February 8, 2009

Tiers Monde Coöperation -Nouvelle Formule, IAD Sound 1983


Good afternoon, you might have noticed some major changes, from today Global Groove works with a new and improved face. The old header was made very rapidly and although it functioned for 9 months, I thought it was about time for a fresh one.

From today I also use another image in my profile, let me introduce my very best friend. Ladies and gentlemen, this is Sjakie’, my loyal pal that goes where ever I go. As from now I shall be using Sjakie’s fine image as my own. I am a dog under the Chinese stars, so..

Then finally, what this page is all about, the music. Sam Mangwana, Empompo Loway and Ndombe Opetum form this group of which I can’t seem to find out very much. I must admit I didn’t search very fanatic. A good thing is that visitors fill me in when I get stuck. For now, just listen and enjoy Tiers Monde Coöperation.


1 Bowao
2 Tiers monde
3 Omesongo
4 Ngui-ngon


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  1. matt 8 February 2009 at 19:05 - Reply

    Any chance for a link ???

  2. moos 8 February 2009 at 20:43 - Reply

    Oops, it’s there now.

  3. moos 8 February 2009 at 20:43 - Reply

    Oops, it’s there now.

  4. satyr 9 February 2009 at 01:01 - Reply

    Thank you.

  5. satyr 9 February 2009 at 01:01 - Reply

    Thank you.

  6. Martin 9 February 2009 at 16:09 - Reply

    Congratulations for your new image.Real great!
    Now something about `Tiers Monde´:
    In the beginning of 1983 Mangwana´s African All Stars were at an end. `Affaire Video´was their last great song.
    After a little tour in Mozambique Mangwana and Dizzy Mandjeku returned to Kinshasa. While Mandjeku got musical director in a project by Verckys Mangwana startet his new project `Tiers Monde Cooperation´ (Third World Cooperation)in mid-july 1983. He and Empompo Loway were joined by three former o.K. Jazz-singers (Ndombe Opetun/Djo Mpoyi and Diatho Lukoki).
    But i think you know Mangwana was called `The Pidgeon Voyager´.
    So the pidgeon flew away at the end of 1983 searching for new projects.
    I only know there is your LP and 4 other songs issued on one CD
    (Ngoyarto NGO 100).
    Keep On Truckin´!!!

  7. Martin 9 February 2009 at 16:09 - Reply

    Congratulations for your new image.Real great!
    Now something about `Tiers Monde´:
    In the beginning of 1983 Mangwana´s African All Stars were at an end. `Affaire Video´was their last great song.
    After a little tour in Mozambique Mangwana and Dizzy Mandjeku returned to Kinshasa. While Mandjeku got musical director in a project by Verckys Mangwana startet his new project `Tiers Monde Cooperation´ (Third World Cooperation)in mid-july 1983. He and Empompo Loway were joined by three former o.K. Jazz-singers (Ndombe Opetun/Djo Mpoyi and Diatho Lukoki).
    But i think you know Mangwana was called `The Pidgeon Voyager´.
    So the pidgeon flew away at the end of 1983 searching for new projects.
    I only know there is your LP and 4 other songs issued on one CD
    (Ngoyarto NGO 100).
    Keep On Truckin´!!!

  8. moos 9 February 2009 at 20:58 - Reply

    A good pigeon eventually always flies home.. great info, thnx.

  9. moos 9 February 2009 at 20:58 - Reply

    A good pigeon eventually always flies home.. great info, thnx.

  10. Anonymous 10 February 2009 at 13:03 - Reply

    Hi Moos,

    Nice new look. Not trying to be a kiljoy it’s your blog, just wondered about one of your links to other blogs. Babe(b)logue I know as a good music site which I thought I was clicking but your babe blog link got me in trouble at home!


  11. Anonymous 10 February 2009 at 13:03 - Reply

    Hi Moos,

    Nice new look. Not trying to be a kiljoy it’s your blog, just wondered about one of your links to other blogs. Babe(b)logue I know as a good music site which I thought I was clicking but your babe blog link got me in trouble at home!


  12. moos 10 February 2009 at 14:42 - Reply

    Ha ha ha, it slipped pass me unnoticed, ha ha.
    I removed the wrong babeblog and will add the right one, sorry.
    At home you can blame me for the argument, ha ha.

  13. moos 10 February 2009 at 14:42 - Reply

    Ha ha ha, it slipped pass me unnoticed, ha ha.
    I removed the wrong babeblog and will add the right one, sorry.
    At home you can blame me for the argument, ha ha.

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