March 20, 2010

Monguito – “el unico”
Sacudelo 1980

Monguito’s unique voice is what gave him his name ‘el unico’.
He’s one of my all time favourite latin singers and spoils us
with 10 sweet songs, perfect material for your saturdaynight.
Enjoy Monguito ‘el unico’.


1 Seboruco
2 Que te hace pensar
3 Pasito tun tun
4 La protesta de Baragua
5 Don Ramon
6 No hay yaya sin Guayacan
7 Vida, que beso !
8 Sacando palo del monte
9 Mi guaguanco es moderno
10 Al son del Carame


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  1. Anonymous 21 March 2010 at 00:39 - Reply

    Never seen this Monguito before. he’s one of my favorites too.



  2. LeonLeon 23 March 2010 at 20:27 - Reply

    Good to listen to your cuban colection again! Thank you

  3. LeonLeon 23 March 2010 at 20:27 - Reply

    Good to listen to your cuban colection again! Thank you

  4. LeonLeon 23 March 2010 at 20:27 - Reply

    Good to listen to your cuban colection again! Thank you

  5. kitirato 23 March 2010 at 20:57 - Reply

    Of course this music is timeless but nonetheless: the English Wikipedia dates this one to 1968.
    Thanks for posting all these sweeties,

  6. kitirato 23 March 2010 at 20:57 - Reply

    Of course this music is timeless but nonetheless: the English Wikipedia dates this one to 1968.
    Thanks for posting all these sweeties,

  7. kitirato 23 March 2010 at 20:57 - Reply

    Of course this music is timeless but nonetheless: the English Wikipedia dates this one to 1968.
    Thanks for posting all these sweeties,

  8. Anonymous 6 September 2011 at 22:25 - Reply

    thanks mister Moos the genius librarian…… for the gracious share of yr mister Monguito el Unico collection.. [also the one with Laba Sosseh] rest assured that it is being enjoyed!!

  9. Anonymous 6 September 2011 at 22:25 - Reply

    thanks mister Moos the genius librarian…… for the gracious share of yr mister Monguito el Unico collection.. [also the one with Laba Sosseh] rest assured that it is being enjoyed!!

  10. Anonymous 6 September 2011 at 22:25 - Reply

    thanks mister Moos the genius librarian…… for the gracious share of yr mister Monguito el Unico collection.. [also the one with Laba Sosseh] rest assured that it is being enjoyed!!

  11. Kombla 19 June 2015 at 17:56 - Reply

    Dear Moos,
    Thank you for all what you do to make us happy.
    I would like to draw your attention on the fact that “Monguito – El Unico !, Toboga 1984” and “Monguito – “el unico”, Sacudelo” have both the same file. I have downloaded twice and got the same result. Could you please check?
    Best regards.

    • Moos 21 June 2015 at 07:56 - Reply

      Yep, just fixed it..

      • Kombla 22 June 2015 at 01:06 - Reply

        Thanks to you.

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