March 6, 2011

Le Grand Maïtre Franco et le TpokJazz – Baniel – Nana
Choc 1988

Franco, Baniel, Nana, front

If you look for female singers in Congolese music you
don’t find a lot. Of course there’s Mbilia Bel, Mpongo Love
and Abeti but male singers form the majority by far. le Grand
Maïtre Franco was not only maïtre playing guitar but also in
finding the ladies. Given this Choc Belgian release, even the
police was needed to control the jealous crowd. Haha, no but
serious, doesn’t Franco look proud on this great cover ?
Sweet stuff, listen..


1 Les on dit
2 C’est dur la vie d’une femme celibataire
3 Je vis avec le P.D.G.
4 Flora, une femme difficile


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  1. joji 7 March 2011 at 08:28 - Reply

    Marvellous! Dank u zeer!!
    Dream you provide these songs in ‘flac’ format …


  2. joji 7 March 2011 at 08:28 - Reply

    Marvellous! Dank u zeer!!
    Dream you provide these songs in ‘flac’ format …


  3. Timothy 7 March 2011 at 14:58 - Reply

    Thanks Moos … I’ve had the cassette for years but I never got round to ripping it. Anyway I’m sure you’ve produced a better digital copy than any I could have come up with.

  4. Timothy 7 March 2011 at 14:58 - Reply

    Thanks Moos … I’ve had the cassette for years but I never got round to ripping it. Anyway I’m sure you’ve produced a better digital copy than any I could have come up with.

  5. Apurva Bahadur 8 March 2011 at 13:55 - Reply

    Just great – look at the size of his hands! Many thanks for sharing so much of music. Apurva from Pune, India.

  6. Apurva Bahadur 8 March 2011 at 13:55 - Reply

    Just great – look at the size of his hands! Many thanks for sharing so much of music. Apurva from Pune, India.

  7. DJ Daudi 8 March 2011 at 14:24 - Reply

    Moos, you can hear a newer song from Nana & Baniel on this program.
    It is followed up by a song from Faya Tess’ latest CD.

  8. DJ Daudi 8 March 2011 at 14:24 - Reply

    Moos, you can hear a newer song from Nana & Baniel on this program.
    It is followed up by a song from Faya Tess’ latest CD.

  9. swamielmo 10 March 2011 at 22:37 - Reply

    thanks for so much great music.

  10. swamielmo 10 March 2011 at 22:37 - Reply

    thanks for so much great music.

  11. Barron 19 March 2011 at 23:15 - Reply

    I’ve downloaded a lot of Franco in the last 6 months, much of it from this blog. This release really stands out. Nana and Baniel have heavenly voices!

    More, please!

    And thank you, as always, for sharing such great music.

  12. Barron 19 March 2011 at 23:15 - Reply

    I’ve downloaded a lot of Franco in the last 6 months, much of it from this blog. This release really stands out. Nana and Baniel have heavenly voices!

    More, please!

    And thank you, as always, for sharing such great music.

  13. Rob 17 December 2012 at 11:43 - Reply

    The file is gone!
    Such a shame. Saw the two women performing in Amsterdam last Saturday with the Odemba OK All Stars feat. Dizzy Mandjeku. Great performance! I would love to have this recording in FLAC!!
    Thanks for your informative blog!


  14. Rob 17 December 2012 at 11:43 - Reply

    The file is gone!
    Such a shame. Saw the two women performing in Amsterdam last Saturday with the Odemba OK All Stars feat. Dizzy Mandjeku. Great performance! I would love to have this recording in FLAC!!
    Thanks for your informative blog!


  15. Zachariah 1 April 2015 at 00:24 - Reply

    warm. He had found in yet we tried to

  16. […] Anjela from 1988 Chez Rythmes et Musiques à Paris from 1984 Michelino et Franco from 1984 with Baniel & Nana from 1988 Franco presents Madilu System from 1985 Merveilles du Passé 1957/1958 from 1986 se […]

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