April 23, 2011

Bezerra da Silva e Rey Jordão – Partido Alto Nota 10 Vol.3
Os Pagodes Mais Cantados Nas Rodas de Samba da Malandragem
CID 1980

Bezerra, front

A sunny saturday with sunny music. I have been asked to post
some of that samba I brought home lately and It’s my pleasure
to do so. I am not so fond of them over-produced types of samba,
you know, with violins and huge orchestration.
The beauty lies in simplicity and strong lyrics if I am concerned.
The samba of Bezerra is perfect in that aspect, simple but effective
instrumentation and lirycs that really stand out to my opinion. He sings
about the people’s daily problems including his own. Crooks, thieves
and dopeheads are often subject in his always mocking songs. This
uncut samba with it’s delightful rough edges is like candy for the purist.
6 songs by Bezerra da Silva and 6 by Reyjordão, enjoy.


1 Mulambo só
2 Mulher da melhor qualidade
3 Meu pirão primeiro
4 Cara de cruel
5 Todo enrolado
6 Velha demais
7 Matemática do feijão
8 Boi que morre na minha fazenda
9 Greve dos ladrões
10 Lei da madeira
11 Caboclo porrete
12 Tô com poderoso



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  1. moos 25 April 2011 at 06:36 - Reply

    I am always very happy if someone asks for samba. It’s no secret that I love the stuff. Logically, I am disappointed again for not getting any reaction.
    Vocês também podem escrever em Português se quiserem. Eu gostaria.
    133 downloads in two days means, tem que ter alguém que gosta, não tem ? me deixa uma palavra então ..

  2. moos 25 April 2011 at 06:36 - Reply

    I am always very happy if someone asks for samba. It’s no secret that I love the stuff. Logically, I am disappointed again for not getting any reaction.
    Vocês também podem escrever em Português se quiserem. Eu gostaria.
    133 downloads in two days means, tem que ter alguém que gosta, não tem ? me deixa uma palavra então ..

  3. buruno 26 April 2011 at 01:45 - Reply

    hey, I’m a long time follower of your blog. I do apologise for not commenting, but as I can access the links directly from google reader, I end up doing so.
    this record must be a find, I can’t recall seeing it here in brazil (I am a timid record collector myself).
    continue iluminando nossos ouvidos com ótima música! saudações e um abraço

  4. buruno 26 April 2011 at 01:45 - Reply

    hey, I’m a long time follower of your blog. I do apologise for not commenting, but as I can access the links directly from google reader, I end up doing so.
    this record must be a find, I can’t recall seeing it here in brazil (I am a timid record collector myself).
    continue iluminando nossos ouvidos com ótima música! saudações e um abraço

  5. buruno 26 April 2011 at 01:45 - Reply

    hey, I’m a long time follower of your blog. I do apologise for not commenting, but as I can access the links directly from google reader, I end up doing so.
    this record must be a find, I can’t recall seeing it here in brazil (I am a timid record collector myself).
    continue iluminando nossos ouvidos com ótima música! saudações e um abraço

  6. J Thyme...kind 4 May 2011 at 14:53 - Reply

    What you say about over-produced types of Samba with violins and huge orchestration is exactly why you don’t have a strong grasp of MPB. You’re slightly off target with this remark. People in Brasil don’t create the music for YOU. You’re just a visitor. Can you TRY to accept things on their own terms? Do you see my point? The bigger the production the better. Bring it on!

  7. J Thyme...kind 4 May 2011 at 14:53 - Reply

    What you say about over-produced types of Samba with violins and huge orchestration is exactly why you don’t have a strong grasp of MPB. You’re slightly off target with this remark. People in Brasil don’t create the music for YOU. You’re just a visitor. Can you TRY to accept things on their own terms? Do you see my point? The bigger the production the better. Bring it on!

  8. J Thyme...kind 4 May 2011 at 14:53 - Reply

    What you say about over-produced types of Samba with violins and huge orchestration is exactly why you don’t have a strong grasp of MPB. You’re slightly off target with this remark. People in Brasil don’t create the music for YOU. You’re just a visitor. Can you TRY to accept things on their own terms? Do you see my point? The bigger the production the better. Bring it on!

  9. moos 4 May 2011 at 16:39 - Reply

    I already knew we didn’t agree on this, no problem. Everybody is entitled to see it his own way. I love the pure stuff, you love the violins, let’s all be happy and listen to the music we like, cada macaco no seu galho…

  10. moos 4 May 2011 at 16:39 - Reply

    I already knew we didn’t agree on this, no problem. Everybody is entitled to see it his own way. I love the pure stuff, you love the violins, let’s all be happy and listen to the music we like, cada macaco no seu galho…

  11. moos 4 May 2011 at 16:39 - Reply

    I already knew we didn’t agree on this, no problem. Everybody is entitled to see it his own way. I love the pure stuff, you love the violins, let’s all be happy and listen to the music we like, cada macaco no seu galho…

  12. Tim 4 May 2011 at 22:14 - Reply

    Hi Moos,

    I love the stuff you post. I often download things I’ve never heard of before because I am curious and because, more often than not, I trust your ears to deliver some interesting music.

    People who criticise your posts are missing the point – it’s your blog and you can do what you want with it. If they don’t like it, I suggest they get off their butt and start a blog of their own. They will soon find out that it is a labour of love that takes time, dedication and a lot more hard work than just writing negative comments.

    Keep at it and thanks a bunch for what you do.

  13. Tim 4 May 2011 at 22:14 - Reply

    Hi Moos,

    I love the stuff you post. I often download things I’ve never heard of before because I am curious and because, more often than not, I trust your ears to deliver some interesting music.

    People who criticise your posts are missing the point – it’s your blog and you can do what you want with it. If they don’t like it, I suggest they get off their butt and start a blog of their own. They will soon find out that it is a labour of love that takes time, dedication and a lot more hard work than just writing negative comments.

    Keep at it and thanks a bunch for what you do.

  14. Tim 4 May 2011 at 22:14 - Reply

    Hi Moos,

    I love the stuff you post. I often download things I’ve never heard of before because I am curious and because, more often than not, I trust your ears to deliver some interesting music.

    People who criticise your posts are missing the point – it’s your blog and you can do what you want with it. If they don’t like it, I suggest they get off their butt and start a blog of their own. They will soon find out that it is a labour of love that takes time, dedication and a lot more hard work than just writing negative comments.

    Keep at it and thanks a bunch for what you do.

  15. J Thyme...kind 4 May 2011 at 22:27 - Reply

    That’s very gentlemanly of you to allow my comment. You use the word “Pure”. The Samba that I enjoy IS pure, just a little more added in the way of production and arrangements. You don’t enjoy Os Originais Do Samba or Nelson Cavaquinho or Cartola or Alcione or Beth Carvalho or Clara Nunes? C’mon, you know you do.
    Point is, Brasilians love polish on their production and love to give lots of jobs to poor hungry musicians. Hiring 20 or 30 musicians to do a session is the Brasilian way. Lavish. Grand. Slick. That’s what I expect from a culture with a celebration like Carnival. An over the top sound.

  16. J Thyme...kind 4 May 2011 at 22:27 - Reply

    That’s very gentlemanly of you to allow my comment. You use the word “Pure”. The Samba that I enjoy IS pure, just a little more added in the way of production and arrangements. You don’t enjoy Os Originais Do Samba or Nelson Cavaquinho or Cartola or Alcione or Beth Carvalho or Clara Nunes? C’mon, you know you do.
    Point is, Brasilians love polish on their production and love to give lots of jobs to poor hungry musicians. Hiring 20 or 30 musicians to do a session is the Brasilian way. Lavish. Grand. Slick. That’s what I expect from a culture with a celebration like Carnival. An over the top sound.

  17. Tim 6 May 2011 at 00:30 - Reply

    “Brasilians love polish on their production and love to give lots of jobs to poor hungry musicians.”

    How can you generalise about an entire nation so glibly? Many Brazilians don’t give a damn about samba, let alone production values on a recording.

  18. Tim 6 May 2011 at 00:30 - Reply

    “Brasilians love polish on their production and love to give lots of jobs to poor hungry musicians.”

    How can you generalise about an entire nation so glibly? Many Brazilians don’t give a damn about samba, let alone production values on a recording.

  19. moos 6 May 2011 at 06:34 - Reply

    Let’s leave this discussion behind us, once and for all. Listening to the music we love is the only important issue here. It is NOT a contest, we do not all have the same feeling about this and that doesn’t matter. If you love the huge orchestrations and stages full of people performing, fine. If you don’t, that’s also fine. On this page, I bring the music that I like ! If you don’t like what I post, why spend your valuable time here ? Better do something usefull and post more of the sh*t YOU like, so we can all be happy, okay ?..oh and Tim, thanks for your support, I appreciete it..

  20. moos 6 May 2011 at 06:34 - Reply

    Let’s leave this discussion behind us, once and for all. Listening to the music we love is the only important issue here. It is NOT a contest, we do not all have the same feeling about this and that doesn’t matter. If you love the huge orchestrations and stages full of people performing, fine. If you don’t, that’s also fine. On this page, I bring the music that I like ! If you don’t like what I post, why spend your valuable time here ? Better do something usefull and post more of the sh*t YOU like, so we can all be happy, okay ?..oh and Tim, thanks for your support, I appreciete it..

  21. Anonymous 2 November 2011 at 05:22 - Reply

    Great stuff! Thanks!

    Oh, and two the guy who made some ridiculous connection between over-production and less hungry poor Brazilians, well it only takes one person to play a synthesiser…..

    Also, the majority of the upper class evidently don’t give a damn about the poor and never have….

  22. Anonymous 2 November 2011 at 05:22 - Reply

    Great stuff! Thanks!

    Oh, and two the guy who made some ridiculous connection between over-production and less hungry poor Brazilians, well it only takes one person to play a synthesiser…..

    Also, the majority of the upper class evidently don’t give a damn about the poor and never have….

  23. Vidick 25 February 2013 at 06:47 - Reply

    Moos New Link.Already I thank you for having created this beautiful space

  24. Vidick 25 February 2013 at 06:47 - Reply

    Moos New Link.Already I thank you for having created this beautiful space

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