January 29, 2011

Congo, Tours de Force vol.7 – Various Artists

Congo, Tours de Force vol.7

Congo Comp No 7
For your pleasure.


1 Théo Blaise Kounkou – Massy
2 Pambou Tchicaya Tchico – Salima
3 Orchestre African All Stars International – Zamba leke
4 Mbilia Bel – Boya ye
5 Sam Mangwana – Zewa idée
6 Mose se Sengo ‘Fan Fan’ – Masikini ya mola
7 Le Poete Lutumba Simaro et le TPOK Jazz – Coeur artificiel
8 Zaïko Langa Langa avec Bimi Ombale – Moloki
9 Mayaoula Mayoni – Potopotoville


To be honest I must admit I used one or two songs in my
compilations that I downloaded from other blogs.
Thank you very much Worldservice !

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  1. John B. 29 January 2011 at 21:48 - Reply

    People like this really chap my ass!! I’ve always had the attitude that anybody is free to use whatever I post any way they like, but Please, PLEASE give me credit and a LINK!

    Is that too much to ask? But no, some losers are more than happy to steal the work of people like you and take credit for it themsleves. Parasites!

  2. John B. 29 January 2011 at 21:48 - Reply

    People like this really chap my ass!! I’ve always had the attitude that anybody is free to use whatever I post any way they like, but Please, PLEASE give me credit and a LINK!

    Is that too much to ask? But no, some losers are more than happy to steal the work of people like you and take credit for it themsleves. Parasites!

  3. dial africa 29 January 2011 at 22:56 - Reply

    I’ve written to one of those lazy guys:
    “Can’t understand your way to share music. Thank’s to the compiler: Moos. He’s the hero in the blogosphere on African music. Let him do the job and invest your time in searching and ripping uncovered material instead of copying his efforts.”
    I remember that yoyo once was very outraged about those people – and I’m happy that you still have a smile on your face.

  4. dial africa 29 January 2011 at 22:56 - Reply

    I’ve written to one of those lazy guys:
    “Can’t understand your way to share music. Thank’s to the compiler: Moos. He’s the hero in the blogosphere on African music. Let him do the job and invest your time in searching and ripping uncovered material instead of copying his efforts.”
    I remember that yoyo once was very outraged about those people – and I’m happy that you still have a smile on your face.

  5. 30 January 2011 at 00:54 - Reply

    Greetings to all!
    But the world is full of lazy people, but unfortunately we can not do anything against it, to continue to plagiarize and steal the credit information so musical that it does not take too much time and money, that copycat happy that thanks to the work of others only cheats it,
    thank you very much for being DJN moss as ever opening the musical approach to the whole world

  6. 30 January 2011 at 00:54 - Reply

    Greetings to all!
    But the world is full of lazy people, but unfortunately we can not do anything against it, to continue to plagiarize and steal the credit information so musical that it does not take too much time and money, that copycat happy that thanks to the work of others only cheats it,
    thank you very much for being DJN moss as ever opening the musical approach to the whole world

  7. John B. 30 January 2011 at 03:43 - Reply

    I did a little more exploring on the Congo na Bisso site and I see it’s just full of stuff lifted from your site without credit. Just shameless!

    I’ve taken them off my blogroll.

  8. John B. 30 January 2011 at 03:43 - Reply

    I did a little more exploring on the Congo na Bisso site and I see it’s just full of stuff lifted from your site without credit. Just shameless!

    I’ve taken them off my blogroll.

  9. Graham 30 January 2011 at 04:29 - Reply

    Man, that really sucks! If they would just post a link! It’s so backwards. Essentially, although they’re reposting your comps and sharing that information to more people, they’re holding back the glorious wealth of information that is this blog! – hiding it, even! Covering up your GG label on the covers? Unbelievable.

    Although, this did point me to the direction of another comp of yours, Cumbia Sabrosa. Thanks again!!

  10. Graham 30 January 2011 at 04:29 - Reply

    Man, that really sucks! If they would just post a link! It’s so backwards. Essentially, although they’re reposting your comps and sharing that information to more people, they’re holding back the glorious wealth of information that is this blog! – hiding it, even! Covering up your GG label on the covers? Unbelievable.

    Although, this did point me to the direction of another comp of yours, Cumbia Sabrosa. Thanks again!!

  11. Anonymous 30 January 2011 at 06:12 - Reply

    “many blogs wish to remain exclusive and put some
    kind of mark on the cover-pic so you can’t use it again. I don’t
    want to do so because I want you to have the picture as it is.”

    maybe you haven’t looked at the last 7 covers containing photos that weren’t yours?

    love the blog though, thanks moos!

  12. Anonymous 30 January 2011 at 06:12 - Reply

    “many blogs wish to remain exclusive and put some
    kind of mark on the cover-pic so you can’t use it again. I don’t
    want to do so because I want you to have the picture as it is.”

    maybe you haven’t looked at the last 7 covers containing photos that weren’t yours?

    love the blog though, thanks moos!

  13. Timothy 30 January 2011 at 10:00 - Reply

    It’s good to see the support you’ve got from your colleagues who host great music too. Thanks for compilation Number Seven. Down with the content-grabbers! As we say in Swahili, “Washindwe!!!” (May they be vanquished!)

  14. Timothy 30 January 2011 at 10:00 - Reply

    It’s good to see the support you’ve got from your colleagues who host great music too. Thanks for compilation Number Seven. Down with the content-grabbers! As we say in Swahili, “Washindwe!!!” (May they be vanquished!)

  15. Apurva Bahadur 31 January 2011 at 13:04 - Reply

    Thank you Moos – I am way behind the listening of all this wonderful music. But in any case, thank you.

  16. Apurva Bahadur 31 January 2011 at 13:04 - Reply

    Thank you Moos – I am way behind the listening of all this wonderful music. But in any case, thank you.

  17. Anonymous 31 January 2011 at 15:00 - Reply

    The Biso blog seems to exist mostly on your stuff + CDs that are available in the shops right now…..& they probably leeched them as well & they dumped an ad on me when I looked at their site as well. No morals some folk.

    OK rant over.

    Moos, where would we be without you?


  18. Anonymous 31 January 2011 at 15:00 - Reply

    The Biso blog seems to exist mostly on your stuff + CDs that are available in the shops right now…..& they probably leeched them as well & they dumped an ad on me when I looked at their site as well. No morals some folk.

    OK rant over.

    Moos, where would we be without you?


  19. Anonymous 14 February 2011 at 13:13 - Reply

    Moos, i dunno where all these vibes come from.. i only do really appreciate and LOVE your work here on this blog.. you have given me “Kyeremateng Stars” and i am truly grateful!!!!!

  20. Anonymous 14 February 2011 at 13:13 - Reply

    Moos, i dunno where all these vibes come from.. i only do really appreciate and LOVE your work here on this blog.. you have given me “Kyeremateng Stars” and i am truly grateful!!!!!

  21. fercho 12 July 2011 at 19:57 - Reply

    soy de cartagena colonbia me encamtaria saber el productor de la pagina global groove me gussta la musica africana bastante que posibilidades hay de que yo las tenga o regalenme otra pagina de musica africana y temas cubanos, salsa se lo agradesco de todo corazon que dios los siga bendiciendo chao mi correo es

  22. fercho 12 July 2011 at 19:57 - Reply

    soy de cartagena colonbia me encamtaria saber el productor de la pagina global groove me gussta la musica africana bastante que posibilidades hay de que yo las tenga o regalenme otra pagina de musica africana y temas cubanos, salsa se lo agradesco de todo corazon que dios los siga bendiciendo chao mi correo es

  23. fercho 12 July 2011 at 20:10 - Reply

    amigos amantes de este genero si yo les recopilo sus temas los escuch yo solo en mi equipo de casa yo se que eso es tienpo de todas maneras disculpen si los moleste ” grasias” ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿

  24. fercho 12 July 2011 at 20:10 - Reply

    amigos amantes de este genero si yo les recopilo sus temas los escuch yo solo en mi equipo de casa yo se que eso es tienpo de todas maneras disculpen si los moleste ” grasias” ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿

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