July 27, 2009

l’Afrique Danse avec Sakumuna – Various Artists
african 1977

l'Afrique Danse avec Sakumuna, front

The ‘lÁfrique Danse’ series on the african label is of very high quality
if we speak about the music. The soundquality however is not so good.
As I have ascertained before and today experienced oncemore, the dynamics
of these series are very low. When I record them I have to srew up levels
much higher than I normally need to. This way the music reaches the volume
level we wish for but the crackles also sound much louder.

If we forget about crackles we are left with 6 songs which are very enjoyable.
The warm sound of Congo’s 70’s music is overwhelming again, don’t miss
this superb collector. Hope you enjoy.


1 Orchestre Kiam – Kamiki 1&2
2 Orchestre Kamavasty – Kiki puelengi 1&2
3 Orchestre Vévé – Mikolo mileki mingi 1&2
4 Orchestre Kamale – Assana muana mawa 1&2
5 Orchestre Kamale – Masudi 1&2
6 Orchestre Lipua-Lipua – Nasepelisa nzoto 1&2


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  1. BRUJULA STAFF 28 July 2009 at 01:09 - Reply

    added to the catalog!

  2. BRUJULA STAFF 28 July 2009 at 01:09 - Reply

    added to the catalog!

  3. Reyt 28 July 2009 at 02:26 - Reply

    excelente brother!! sencillamente asi! gracias por estos aportes, esta musica estan desconocida por mucha gente, que solamente escuchan cosas comerciales, y el encontrar estas joyas es muy satisfactorio.

  4. Reyt 28 July 2009 at 02:26 - Reply

    excelente brother!! sencillamente asi! gracias por estos aportes, esta musica estan desconocida por mucha gente, que solamente escuchan cosas comerciales, y el encontrar estas joyas es muy satisfactorio.

  5. Daniel 28 July 2009 at 03:26 - Reply

    Thanks for posting yet another great LP, but you’re right, the noise is a little distracting. I’ve denoised the tracks and tweaked the sound a bit, so now I think you’ll enjoy the music a bit more. Here’s the link:

  6. Daniel 28 July 2009 at 03:26 - Reply

    Thanks for posting yet another great LP, but you’re right, the noise is a little distracting. I’ve denoised the tracks and tweaked the sound a bit, so now I think you’ll enjoy the music a bit more. Here’s the link:

  7. moos 28 July 2009 at 06:31 - Reply

    That’s very nice Daniel, thank you

  8. moos 28 July 2009 at 06:31 - Reply

    That’s very nice Daniel, thank you

  9. bolingo69 28 October 2010 at 11:58 - Reply

    Daniel or moos or just anyone who feels like it. If you saved the denoised version that danile posted the link is to old and I would be very happy if someone could post a new link to this wonderful record

  10. bolingo69 28 October 2010 at 11:58 - Reply

    Daniel or moos or just anyone who feels like it. If you saved the denoised version that danile posted the link is to old and I would be very happy if someone could post a new link to this wonderful record

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