November 23, 2009

Star Band de Dakar, IK 3031

Star Band, front, cd size

After Youssou N’dour broke through European with ‘Bitim Rew Immigres’, I
decided to dig in to his past. Then I discovered Etoile de Dakar and Star
Band de Dakar. I had a kind of crush on this group, ever since the first
notes I laid my ears on. Absolutely great sound, so when I found this one
at the fair I was thrilled. Enjoy this lovely album and if you like it,
you can find more in the Afro-Cuban or Senegal section, below left.


1 Sala bigue
2 Sénégal samarève
3 Mane kouma khole thiyove
4 Keleye teye
5 Digueté
6 Misterioso
7 Biquelo Lola
8 La ultima rumba


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  1. bermudezyezid 23 November 2009 at 23:10 - Reply

    mi llave el link no esta activo…pruebe…vea y le agradeceria que lo active…….graciaaaaaassssssssss.

  2. bermudezyezid 23 November 2009 at 23:10 - Reply

    mi llave el link no esta activo…pruebe…vea y le agradeceria que lo active…….graciaaaaaassssssssss.

  3. mambopete 24 November 2009 at 00:10 - Reply

    Looks like another fantastic post – I’m particularly looking forward to hearing the Star Band’s treatment of those Cuban number. Could you check the mediafire link – it’s not going to the download page. Much appreciation as always – mambopete

  4. mambopete 24 November 2009 at 00:10 - Reply

    Looks like another fantastic post – I’m particularly looking forward to hearing the Star Band’s treatment of those Cuban number. Could you check the mediafire link – it’s not going to the download page. Much appreciation as always – mambopete

  5. moos 24 November 2009 at 00:28 - Reply

    Ooops, missed a symbol, it should work now..

  6. moos 24 November 2009 at 00:28 - Reply

    Ooops, missed a symbol, it should work now..

  7. moos 24 November 2009 at 07:51 - Reply

    Last week, I accidentally threw away my webstatistics history. A very stupid thing to do. I now managed to re-install a statistics counter but I had to start counting all the way from zero again, shame..
    is there a way to get back my old stats ? who knows ?

  8. moos 24 November 2009 at 07:51 - Reply

    Last week, I accidentally threw away my webstatistics history. A very stupid thing to do. I now managed to re-install a statistics counter but I had to start counting all the way from zero again, shame..
    is there a way to get back my old stats ? who knows ?

  9. Anonymous 24 November 2009 at 15:58 - Reply

    een klapper moos dat was zeker ook de prijs van de lp!!! Utrecht kennende.

    Ben niet geweest moest werken helaas.
    Altijd leuk zeker op vrijdag en zaterdagochtend en lekker ouwehoeren met andere vinyl verslavenden.


  10. Anonymous 24 November 2009 at 15:58 - Reply

    een klapper moos dat was zeker ook de prijs van de lp!!! Utrecht kennende.

    Ben niet geweest moest werken helaas.
    Altijd leuk zeker op vrijdag en zaterdagochtend en lekker ouwehoeren met andere vinyl verslavenden.


  11. Gonzalez on Speed 24 November 2009 at 16:08 - Reply

    Very nice! I remember this band was my first meeting with African music.
    About 15 years ago I lived some months in Groningen. There was a little record store/company there that published this music on CD. Forgot the name .. I was struck by the modest and tranquilizin’ tunes – so much played with passion and soul.
    I was at the fleamarket in Rotterdam this afternoon. Best findings were records of the “Havenzangers” and “Corry and the Rekels”. Also nice .. :(
    Some guys have all the luck ..

  12. Gonzalez on Speed 24 November 2009 at 16:08 - Reply

    Very nice! I remember this band was my first meeting with African music.
    About 15 years ago I lived some months in Groningen. There was a little record store/company there that published this music on CD. Forgot the name .. I was struck by the modest and tranquilizin’ tunes – so much played with passion and soul.
    I was at the fleamarket in Rotterdam this afternoon. Best findings were records of the “Havenzangers” and “Corry and the Rekels”. Also nice .. :(
    Some guys have all the luck ..

  13. moos 24 November 2009 at 16:30 - Reply

    How do you like that ? I am investing for your pleasure, I must be crazy but still…
    love to do it..

  14. moos 24 November 2009 at 16:30 - Reply

    How do you like that ? I am investing for your pleasure, I must be crazy but still…
    love to do it..

  15. ORL 24 November 2009 at 23:37 - Reply

    I found this incredible LP this year in senegal… Mine has a stamp on the back: “Discotechnique Kasse – Rue de Reimes x Malick Sy – Dakar” Do you know if this was Ibra Kasse studio? (my LP would be Ibra Kasse own copy?!!!) Do you have info about this? (Moos, may be you have other LPs with such a stamp…).
    Anyway, i dont really care, it’s really great senegalese music as I love… (senegalese latin rythms… including “Mane Kouma Khole Thiyove” hit).
    For those who have chance to go to dakar and who love latin and african musics, i strongly advise “Pape Fall & African Salsa” in live; you would be hit by this unique mix of cubano integrating senegalese rythm and flavour (imagine a latino combo with sabar, and snengalese soulfull voices singing aproximative spanish!), perfect with atmosphere of old school dakar clubs…
    (special bonus: as they are friends sometimes Pape invites for a set Bala Sidibe, ex-Baobab in late 70s).
    Big up to Roger for his vibrating solos during last concert i saw (trumpet player from cameroun, ivory coast, now living in senegal … but that’s another story…)
    Sunugaal bakhna!!!

    (moos: global thank for all your posts, it’s my first comment even if i follow GG since a time, but it to encourage you to post more from senegal! ;-)

  16. ORL 24 November 2009 at 23:37 - Reply

    I found this incredible LP this year in senegal… Mine has a stamp on the back: “Discotechnique Kasse – Rue de Reimes x Malick Sy – Dakar” Do you know if this was Ibra Kasse studio? (my LP would be Ibra Kasse own copy?!!!) Do you have info about this? (Moos, may be you have other LPs with such a stamp…).
    Anyway, i dont really care, it’s really great senegalese music as I love… (senegalese latin rythms… including “Mane Kouma Khole Thiyove” hit).
    For those who have chance to go to dakar and who love latin and african musics, i strongly advise “Pape Fall & African Salsa” in live; you would be hit by this unique mix of cubano integrating senegalese rythm and flavour (imagine a latino combo with sabar, and snengalese soulfull voices singing aproximative spanish!), perfect with atmosphere of old school dakar clubs…
    (special bonus: as they are friends sometimes Pape invites for a set Bala Sidibe, ex-Baobab in late 70s).
    Big up to Roger for his vibrating solos during last concert i saw (trumpet player from cameroun, ivory coast, now living in senegal … but that’s another story…)
    Sunugaal bakhna!!!

    (moos: global thank for all your posts, it’s my first comment even if i follow GG since a time, but it to encourage you to post more from senegal! ;-)

  17. Chris Ward 2 December 2009 at 18:00 - Reply

    Thanks a lot for this beautiful music. I’ve got the Etolie De Dakar vols 1-4 and this is even better!

  18. Chris Ward 2 December 2009 at 18:00 - Reply

    Thanks a lot for this beautiful music. I’ve got the Etolie De Dakar vols 1-4 and this is even better!

  19. Anonymous 2 December 2009 at 20:47 - Reply

    Fantastic! 20 years ago I bought a copy of this album in a plain paper sleeve (cost me 50p in a well known vinyl exchange). Now I know what the sleeve looks like!

  20. Anonymous 2 December 2009 at 20:47 - Reply

    Fantastic! 20 years ago I bought a copy of this album in a plain paper sleeve (cost me 50p in a well known vinyl exchange). Now I know what the sleeve looks like!

  21. Anonymous 2 December 2009 at 20:47 - Reply

    Fantastic! 20 years ago I bought a copy of this album in a plain paper sleeve (cost me 50p in a well known vinyl exchange). Now I know what the sleeve looks like!

  22. NGONI 6 December 2009 at 10:18 - Reply

    Moos, a few days ago I watched he film Xala of Ousmane Sembene, where we can see the Star Band, and we can relive the atmosphere of that time.

    This album and the film forms a unique combination.

    Many thanks for this extraordinary gift.

  23. NGONI 6 December 2009 at 10:18 - Reply

    Moos, a few days ago I watched he film Xala of Ousmane Sembene, where we can see the Star Band, and we can relive the atmosphere of that time.

    This album and the film forms a unique combination.

    Many thanks for this extraordinary gift.

  24. Anonymous 3 February 2010 at 10:12 - Reply

    Interesting article you got here. I’d like to read something more concerning that theme. The only thing I would like to see on that blog is a few pics of some gizmos.
    Alex Kripke
    Cell phone jammers

  25. Anonymous 3 February 2010 at 10:12 - Reply

    Interesting article you got here. I’d like to read something more concerning that theme. The only thing I would like to see on that blog is a few pics of some gizmos.
    Alex Kripke
    Cell phone jammers

  26. Anonymous 16 March 2010 at 23:23 - Reply

    Hola from Buenos Aires!
    I know im asking for too much, but would any of yous be so kind of letting me know where or from whom could i get the WAV file for the track MISTERIOSO of this amazing and beautiful band from Senegal?
    Im a good DJ and im preparing a studio album and would love to get my hands on this track so im asking a lot i know, but it would be great if anyone could help. Throw me a rope please! Here in Buenos Aires (Argentina) these albums are not to be seen or found…Help please!!!!

  27. Anonymous 16 March 2010 at 23:23 - Reply

    Hola from Buenos Aires!
    I know im asking for too much, but would any of yous be so kind of letting me know where or from whom could i get the WAV file for the track MISTERIOSO of this amazing and beautiful band from Senegal?
    Im a good DJ and im preparing a studio album and would love to get my hands on this track so im asking a lot i know, but it would be great if anyone could help. Throw me a rope please! Here in Buenos Aires (Argentina) these albums are not to be seen or found…Help please!!!!

  28. Anonymous 16 March 2010 at 23:23 - Reply

    Hola from Buenos Aires!
    I know im asking for too much, but would any of yous be so kind of letting me know where or from whom could i get the WAV file for the track MISTERIOSO of this amazing and beautiful band from Senegal?
    Im a good DJ and im preparing a studio album and would love to get my hands on this track so im asking a lot i know, but it would be great if anyone could help. Throw me a rope please! Here in Buenos Aires (Argentina) these albums are not to be seen or found…Help please!!!!

  29. peter 7 November 2010 at 18:59 - Reply

    Hi anonymous from Buenos Aires,

    I have the Misterioso on my laptop in .wav format. It’s MOOS weblog though and I have to figure out how to upload, but if Moos wants lend his site for an upload, I can give it a try


  30. peter 7 November 2010 at 18:59 - Reply

    Hi anonymous from Buenos Aires,

    I have the Misterioso on my laptop in .wav format. It’s MOOS weblog though and I have to figure out how to upload, but if Moos wants lend his site for an upload, I can give it a try


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