:43 - Reply

    oh yeah baby this is sweet! I was hoping for something Peregoyesque and this is it!! Yeah!!! Thank you.

  9. rrika 2 February 2009 at 23:23 - Reply

    Global Groove, it’s Crescencio Camacho, no Gamacho. As a matter of fact, I saw him in concert on sunday. He’s actually 90, and still sings well. The majority from vocal “Pedro Laza y sus Pelayeros” music (not Pedro Laza y Su Banda) is singed by him.

    Congratulations for your blog.

  10. rrika 2 February 2009 at 23:23 - Reply

    Global Groove, it’s Crescencio Camacho, no Gamacho. As a matter of fact, I saw him in concert on sunday. He’s actually 90, and still sings well. The majority from vocal “Pedro Laza y sus Pelayeros” music (not Pedro Laza y Su Banda) is singed by him.

    Congratulations for your blog.

  11. moos 3 February 2009 at 07:35 - Reply

    thank you rrika !

  12. moos 3 February 2009 at 07:35 - Reply

    thank you rrika !

  13. CATHERINE 23 November 2010 at 20:14 - Reply

    Moos, Gracias por escribir acerca de la musica de Pedro Laza y sus Pelayeros. El es mi abuelo y su recuerdo y su musica siempre estara con nosotros… especialmente para esta epoca del año donde en Cartagena se mezclan las fiestas de noviembre con la navidad. De nuevo Gracias!!

  14. CATHERINE 23 November 2010 at 20:14 - Reply

    Moos, Gracias por escribir acerca de la musica de Pedro Laza y sus Pelayeros. El es mi abuelo y su recuerdo y su musica siempre estara con nosotros… especialmente para esta epoca del año donde en Cartagena se mezclan las fiestas de noviembre con la navidad. De nuevo Gracias!!

  15. GADZ 17 July 2011 at 04:09 - Reply


  16. GADZ 17 July 2011 at 04:09 - Reply


  17. taco 27 July 2011 at 11:06 - Reply

    the bonus tracks are really mind blowing. from which lps are these bonus tracks from?

    thanks a lot

  18. taco 27 July 2011 at 11:06 - Reply

    the bonus tracks are really mind blowing. from which lps are these bonus tracks from?

    thanks a lot

  19. Anonymous 5 November 2011 at 14:03 - Reply

    Muchas gracias por el aporte.

    Fernando (COL)

  20. Anonymous 5 November 2011 at 14:03 - Reply

    Muchas gracias por el aporte.

    Fernando (COL)

  21. Peer Schouten 17 February 2012 at 08:33 - Reply

    hi! most of the links to Cumbia discs are down… any possibility to re-up? Love that stuff!

  22. Peer Schouten 17 February 2012 at 08:33 - Reply

    hi! most of the links to Cumbia discs are down… any possibility to re-up? Love that stuff!

  23. Anonymous 5 December 2012 at 05:11 - Reply

    Global Groove podrias arreglar el ink del aporte este que compartiste ,ya que no funciona.
    Exelente blog no tengo otras palabras para describirlo ,muy bueno todo lo que echas en el te felicito sigue asi compartiendo las cosas con los demas y feliz navidad para ti y tu familia

  24. Anonymous 5 December 2012 at 05:11 - Reply

    Global Groove podrias arreglar el ink del aporte este que compartiste ,ya que no funciona.
    Exelente blog no tengo otras palabras para describirlo ,muy bueno todo lo que echas en el te felicito sigue asi compartiendo las cosas con los demas y feliz navidad para ti y tu familia

  25. Anonymous 1 February 2013 at 06:09 - Reply

    Moss puedes volver a resubir este material por favor

  26. Anonymous 1 February 2013 at 06:09 - Reply

    Moss puedes volver a resubir este material por favor

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