June 29, 2010

Chuito y Chuitin, padre y hijo – Um Jibaro Termináo,Ansonia

Chuito y Chuitin, front, cd size

This afternoon one of my friends reminded me how nice ;Jibaro’ is.
This Puerto Rican style is brought by guys like Ramito, German
Rosario, Odilio Gonzalez and of course ‘Chuito’. They call him ‘el
Decano de los Cantores’. On this Ansonia album from ?, Chuito
performs with his son ‘Chuitin’, they made a couple of records together.
Enjoy Chuito y Chuito con su Conjunto Típico.
Hey Kout, this one’s for you buddy !


1 Un jibaro termináo
2 Quien manda en la casa
3 Parrandeando
4 El viejito y el pollo
5 La malvada
6 Se me sta acabando
7 Las cadenas
8 Baile de pajaros
9 Remordimiento
10 Lindo amanecer


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  1. El Isabelino 30 June 2010 at 15:29 - Reply

    Bien chevere! Just found your blog through bunsoplenty and is just great. Gracias y saludos desde Puerto Rico.

  2. El Isabelino 30 June 2010 at 15:29 - Reply

    Bien chevere! Just found your blog through bunsoplenty and is just great. Gracias y saludos desde Puerto Rico.

  3. david 30 June 2010 at 19:50 - Reply

    Damn, that’s one suave hairstyle.

  4. david 30 June 2010 at 19:50 - Reply

    Damn, that’s one suave hairstyle.

  5. moos 30 June 2010 at 20:42 - Reply

    ha aha ha ha, abso*lutely

  6. moos 30 June 2010 at 20:42 - Reply

    ha aha ha ha, abso*lutely

  7. Anonymous 16 August 2011 at 04:15 - Reply

    This album is from the 70’s. (1973-1978) Chuito passed away in 1979

  8. Anonymous 16 August 2011 at 04:15 - Reply

    This album is from the 70’s. (1973-1978) Chuito passed away in 1979

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