June 14, 2010

Orchestre Micky Micky
Sonafric 1979

After ripping this LP, I went searching for some decent information
and found that Worldservice already posted it last year. I could have
decided not to post it anymore but this happens. Sometimes I find other
blogs posting stuff I already did, no problem. In this particular case I think
the album deserves to get the extra attention, as my collegue already
stated, it’s a classic. So, did you miss it earlier, here’s your chance.
Enjoy Orchestre Micky Micky !


1 Koumba
2 Ba Micky-Babimi


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  1. Anonymous 14 June 2010 at 21:40 - Reply

    I did miss it.
    Thanks, Moos.

  2. Anonymous 14 June 2010 at 21:40 - Reply

    I did miss it.
    Thanks, Moos.

  3. Apurva Bahadur 15 June 2010 at 16:57 - Reply

    Congo overload – many thanks Moos. Apurva from Pune, India.

  4. Apurva Bahadur 15 June 2010 at 16:57 - Reply

    Congo overload – many thanks Moos. Apurva from Pune, India.

  5. Dutchie 15 June 2010 at 20:51 - Reply

    Was away from blogs for some time. What happened with Loronix, is Zeca away?! Glad this one is still alive :)

  6. Dutchie 15 June 2010 at 20:51 - Reply

    Was away from blogs for some time. What happened with Loronix, is Zeca away?! Glad this one is still alive :)

  7. david 7 September 2010 at 04:40 - Reply

    This is a blast; the type of music which brings everybody to the floor at a party.

    Cheers to you.

  8. david 7 September 2010 at 04:40 - Reply

    This is a blast; the type of music which brings everybody to the floor at a party.

    Cheers to you.

  9. LeFranck 25 October 2010 at 10:00 - Reply

    Hi Moos
    Can I get in touch with you over email? I got an interesting album for you by Orchestre Micky-Micky.
    My email is


  10. LeFranck 25 October 2010 at 10:00 - Reply

    Hi Moos
    Can I get in touch with you over email? I got an interesting album for you by Orchestre Micky-Micky.
    My email is


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