June 6, 2010

Eva Corporation présente
l’Orchestre T.P. O.K. Jazz (héritage de Franco)
avec le Commandant Josky Kiambukuta
“Les Mayeno a Gogo”

l'Orchestre T.P. O.K. Jazz, front, cd size

Did you know? After Franco’s sad passing, his famous T.P. O.K. Jazz
went on and made some great music. I’m sure Le Grand Maître would
have approved. Under devoted leadership of Lutumba Simaro they made
this album with some of the biggest stars. We’ve got Kiambukuta Josky,
Madilu, Djo Mpoyi, Pablo Lubadika Porthos, Ndombe Opetum and Papa
Noël to name a few. Mixed by Dizzy Mandjeku and Dieudos Makwanzi.


1 Baby
2 Serrer-serrer
3 Cheri Desis
4 Potpourri;
– Fariya
– Ba pensees
– Kita-mata
– Minzata


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  1. Timothy 7 June 2010 at 07:10 - Reply

    Go on Moos … spoil us! I just love the Congolese music you post. So sweet … Thanks a bunch.

  2. Timothy 7 June 2010 at 07:10 - Reply

    Go on Moos … spoil us! I just love the Congolese music you post. So sweet … Thanks a bunch.

  3. Kostas from Greece 7 June 2010 at 18:03 - Reply

    Thank you very much.

  4. Kostas from Greece 7 June 2010 at 18:03 - Reply

    Thank you very much.

  5. joe 8 June 2010 at 01:23 - Reply

    Thanks, Moos!

  6. joe 8 June 2010 at 01:23 - Reply

    Thanks, Moos!

  7. Apurva Bahadur 8 June 2010 at 06:12 - Reply

    Thank you Moos – this is a wonderful album. Apurva from Pune, India.

  8. Apurva Bahadur 8 June 2010 at 06:12 - Reply

    Thank you Moos – this is a wonderful album. Apurva from Pune, India.

  9. Anonymous 8 June 2010 at 19:23 - Reply

    very talented line up a whose who in tp ok jazz and congo music

    thanks for everything!
    wuod k

  10. Anonymous 8 June 2010 at 19:23 - Reply

    very talented line up a whose who in tp ok jazz and congo music

    thanks for everything!
    wuod k

  11. Kisondella, A.A 26 August 2010 at 08:14 - Reply

    aaaah!, where was this album hidden?. I had a normal audio casette (poorly mastered by crooke dubpilcators, nevertheless I had to buy and enjoy it.

    Despite of its poor quality which I had to agree with it as I had no alternative, my child spoiled itd. I wanted to crash her but hands of law were close to me and I stopped my intent.

    The songs are realy touching and heartfelt. This shows why TP Ok Jazz was strong band ever, musicians who did it. Recommendable Josky!!

    Kisondella – from Tanzania

  12. Kisondella, A.A 26 August 2010 at 08:14 - Reply

    aaaah!, where was this album hidden?. I had a normal audio casette (poorly mastered by crooke dubpilcators, nevertheless I had to buy and enjoy it.

    Despite of its poor quality which I had to agree with it as I had no alternative, my child spoiled itd. I wanted to crash her but hands of law were close to me and I stopped my intent.

    The songs are realy touching and heartfelt. This shows why TP Ok Jazz was strong band ever, musicians who did it. Recommendable Josky!!

    Kisondella – from Tanzania

  13. MrHappyMushroom 6 June 2017 at 10:46 - Reply

    As I am lucky to attest, the TPOK Jazz is still going. I’m just finishing up a couple of years in Kinshasa and have started hitting up occasional Sunday night shows at Franco’s old Un-Deux-Trois. Rumors abound that Sam Mangwana might join the band this coming Sunday, the night before I leave Kin.

    Here’s a clip from May 30th of this year. Great, great, great:

  14. […] Franco présente Josky Kiambukuta from 1983 Mario from 1985 l ‘Animation Non Stop from 1987 Les Mayeno a Gogo from 19?? OK Jazz vol. 1&2 from 1977 in Nairobi from 1986 African Party from 1977 avec Ntesa […]

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