March 10, 2010

Théo-Blaise Kounkou – Zenaba
Adios Records

This blog, my dear friends of the Global Groove, is helping me
big time. In the first place of course cause it opens the way to
you. You know how hard it is to find like-minded people among
your acquaintances. Through this portal I reach you, at last someone
who knows what I’m talking about, as far as I know myself that is.
Second thing to help me is the fact that every post means one less
LP to digitize. The goal is to digitize every LP that’s not been released
as a CD and I gathered quite some over the years. It’s fun to do and
if you think I got no social life left, please don’t worrie. I’m a happy guy.

Now about today’s post, I am very glad to add this one to the galery.
Accompanied by the great guitar of Lokassa Ya Mbongo, Sam Mangwana
and the African All Stars, this LP is a killer. Théo Blaise Kounkou’s
sweet voice matches perfect with the sound of this superb Band.
So, hang on, down this one and listen, I’m sure you’ll
manage to find the time, it’s too good to leave.


1 Zenaba
2 Liteya choc
3 Alesia
4 Massy


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  1. Carl 10 March 2010 at 22:01 - Reply

    Hey Moos – I’ve been reading your blog every day for nearly a year now, and it’s really changed my life. I had no idea all of this music was available – especially since it’s all out of print and impossible to buy anywhere. Keep up the great work – you’ve got lots of fans around the globe.

    And put up more soukous if you can – love it!!

    Cheers from Georgia USA!

  2. Anonymous 11 March 2010 at 03:40 - Reply

    I love theo balise


    wuod k

  3. Arnaud 11 March 2010 at 08:43 - Reply

    okay, okay, okay beautiful album…

  4. ReeBee 11 March 2010 at 08:58 - Reply

    You know? My dog is like your dog, just that mine is female… another thing in common

    great work!
    Happy guy continues…
    the way is the right one


  5. Apurva Bahadur 11 March 2010 at 10:36 - Reply

    Moos, many thanks for sharing. Your blog makes this great music available to our corner of the world. Apurva from Pune, India.

  6. Anonymous 11 March 2010 at 15:39 - Reply

    Hello Moos

    Seems like you’ve already posted this one.

    Did I read someone say you must be overworked? Relax man …
    and go on.


    François from Provence

  7. Anonymous 11 March 2010 at 17:07 - Reply


    Words I can relate to. People like the old African stuff I play (some of it yours) but they would often rather just hear a bit of Orc. Boabab or the Buena Vista nothing wrong with them) than keep exploring. It’s really nice to find people like yourself that are as fanatical as I am & have better record collections.

    Thanks as always.


  8. moos 11 March 2010 at 17:59 - Reply

    You are so right François, I didn’t realise. Well one way or another, it’s absolutely worth to be posted twice..

  9. arnaud 11 March 2010 at 22:04 - Reply

    re-post… hum hum… guess it’s the flying “high” dutchman syndrom…

  10. arnaud 11 March 2010 at 22:04 - Reply

    re-post… hum hum… guess it’s the flying “high” dutchman syndrom…

  11. billyclex 12 March 2010 at 14:39 - Reply

    So this has been posted before, but it had a different cover and different track order. interesting

  12. billyclex 12 March 2010 at 14:39 - Reply

    So this has been posted before, but it had a different cover and different track order. interesting

  13. Afro-latin lounge 13 March 2010 at 21:17 - Reply

    Thanks Moos,

    This is one of the records the bar next to my house played over and over, when I lived in Upper Volta in the early eighties. The guitar parts of Lokassa have always been an inspiration, as you can read on my website. Other records which were continually played were Sam Mangwana (Affaire Disco), a record by Tidiane Coulibaly and the Dafra Star of Bobo Dioulasso, and Sory Bamba’s Porry, which is still one of my favourites.

  14. Afro-latin lounge 13 March 2010 at 21:17 - Reply

    Thanks Moos,

    This is one of the records the bar next to my house played over and over, when I lived in Upper Volta in the early eighties. The guitar parts of Lokassa have always been an inspiration, as you can read on my website. Other records which were continually played were Sam Mangwana (Affaire Disco), a record by Tidiane Coulibaly and the Dafra Star of Bobo Dioulasso, and Sory Bamba’s Porry, which is still one of my favourites.

  15. porco rosso 14 March 2010 at 17:36 - Reply

    This is absolute AWESOME stuff. Love all the Mangwana/African All Stars albums and this is an absolute worthy addition!

  16. porco rosso 14 March 2010 at 17:36 - Reply

    This is absolute AWESOME stuff. Love all the Mangwana/African All Stars albums and this is an absolute worthy addition!

  17. Anonymous 15 March 2010 at 17:38 - Reply

    According to Gary Stewart’s book Rumba on the River, and the discography on this is not the same LP as the one posted before:

    That’s supposed to be a re-recorded version he did for Eddy’son, while this is supposed to be the original LP recorded with African All Stars in late 70s.

    So is that what’s happening here? I haven’t heard the Eddy’Son LP yet, so I can’t compare..

  18. Anonymous 15 March 2010 at 17:38 - Reply

    According to Gary Stewart’s book Rumba on the River, and the discography on this is not the same LP as the one posted before:

    That’s supposed to be a re-recorded version he did for Eddy’son, while this is supposed to be the original LP recorded with African All Stars in late 70s.

    So is that what’s happening here? I haven’t heard the Eddy’Son LP yet, so I can’t compare..

  19. Anonymous 20 March 2010 at 20:24 - Reply

    Hi Moos,

    Another important thing this blog is bringing you: LOTS of good karma. Your blog helps preserve and spread some of the incredible wealth of African and Caribbean music. Really, you should ask the UN to subsidize this blog and your record collecting!

    I’m currently backpacking in Mexico, so no opportunities for downloading, but I see I’ll have a lot of catching up to do when I get back … fortunately MediaFire supports multiple simultaneous downloads!

    Keep up the great work, and thank you for the music!


  20. Anonymous 20 March 2010 at 20:24 - Reply

    Hi Moos,

    Another important thing this blog is bringing you: LOTS of good karma. Your blog helps preserve and spread some of the incredible wealth of African and Caribbean music. Really, you should ask the UN to subsidize this blog and your record collecting!

    I’m currently backpacking in Mexico, so no opportunities for downloading, but I see I’ll have a lot of catching up to do when I get back … fortunately MediaFire supports multiple simultaneous downloads!

    Keep up the great work, and thank you for the music!


  21. Tim 3 April 2018 at 02:29 - Reply

    My Congolese education continues, thank you Moos!

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