December 8, 2010

Le Seigneur Rochereau & Orchestre Afrisa
african 360.040, 1972

Rochereau, front

I always thought and still think, Pascal Rochereau has
one of the greatest voices Congo has ever brought us.
This LP opens with a beauty I can hear over and over.
Historic material you don’t want to miss. Grab it.


1 Pitie
2 Mongali
3 Londende
4 Felie
5 Objectif 80
6 Cassius Clay
7 Amitie Senegalo Congolaise
8 Mathinda-Mathi


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  1. bolingo69 8 December 2010 at 21:58 - Reply

    Thanks .-) !

  2. bolingo69 8 December 2010 at 21:58 - Reply

    Thanks .-) !

  3. arnaud 8 December 2010 at 22:57 - Reply

    L’amitie senagalo-congolaise is one of my favourite african track. I had it on a cd sing a long time, I’m gonna discover the rest of the album with pleasure.
    Do you know this kind of Jimmy Hendrix of Cuica by the way :

  4. arnaud 8 December 2010 at 22:57 - Reply

    L’amitie senagalo-congolaise is one of my favourite african track. I had it on a cd sing a long time, I’m gonna discover the rest of the album with pleasure.
    Do you know this kind of Jimmy Hendrix of Cuica by the way :

  5. moos 9 December 2010 at 00:31 - Reply

    saw him once before, great clip..

  6. moos 9 December 2010 at 00:31 - Reply

    saw him once before, great clip..

  7. Anonymous 9 December 2010 at 03:51 - Reply

    great LP I have enjoyed for many yrs, there are some LPs by Tabu Ley he did in collaborations with some ladies (not Mbilia Bel) that I cant find, hopefully you or someone here will!


    wuod k

  8. Anonymous 9 December 2010 at 03:51 - Reply

    great LP I have enjoyed for many yrs, there are some LPs by Tabu Ley he did in collaborations with some ladies (not Mbilia Bel) that I cant find, hopefully you or someone here will!


    wuod k

  9. Kurt 9 December 2010 at 13:44 - Reply

    Thanks for this.

    Tabu Ley was my gateway into Soukous back in the 80s and remains one of my favorites.

  10. Kurt 9 December 2010 at 13:44 - Reply

    Thanks for this.

    Tabu Ley was my gateway into Soukous back in the 80s and remains one of my favorites.

  11. cocoringo 9 December 2010 at 14:44 - Reply

    This is the best music blog I’ve come across. Thanks for all the hard work and generosity putting these treasures up. I’m an avid listener!

  12. cocoringo 9 December 2010 at 14:44 - Reply

    This is the best music blog I’ve come across. Thanks for all the hard work and generosity putting these treasures up. I’m an avid listener!

  13. arnaud 10 December 2010 at 08:23 - Reply

    Dear Moos, as your blog is becoming the wikileak of african music and you a Julian Assange delivering us secret music files and as I think of your own safety, so please, if two beautiful swedish girls want to have sex with you, don’t do anything and send them to me, hum… I’ll handle the situation.

  14. arnaud 10 December 2010 at 08:23 - Reply

    Dear Moos, as your blog is becoming the wikileak of african music and you a Julian Assange delivering us secret music files and as I think of your own safety, so please, if two beautiful swedish girls want to have sex with you, don’t do anything and send them to me, hum… I’ll handle the situation.

  15. Apurva Bahadur 11 December 2010 at 05:11 - Reply

    Thank you for sharing. Apurva from Pune, India.

  16. Apurva Bahadur 11 December 2010 at 05:11 - Reply

    Thank you for sharing. Apurva from Pune, India.

  17. Grumpy 19 December 2010 at 16:41 - Reply

    Referring to that track Amitie Senegalo Congolaise, the guitar riff starting at about 2 minutes under the horns sounds very familiar to another Tabu Ley song but at the moment I can’t place it. Can anyone else help with an ID? And BTW it is indeed a cracking song; in fact this is a cracking album. Thanks for sharing, Moos.

  18. Grumpy 19 December 2010 at 16:41 - Reply

    Referring to that track Amitie Senegalo Congolaise, the guitar riff starting at about 2 minutes under the horns sounds very familiar to another Tabu Ley song but at the moment I can’t place it. Can anyone else help with an ID? And BTW it is indeed a cracking song; in fact this is a cracking album. Thanks for sharing, Moos.

  19. […] du Passé 1962 1963 1986 le Seigneur Rochereau, Sonafric 50 004 Tango Ya Ba Vieux Kalle no. 2 1969 african 360.040 1972 Rochereau vol. 6 1982 l’Afrique Danse no. 4 1969 dans la Musique Congolaise de […]

  20. […] du Passé 1962 1963 1986 le Seigneur Rochereau, Sonafric 50 004 Tango Ya Ba Vieux Kalle no. 2 1969 african 360.040 1972 Rochereau vol. 6 1982 l’Afrique Danse no. 4 1969 dans la Musique Congolaise de […]

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