March 14, 2010

Bokelo – Maître ya ba Maître,Africa New Sound 1984

Johnny Bokelo, front, cd size

Bokelo is short for Johnny Bokelo of course, the legendary
guitarplayer. I have always been impressed by his skills
and on this 1984 LP Johnny brings us some Soukous
many can take as example. Enjoy Bokelo !


1 Isabelle
2 Kakese
3 Lilly
4 Zonga nandako


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  1. arnaud 15 March 2010 at 00:07 - Reply

    oki doki, you did it again. good album. (pfff… it’s getting more and more difficult to follow the rythm and find original comments each time)

  2. arnaud 15 March 2010 at 00:07 - Reply

    oki doki, you did it again. good album. (pfff… it’s getting more and more difficult to follow the rythm and find original comments each time)

  3. arnaud 15 March 2010 at 00:16 - Reply

    okay Moos let’s make a deal : for two albums commented, can I leave one free of comment ?

  4. arnaud 15 March 2010 at 00:16 - Reply

    okay Moos let’s make a deal : for two albums commented, can I leave one free of comment ?

  5. Apurva Bahadur 15 March 2010 at 13:11 - Reply

    This is good! Many thanks Moos.

  6. Apurva Bahadur 15 March 2010 at 13:11 - Reply

    This is good! Many thanks Moos.

  7. m c narwal 15 March 2010 at 22:55 - Reply

    You’re incredible!
    Thank you so much for sharing your immense collection with the world : )

  8. m c narwal 15 March 2010 at 22:55 - Reply

    You’re incredible!
    Thank you so much for sharing your immense collection with the world : )

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