December 28, 2009
Orchestre African Fiesta – Les Merveilles du Passé,african 360.015, 1970
From 1970, in the Merveilles du Passé series, this one by
Orchestre African Fiesta. It has a few minor scratches but
that can’t break the spell, great from beginning to end.
1 Mama Egee
2 Angola siempre
3 Merengue President Roger
4 Vivo Africa
5 Contentieux Belgo-Congolais
6 Mobembo eleki tata
7 A.M. Decantonio
8 Imana ya daring
9 Tremendo punto
10 Indicatif African Fiesta
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8 days without African LP…I miss you…THANK YOU…HAPPY NEW YEAR…All the best for you and for your family.
Kostas from Greece.
8 days without African LP…I miss you…THANK YOU…HAPPY NEW YEAR…All the best for you and for your family.
Kostas from Greece.
Now that’s the kind of fireworks I like… Thanks for sharing!
Now that’s the kind of fireworks I like… Thanks for sharing!
Now that’s the kind of fireworks I like… Thanks for sharing!
Thank you! Apurva from Pune, India.
Thank you! Apurva from Pune, India.
Thank you! Apurva from Pune, India.
Who cares about the new weatheralarm for Holland the next few days?? Stay inside your house, turn op the central heating and the volume for this great music and dance!!(..and raise your middle finger to the snow and cold outside now and then ..)
Who cares about the new weatheralarm for Holland the next few days?? Stay inside your house, turn op the central heating and the volume for this great music and dance!!(..and raise your middle finger to the snow and cold outside now and then ..)
Who cares about the new weatheralarm for Holland the next few days?? Stay inside your house, turn op the central heating and the volume for this great music and dance!!(..and raise your middle finger to the snow and cold outside now and then ..)
beautiful album cover photo too by the way!
beautiful album cover photo too by the way!
beautiful album cover photo too by the way!
Great collection. I’ve mentioned you on my Latin music and dance blog (
Great collection. I’ve mentioned you on my Latin music and dance blog (
Great collection. I’ve mentioned you on my Latin music and dance blog (