February 18, 2010

German Rosario – con Maso Rivera y sus Jibaros,Ansonia, SALP 1462

German Rosario, front, cd size

Did you like the works of Ramito and Chuito ? You’ll probably
like this too, German Rosario is another Jibaro from Puerto Rico
and his music covers multiple styles. Milonga, Seis Rompetables,
Controversia, Aguinaldo, Seis, Mapayé and Llanera. Enjoy
German Rosario con Maso Rivera y sus Jibaros.


1 Historia de mi guitarra
2 Cuando yo era pelotero
3 Promesa matrimonial
4 El jolgorio en el batey
5 Historia de Maria
6 Vaticinio
7 Querella de amor
8 Pipiendole a un pobre
9 El cabro que yo tenia
10 Caidos en Vietnam
11 A la hembra mia
12 El raton y el fiscal


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  1. Arnaud 20 February 2010 at 12:26 - Reply

    I don’t know why… but I just love this kind of music.

  2. Arnaud 20 February 2010 at 12:33 - Reply

    Is it Isabel Davila singing on “Promesa matrimonial” ?

    • Anonymous 4 November 2018 at 04:07 - Reply


  3. Arnaud 20 February 2010 at 12:33 - Reply

    Is it Isabel Davila singing on “Promesa matrimonial” ?

  4. moos 20 February 2010 at 21:16 - Reply

    Cover doesn’t give us that info I’m affraid..

  5. moos 20 February 2010 at 21:16 - Reply

    Cover doesn’t give us that info I’m affraid..

  6. arnaud 20 February 2010 at 23:25 - Reply

    on the back cover there’s a picture of the her record La Chabela, sounds like the same voice for me… but I might be wrong. Never viva Puerto Rico & viva Moos !

  7. arnaud 20 February 2010 at 23:25 - Reply

    on the back cover there’s a picture of the her record La Chabela, sounds like the same voice for me… but I might be wrong. Never viva Puerto Rico & viva Moos !

  8. joe 21 February 2010 at 15:21 - Reply

    I’m with Arnaud in comment 1…Thanks much, Moos!!

  9. joe 21 February 2010 at 15:21 - Reply

    I’m with Arnaud in comment 1…Thanks much, Moos!!

  10. Mo Fo Ngo Man 26 February 2010 at 20:20 - Reply

    I don’t know where you keep finding these great Jibaro records, but keep them coming! Cuatrista Maso Rivera is one of the underrated masters of the instrument. He and German Rosario sound in top form on here.

  11. Mo Fo Ngo Man 26 February 2010 at 20:20 - Reply

    I don’t know where you keep finding these great Jibaro records, but keep them coming! Cuatrista Maso Rivera is one of the underrated masters of the instrument. He and German Rosario sound in top form on here.

  12. Juanito 16 June 2017 at 09:47 - Reply

    Increíble música !! Sigo volviendo a este maravilloso sonido mágico y delicioso .. Muchas gracias por ponerme en este camino!!!!!!….

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