May 12, 2009

l’Afrique Danse – Various Artists
african 360.002

l'Afrique Danse No 2, front

Good day groovers, this morning I wrote you a message
that was quite negative and after a while I started to
feel bad about it. I have thought it over and decided
to change it. So, from this day on only happy posts.
If a link gets blocked or a post removed, I will not
complain about it. I want to ask you to report dead
links to me and I shall simply remove them. This way
Global Groove can remain a place where you like to
come. No negative feelings, just good ones.
Sorry for using bad language and stay
tuned for happy messages.
Thanks for visiting the Global Groove.


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  1. Anonymous 12 May 2009 at 18:19 - Reply

    I was lucky and I downloaded this excellent album.
    Thank you very much…
    These men on Rapidshare are crazy…
    Keep goin’…All the best!!!
    Kostas from Greece.

  2. peter 13 May 2009 at 11:53 - Reply

    Keep up the good work,
    Blijf vooral verder doen!
    Heb dankzij jou al vele uren luisterplezier beleefd.
    a.s. zaterdag is er een geweldig minifestival met o.a. Dizzy Mandjeku, ooit nog bij TPOK Jazz gespeeld. Voor meer info mag je gerust mailen.

    Deejay Baobab

  3. Anonymous 14 May 2009 at 10:18 - Reply

    “If you bring forth what is within you, what you bring forth will save you. If you do not bring forth what is within you, what you do not bring forth will destroy you.” In other words: please don’t feel inhibited whenever you feel like spewing some bile. This is after all YOUR blog. And everybody loves filthy language every now and then. Even the apostle Thomas!

  4. Anonymous 14 May 2009 at 13:51 - Reply

    You may have to use something like to obscure your links to rapidshare. Similar thing started happenning at ylow.blogspot a while back and using seems to have fixed it for now.

  5. Anonymous 25 October 2010 at 16:43 - Reply

    Hello Global Grooves. I would like to say that your blog is a service to humanity in many ways. It is amazing, I am amazed and blown away by your generous and outstanding efforts to post the music that you do and the information that you do. Since, I have found your blog it is like I have found a piece of heaven. A heaven where the great talents and spirits of the world reside in musical expression. I cannot imagine why anyone would ever write such negative things about any removed or damaged posts. We should all be graetful for your presence and should the artists whose music you expose to the world. Though world music was necer my specific preference your blog has transformed my life of music appreciation. Please accept my gratitude for all of your efforts. My best wishes to those who seem to be spoiled by your efforts and therefore raise a critical voice when their pleasures that you touch, an access which is basically free, is somehow interrupted. For you Global groovers, thanks and right on! thanks for broadening my horizons and those of everyone of us who experience joy for the access to some of the worlds greatest human expressions that your provide.

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