May 27, 2011

Nguashi Ntimbo & l’Orchestre Sentima – Citoyen,ASLP 959

Nguashi Ntimbo, front

On this friday evening we’ll listen to Nguashi Ntimbo. A swell
beginning of our weekend I’d say. Wonderful LP with his
Orchestre Sentima, I really can’t tell you anything useful
about them. Just play it and make up your own mind.


1 Trop bon pt.1
2 Trop bon pt.2
3 Citoyen pt.1
4 Citoyen pt.2
5 Mama pt.1
6 Mama pt.2
7 Dokotolo


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  1. D. Sullivan 28 May 2011 at 04:33 - Reply

    an album I’d love to see you post – great track from Ambiance Congo radio show:
    6) Dindo Yogo
    Shouki Productions

    Thanks so much for all of this, Moos!

  2. D. Sullivan 28 May 2011 at 04:33 - Reply

    an album I’d love to see you post – great track from Ambiance Congo radio show:
    6) Dindo Yogo
    Shouki Productions

    Thanks so much for all of this, Moos!

  3. Timothy 28 May 2011 at 13:23 - Reply

    Thanks for this Nguashi Ntimbo LP. It has a home ring about it since the sleeve seems to indicate that it was pressed in Nairobi, Kenya. And it seems to have been orignally purchased from Assanands, a great music shop in the same capital city. Apparently at that time, the entire LP sold at just fifty Kenya shillings (50 euro cents). I guess it’s worth a fortune today … thanks Moos for sharing your copy!

  4. Timothy 28 May 2011 at 13:23 - Reply

    Thanks for this Nguashi Ntimbo LP. It has a home ring about it since the sleeve seems to indicate that it was pressed in Nairobi, Kenya. And it seems to have been orignally purchased from Assanands, a great music shop in the same capital city. Apparently at that time, the entire LP sold at just fifty Kenya shillings (50 euro cents). I guess it’s worth a fortune today … thanks Moos for sharing your copy!

  5. Apurva Bahadur 28 May 2011 at 15:11 - Reply

    Thanks for the great music. Apurva from Pune, India.

  6. Apurva Bahadur 28 May 2011 at 15:11 - Reply

    Thanks for the great music. Apurva from Pune, India.

  7. eric 29 May 2011 at 08:54 - Reply

    Thanks again Moos for this superp album, you make my day!!

  8. eric 29 May 2011 at 08:54 - Reply

    Thanks again Moos for this superp album, you make my day!!

  9. dial africa 30 May 2011 at 20:39 - Reply

    Thank you for another step towards Nguashi’s discography!!! This LP is overlapping with Nguashi’s LP ASLP 936, where we can find his original version of “Shauri Yako”, but also “Citoyen” and “Mama”. I think these tracks have been originally released in Kenya in 1977, but the LPs should be from 1983 or so.

  10. dial africa 30 May 2011 at 20:39 - Reply

    Thank you for another step towards Nguashi’s discography!!! This LP is overlapping with Nguashi’s LP ASLP 936, where we can find his original version of “Shauri Yako”, but also “Citoyen” and “Mama”. I think these tracks have been originally released in Kenya in 1977, but the LPs should be from 1983 or so.

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