February 7, 2010

Docteur Nico & l’Orchestre Afican Fiesta
l’Afrique Danse No. 8, african 360.011, 1969

Docteur Nico, front, cd size

Nicolas Kasanda, one of the founders and Orchestral leader of
African Fiesta, was given many different names, such as, Nico Mobali,
Professeur Nico, Dieu de la Guitare or le Guitariste Hawaïen. His career
started in 1953 with African Jazz, with whom he made several recordings
in Studio Opika and Esengo. This one on african is from 1969
with l’Orchestre African Fiesta, great material for your
lazy sunday afternoon, enjoy it.


1 Biantondi Kasanda
2 Nakokoma
3 Caroline Caroline
4 Exhibition dechaud
5 M. Felie
6 Tokei koyekola
7 Mamu wua mpoy
8 Alphonsine
9 Mwamba wa mamu
10 Merengue president


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  1. Likedeeler 7 February 2010 at 09:55 - Reply

    Hey music lover! Finally I made it through your gazillions of postings and d/loaded about 85% of everything. Just trying to keep da links alive. You’re welcome! ;]

    Or, now I guess I’ll have to retire to listen for the rest of my worldly presence. Rock on & all the best from Berlin

  2. Likedeeler 7 February 2010 at 10:00 - Reply

    Um, did I forget something?

    Thank you! Sweet sounds all around. This is one of the great preservation projects of human knowledge. Big props.

  3. Likedeeler 7 February 2010 at 10:05 - Reply

    Not to forget your informative commentaries on every release. Wow.

  4. Goofy 7 February 2010 at 17:38 - Reply

    Thanks Moos! Doctor is perfect for these lazy afternoons.

  5. reservatory 7 February 2010 at 21:51 - Reply

    Sweet! I’m slowly plowing through my numerous Congolese downloads, and Dr. Nico is fast becoming a favorite. Thanks for the introduction!

  6. Anonymous 7 February 2010 at 23:54 - Reply

    What cruelty! I’m in Seoul with only an iPod Touch, and you’re posting all this great music… First Fantastic Chico, now Docteur Nico… and I have to wait until Friday before I get a chance to download and listen… Nevertheless, thanks very much for sharing these albums! Marc

  7. Anonymous 8 February 2010 at 05:53 - Reply

    Merengue President, sure, but Mamu Wua Mpoy is a surprise that makes it all worthwhile.
    John A.

  8. moos 8 February 2010 at 08:47 - Reply

    Haha, so sorry Marc. But you know you got some comin’..cheers..

  9. Anonymous 9 February 2010 at 10:57 - Reply

    Thank you for sharing this fantastic music. Apurva from Pune, India.

  10. Richmond 11 February 2010 at 19:34 - Reply

    thanks man!

  11. Richmond 11 February 2010 at 19:34 - Reply

    thanks man!

  12. Lee Lee 11 February 2010 at 19:55 - Reply

    Do I have to wait until Sunday or can I go ahead and listen? Just kidding. Thanks for the grooves.

  13. Lee Lee 11 February 2010 at 19:55 - Reply

    Do I have to wait until Sunday or can I go ahead and listen? Just kidding. Thanks for the grooves.

  14. Robert 11 November 2010 at 14:28 - Reply

    Excellent posting. Been looking for this for years now. I think it is a 1962 album. Pls check again. In the meantime, do you perchance have Yokolo Part 2 by African Fiesta Sukisa? Yokolo Part 1 is available, but the Part 2 is extremely rare.

  15. Robert 11 November 2010 at 14:28 - Reply

    Excellent posting. Been looking for this for years now. I think it is a 1962 album. Pls check again. In the meantime, do you perchance have Yokolo Part 2 by African Fiesta Sukisa? Yokolo Part 1 is available, but the Part 2 is extremely rare.

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