April 14, 2010

Orchestre Zaiko Langa Langa – l’Afrique Danse 360.121

Orchestre Zaiko Langa Langa, front, cd size

My dear groovers, I am thrilled to present to you, one of
the missing links at Bolingo’s african discography, a find
that makes me very happy. This is one of Congo’s greatest
bands, african 360.121, Orchestre Zaiko Langa Langa
with two tracks of the hand of Teddy Sukami, one by Bimi
Ombale and one by Lengi Lenga, enjoy!

p.s. shady pic, waiting discs, see some u like?


1 Bongo Bouger
2 Katshi
3 Miso lina
4 Dalo


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  1. Basto 14 April 2010 at 22:46 - Reply

    I love ^^

    your blog is excellent. We too have a blog. Specializing in music… Soul Funk and Disco. Do you have a link exchange with us?

    Best regard

    Sorry for my english I’m french

  2. Anonymous 14 April 2010 at 22:52 - Reply

    Great one Moos,

    I couldn’t help spotting Orchestre Les Mangelepa from the pile. All I say is thanks for this one & thanks for Les Mangelepa in advance :)


  3. Anonymous 14 April 2010 at 22:52 - Reply

    Great one Moos,

    I couldn’t help spotting Orchestre Les Mangelepa from the pile. All I say is thanks for this one & thanks for Les Mangelepa in advance :)


  4. Anonymous 15 April 2010 at 05:03 - Reply

    Another great Old School post as usual Great One. Thanks a million. As for discs on tap…I always appreciate all your posts especially African and Latin American but that Les Mangelepa in the back ground has me salivating..:-) L’Afrique Danse Series LPs are always a huge hit.
    Thanks again.

  5. Anonymous 15 April 2010 at 05:03 - Reply

    Another great Old School post as usual Great One. Thanks a million. As for discs on tap…I always appreciate all your posts especially African and Latin American but that Les Mangelepa in the back ground has me salivating..:-) L’Afrique Danse Series LPs are always a huge hit.
    Thanks again.

  6. Anonymous 15 April 2010 at 06:41 - Reply

    The funniest thing is that the name of the band is not correct : this is a LP from Orchestre Casques Bleus (the name of the band is cleary shout several times), one of the many bands that are off-shoots of Zaïko Langa Langa.

  7. Anonymous 15 April 2010 at 06:41 - Reply

    The funniest thing is that the name of the band is not correct : this is a LP from Orchestre Casques Bleus (the name of the band is cleary shout several times), one of the many bands that are off-shoots of Zaïko Langa Langa.

  8. Anonymous 15 April 2010 at 07:18 - Reply

    Hi Moos,

    Thanks for yet another great post – you’re spoiling us. As for the pile of waiting discs, there’s a lot that I’d love to hear, but the sight of L’Afrique Danse 3 really makes my heart beat faster … But then, there’s a lot of other music that will make me very happy, so I’ll just wait and see.


  9. Anonymous 15 April 2010 at 07:18 - Reply

    Hi Moos,

    Thanks for yet another great post – you’re spoiling us. As for the pile of waiting discs, there’s a lot that I’d love to hear, but the sight of L’Afrique Danse 3 really makes my heart beat faster … But then, there’s a lot of other music that will make me very happy, so I’ll just wait and see.


  10. arnaud 15 April 2010 at 07:59 - Reply

    super !

  11. arnaud 15 April 2010 at 07:59 - Reply

    super !

  12. zim 15 April 2010 at 13:04 - Reply

    Moos, thanks so much for this and everything else you have posted. I always thought les casques bleus were a nzing-nzong of zaiko, is that so?

    I do have a request from the picture you have shown – Correct me if I am wrong but does the African Brothers LP contain the song Obi abaayewa? If so I have been looking for that song for a long time, having heard it on a radio show and enjoying the congolese/ghanian interplay.

    though there are some fine fine lps also there, the trio cepakos, the mangelepa, you can’t go wrong

  13. zim 15 April 2010 at 13:04 - Reply

    Moos, thanks so much for this and everything else you have posted. I always thought les casques bleus were a nzing-nzong of zaiko, is that so?

    I do have a request from the picture you have shown – Correct me if I am wrong but does the African Brothers LP contain the song Obi abaayewa? If so I have been looking for that song for a long time, having heard it on a radio show and enjoying the congolese/ghanian interplay.

    though there are some fine fine lps also there, the trio cepakos, the mangelepa, you can’t go wrong

  14. Apurva Bahadur 15 April 2010 at 14:19 - Reply

    Very nice. Thanks for sharing. Apurva from Pune, India.

  15. Apurva Bahadur 15 April 2010 at 14:19 - Reply

    Very nice. Thanks for sharing. Apurva from Pune, India.

  16. BCR 15 April 2010 at 16:57 - Reply

    LOVE this blog! thanx SO MUCH for sharing all of this fantastic music!

  17. BCR 15 April 2010 at 16:57 - Reply

    LOVE this blog! thanx SO MUCH for sharing all of this fantastic music!

  18. moos 15 April 2010 at 18:49 - Reply

    So sorry Zim, the song you wish does not appear on any of the African Brothers albums I have.
    I’l keep an eye open there..

  19. moos 15 April 2010 at 18:49 - Reply

    So sorry Zim, the song you wish does not appear on any of the African Brothers albums I have.
    I’l keep an eye open there..

  20. dinko 16 April 2010 at 06:35 - Reply

    Could you please upload Orchestre Sossa? Thanks.

  21. dinko 16 April 2010 at 06:35 - Reply

    Could you please upload Orchestre Sossa? Thanks.

  22. zim 16 April 2010 at 13:29 - Reply

    moos, thanks for checking – it looks like they made a couple Lps with very similar covers:

    if you’d like to hear the song, there is a radio show with an interview of Nana Kwame Ampadu and which plays the song at:

  23. zim 16 April 2010 at 13:29 - Reply

    moos, thanks for checking – it looks like they made a couple Lps with very similar covers:

    if you’d like to hear the song, there is a radio show with an interview of Nana Kwame Ampadu and which plays the song at:

  24. joe 19 April 2010 at 13:13 - Reply

    Got a chance to listen to this over the weekend, and something jumped out at me from the get-go: track #1 – Bongo Bouger – has HORNS! Quite unusual for mainstream ZLL, so maybe this adds to the argument that this is a zhing-zhong???

  25. joe 19 April 2010 at 13:13 - Reply

    Got a chance to listen to this over the weekend, and something jumped out at me from the get-go: track #1 – Bongo Bouger – has HORNS! Quite unusual for mainstream ZLL, so maybe this adds to the argument that this is a zhing-zhong???

  26. bolingo69 8 May 2010 at 01:36 - Reply

    Hey Moos, that is very very good! I am ashamed that I have not updated the discographies for so long but it was eating up my life and something rather sad happened related to my congolese addiction! I even stopped listening, yes there were some sad reasons for that,
    But! I am seriously these days contemplating to start a bit of editing again! Inspired in no small amount by your “amazzing” finds recently!

    You have a wonderful blog and I am in awe at the massive vault you have built and share so generously here. wrld srv and you rumb(a)les the net!! Brilliant!


  27. bolingo69 8 May 2010 at 01:36 - Reply

    Hey Moos, that is very very good! I am ashamed that I have not updated the discographies for so long but it was eating up my life and something rather sad happened related to my congolese addiction! I even stopped listening, yes there were some sad reasons for that,
    But! I am seriously these days contemplating to start a bit of editing again! Inspired in no small amount by your “amazzing” finds recently!

    You have a wonderful blog and I am in awe at the massive vault you have built and share so generously here. wrld srv and you rumb(a)les the net!! Brilliant!


  28. Anonymous 22 September 2017 at 05:49 - Reply

    I know there haven’t been comments on many of these links since, well, 2010 in this case, but I wanted to give thanks to you for keeping these links alive, and the music still uploaded. Every time I return here to look for another Congolese gem, I find it, still available. Many, many thanks, Moos.

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