September 11, 2011

Jair Rodrigues – Self Titled
Som Industria e Comércio 1985

Jair Rodrigues, front

Yesterday we had us another very nice gathering in the
park. Most of you are not able to come and visit me in
Amsterdam, I understand. Fortunate were a few who live in
my neighbourhood. Very nice to meet like that, in a relaxed
atmosphere out in the open. I want to dedicate this post to one
visitor in particular. Rogier, this one’s for you. I was happy to
meet you and am looking forward to our next. We spoke about
Brazilian music and the coming events in our Netherlands capital.
I need to say something about the subject of today’s post. Like all
Brazilian artists, to my opinion, Jair Rodrigues made far too many
records. Brazilians tend to play each others songs without exception.
The result is that more than half of it is undesirable. I am very sorry, do not
misunderstand me! I am a lover of good samba but the ballads for instance,
are really not made for me. I’ve been looking to find some of the samba’s
on this record for years and finally found them on my trip to Salvador last april.
To my humble opinion, ‘Não bota no meu’ and ‘O carioca’ belong to the
hottest samba’s ever. So being honest, I have mixed feelings about
this LP, but since it contains these hits, I feel obliged to post it.
Focus on side one and you’ll be dancing around the house all day.
Só um pouco de besteira você vai agüentar, ..hein.. ? Escuta..!


1 Não bota no meu
2 Sonho nordestino
3 O carioca
4 Êta fuzuê
5 Na boca da avenida
6 Todo Brasileiro
– Dona Maria
– Maria pé de boi
– Prepare o limão
– Pagode Japonês
– A feijoada
– Menina Baiana
7 Majestade o sabiá
8 Papo informal
9 Coração de malandro
10 Sonho e vida
11 Pega prá capar
12 Eu sou de você


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  1. moos 11 September 2011 at 15:38 - Reply

    Hey Rogier, ik kijk er naar uit de info te ontvangem m.b.t. de Braziliaanse dagen in Amsterdam, reeds dank.

  2. John B. 11 September 2011 at 16:21 - Reply

    Jair Rodriguez made some brilliant recordings with Elis Regina. Google “Dois Na Bossa” and see what I mean.

  3. moos 11 September 2011 at 16:59 - Reply

    I know that album John, it’s quite a bit older but it’s nice, thanks anyway…

  4. snakeboy 12 September 2011 at 13:35 - Reply

    Thanks for all of your work in bringing me music I’ve never heard before.

  5. […] Jair Rodrigues 1985 40 Minute Samba Party Mix […]

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