December 3, 2009

Chuito el de Bayamon y Johnny el Bravo
Musica Jibara para las Navidades
International / Fania 1978

Chuito, front, cd size

Some time ago I got confused finding two ‘Sambistas’ with the name
Noël Rosa. Yesterday I got confused over two African artists both
using the name ‘Papa Noël’. Isn’t that strange ? Now, Noël means
Christmas and since it’s december it seems appropriate to post some
music with that theme. This is Chuito, a Jibaro from Puerto Rico.
With the Orchestra of Johnny el Bravo. ( I love that name, makes me
think of the Johnny Bravo Cartoons ) Executive Producer; Jerry Masucci
for Fania Records, I don’t know about you but this is the stuff
I listen to with Christmas.


1 Fiesta de los viejos
2 Que bueno es cantar
3 Recuerdos de ayer
4 La viuda del Mayoral
5 Hay que tener fe
6 Yo me tomo el ron
7 Non Chu con Johnny el Bravo
8 Las cadenas
9 Lamento Jibaro
10 Tenia menos que yo


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  1. John in Floyd, VA, US 4 December 2009 at 00:18 - Reply

    Great upload. Been following this blog for a while, one of my favorite uploads so far. Thanks for keeping the traditional afro-latin posts up and keeping them traditional. So much modern latin music lacks soul, too many traditional strings and percussion are being replaced with synthesizers. Even afro-latin jazz I have to sort through a lot of stuff to find something palletable, but the traditional style old albums you post are very consistent. You’re taste in central and west african music is growing on me too! Thanks!

  2. John in Floyd, VA, US 4 December 2009 at 00:18 - Reply

    Great upload. Been following this blog for a while, one of my favorite uploads so far. Thanks for keeping the traditional afro-latin posts up and keeping them traditional. So much modern latin music lacks soul, too many traditional strings and percussion are being replaced with synthesizers. Even afro-latin jazz I have to sort through a lot of stuff to find something palletable, but the traditional style old albums you post are very consistent. You’re taste in central and west african music is growing on me too! Thanks!

  3. joe 6 December 2009 at 03:28 - Reply

    I’ve really taken a liking to the jibara posts (esp Ramito) you’ve dropped here. Many thanks, Moos.

  4. joe 6 December 2009 at 03:28 - Reply

    I’ve really taken a liking to the jibara posts (esp Ramito) you’ve dropped here. Many thanks, Moos.

  5. Canalh 10 December 2009 at 03:09 - Reply

    thanksssss ksssss kssssss, kssssss ksssssss.
    Saludos de Medellin.

  6. Canalh 10 December 2009 at 03:09 - Reply

    thanksssss ksssss kssssss, kssssss ksssssss.
    Saludos de Medellin.

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