May 23, 2009

Kongo Retro Band 83 – Escale a Brazza, Universal Music Records 1983

Kongo Retro Band 83 is a group or was, existing from artists
from different countrys. Grand Kalle and Adou Elenga from
Zaïre, ( Congo and Zaïre were seperated ) Manuel d’Oliveira
& Les San-Salvador from Angola and Les Bantous et Guy Léon
Fylla from Congo. The vocal parts are taken care of by Lutumba,
( is it ‘le Poete Simaro’ ? ) Elba and Diasi. Many names of which
I know little, if anyone can enlighten us ? I do know this is a
beautiful album, get it while you can.


1 Air fluvial
2 Basambala omoy
3 Samedi soir
4 Nandimi pasi


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  1. ReeBee 23 May 2009 at 17:04 - Reply


  2. Anonymous 23 May 2009 at 18:10 - Reply

    What a treasure! If I come to the Netherlands, will you take me to your favorite record store?
    I have never heard this and I am excited by the chance to hear it.

  3. Buns O'Plenty 23 May 2009 at 20:38 - Reply

    great blog

  4. Anonymous 24 May 2009 at 01:07 - Reply

    Moos, I did download your files to listen and also to read the back of the album sleeve before making any further comment. I am still very excited about this record. I have not yet listened, but I going to bet that this is not made up of the artists listed, but rather a tribute to them. Joseph Kabasele “Grand Kalle” died in February of 1983 after an illness of many months, so I’m going to assume that he was not involved in 1983. I do not know what happened to Adou Elenga, but I doubt that he was active in 1983 either.
    I have been told many times that Lutumba Simaro does not sing although he is credited with vocals on a couple of other albums.
    I am still looking forward to listening to this later tonight.

  5. Anonymous 24 May 2009 at 02:10 - Reply

    all i can say is wow!

  6. Anonymous 25 May 2009 at 09:01 - Reply

    Hey Moos,

    Great record but isn’t the 1st & 3rd tracks identical & the 2nd & 4th also?



  7. moos 25 May 2009 at 13:35 - Reply

    Is that true ?
    I’ll have to dive into that,
    and get back to you.

  8. moos 25 May 2009 at 21:55 - Reply

    you are right, what a dumb mistake.
    I’m gonna have to rip it again when I find the time, soon come..

  9. moos 27 May 2009 at 17:35 - Reply

    Okay folks ?

  10. Anonymous 28 May 2009 at 02:35 - Reply

    de nada


  11. Goofy 19 October 2011 at 14:53 - Reply

    Hi Moos! MF says that this has been removed for copyright violation. Any chance for a re-up?

  12. Goofy 21 October 2011 at 17:37 - Reply

    Big thanks, Moos, for the re-up!!

  13. Anonymous 3 January 2014 at 13:50 - Reply

    moos reupload plis

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