June 22, 2011

Orchestre Bella Bella – Houleux Houleux,Star

Orchestre Bella Bella, front

On a label we don’t see much, the Star label, comes this
LP by Soki Vangu and Orchestre Bella Bella. Somewhere
half way the second track, volumes go down and then slowly
up again to be followed by another silence on the moment
part 1 switches in part 2. If you listen to a lot of old
African Lp’s, you get used to these little sloppy things.
For instance, each LP has a little hole that’s
supposed to be in the middle, catch my drift ?
Still, you wouldn’t want to miss this album that
contains some fine Congolese music, enjoy.


1 Houleux houleux
2 Mea culpa
3 Zamba
4 Pambi n’doni


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  1. Derek 23 June 2011 at 15:01 - Reply

    Hi! I’m a newbie to your blog and am already finding it a very authoritative source. Thanks for all the fantastic music.

    BTW. I notice you’re encoding your mp3s using “joint stereo”. Have you considered using full stereo? It doesn’t make the files much bigger and enhances reproduction quality no end.

  2. Anonymous 23 June 2011 at 15:08 - Reply


    From Barranquilla Colombia

    Leonardo Meneses E

  3. Apurva Bahadur 24 June 2011 at 03:11 - Reply

    Fantastic – excellent album. Many thanks for sharing. Apurva from Pune, India.

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