September 8, 2011

Number One du Senegal – Jiko – Nafissatu Njaay 1980

Number One du Senegal, front

in disguise

Na twee super gezellige try-outs, zogezegd, moeten we komende
zaterdag echt nog een keertje profiteren. Het wordt drukkend warm,
er kan een buitje vallen maar dat mag de pret niet drukken. Ik wil
je bij deze dan ook uitnodigen naar het Vondelpark te komen.
Vanaf zo’n 15.00 uur strijk ik neer onder de grote bomen naast
het standbeeld van Joost van den Vondel. Met de Global Groove’s
Mobile Soundsystem probeer ik dan het tropisch zwetende sfeertje
verder af te maken. Afrikaanse klanken, broeierige latin grooves,
Calypso en reggae, oude jazz en zigeuner muziek, van alles wat.
Als je een stukje naar beneden scrollt, vind je ‘n filmpje van laatst.

Saturday the 10th of september is going to be one of this summers
last hot days. It will be one of the last opportunity’s we’ll have
to go to the park and chill out under the blue/grey sky. Bring some
food and drinks and join us at the Amsterdam Vondelpark. From
around 15.00 hrs. the Global Groove’s Mobile Soundsystem will be
playing from underneath the big trees next to Vondel’s statue. Be my
guest and come around if you’re near.

From 1980 wit Papa Seck, Doudou Sow, Mar Seck, Magatte
N’Diaye, Malick Hann, Alioune Diallo, Amadou Madani Tall,
Mamane Fall, Ally Penda, Paja Diop, Paja Seck, Yakhya Fall,
Babacar Fall and Moustapha N’Diaye. One of Senegals legendary
groups from that era. Class A material for collectors in the genre.
That sounds awful, no really this is stuff you don’t want to miss !
Wonderful atmospheric sound of Dakars early eighties.


1 Fatu sarr waasanaan
2 Medoune xule
3 Lii lumuy nuru
4 Jiko
5 Kumba
6 Ngomar


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  1. snakeboy 8 September 2011 at 21:16 - Reply

    Thank you for another wonderful post.

  2. snakeboy 8 September 2011 at 21:16 - Reply

    Thank you for another wonderful post.

  3. Rhythm Connection 9 September 2011 at 04:20 - Reply

    Ah, if only I could join you in the park! Greetings, Moos, and thanks, as always, for your offerings and inspiration. Robert

  4. Rhythm Connection 9 September 2011 at 04:20 - Reply

    Ah, if only I could join you in the park! Greetings, Moos, and thanks, as always, for your offerings and inspiration. Robert

  5. thiol 9 September 2011 at 14:09 - Reply

    Hi Moos!

    What stunning post!!! You know it’s been a long long time i’m looking for this album, i’m a fan of this group. For me, Number One is exceptional, it’s undoubtedly one of the best orchestras of the “La Belle Epoque” for not to say the best. It was composed of the finest voices of Senegal and extraordinary musicians with the great and incomparable Yakhya Fall (which i had the opportunity to meet) on the guitar solo, which for me is still the best guitarist in the country of Teranga.
    For a long time i wanted to listen to the tracks Kumba and Ngomar(i have the LP [1157])and to my surprise i had already heard the song Ngomar in poor quality under the title Saala Nder.
    Kumba song is terrible!!!

    Thank you so much for sharing this mega rare album. I’m very grateful to you.

    ps:My apologies but i think the last comment i had left was on a Star Band post; it’s just to say that i’m still connected to your blog regularly.


  6. thiol 9 September 2011 at 14:09 - Reply

    Hi Moos!

    What stunning post!!! You know it’s been a long long time i’m looking for this album, i’m a fan of this group. For me, Number One is exceptional, it’s undoubtedly one of the best orchestras of the “La Belle Epoque” for not to say the best. It was composed of the finest voices of Senegal and extraordinary musicians with the great and incomparable Yakhya Fall (which i had the opportunity to meet) on the guitar solo, which for me is still the best guitarist in the country of Teranga.
    For a long time i wanted to listen to the tracks Kumba and Ngomar(i have the LP [1157])and to my surprise i had already heard the song Ngomar in poor quality under the title Saala Nder.
    Kumba song is terrible!!!

    Thank you so much for sharing this mega rare album. I’m very grateful to you.

    ps:My apologies but i think the last comment i had left was on a Star Band post; it’s just to say that i’m still connected to your blog regularly.


    • Mouhamadou 12 November 2014 at 01:51 - Reply

      Yes thiol, they were one of the best bands of their era and to me they are the modern precursors of mbalax.

  7. Anonymous 10 September 2011 at 16:59 - Reply

    Friend moos like a very special favor to ask, is to see if post the album of Super Negro Bantous called No Hurray For Life…

  8. Anonymous 10 September 2011 at 16:59 - Reply

    Friend moos like a very special favor to ask, is to see if post the album of Super Negro Bantous called No Hurray For Life…

  9. Anonymous 10 September 2011 at 16:59 - Reply

    Friend moos like a very special favor to ask, is to see if post the album of Super Negro Bantous called No Hurray For Life…

  10. moos 11 September 2011 at 06:32 - Reply

    I would post it for you if I had it, unfortunately I don’t..

  11. moos 11 September 2011 at 06:32 - Reply

    I would post it for you if I had it, unfortunately I don’t..

  12. moos 11 September 2011 at 06:32 - Reply

    I would post it for you if I had it, unfortunately I don’t..

  13. Apurva Bahadur 12 September 2011 at 04:43 - Reply

    Deejay Moos may like to hide his identity but I think he appears briefly in the frame at around 1’20” on this video –

    Moos – what song are you playing in this clip?

    Apurva from Pune, India.

  14. Apurva Bahadur 12 September 2011 at 04:43 - Reply

    Deejay Moos may like to hide his identity but I think he appears briefly in the frame at around 1’20” on this video –

    Moos – what song are you playing in this clip?

    Apurva from Pune, India.

  15. Apurva Bahadur 12 September 2011 at 04:43 - Reply

    Deejay Moos may like to hide his identity but I think he appears briefly in the frame at around 1’20” on this video –

    Moos – what song are you playing in this clip?

    Apurva from Pune, India.

  16. moos 12 September 2011 at 06:22 - Reply

    ha ha, you are a sharp watcher Apurva, don’t tell everybody now..
    about that song in clip 2, I really can’t recall, sorry..

  17. moos 12 September 2011 at 06:22 - Reply

    ha ha, you are a sharp watcher Apurva, don’t tell everybody now..
    about that song in clip 2, I really can’t recall, sorry..

  18. moos 12 September 2011 at 06:22 - Reply

    ha ha, you are a sharp watcher Apurva, don’t tell everybody now..
    about that song in clip 2, I really can’t recall, sorry..

  19. Gary 12 September 2011 at 07:35 - Reply

    Hi Moos:

    This comment is way overdue. Many heartfelt thanks for providing a sunshine-filled soundtrack to the Summer season (as meager as it was here!) for both myself and a host of close friends. Without your commitment to sharing this rare and wonderful music the world would surely be a poorer place. Please keep up the good work for as long as you find it rewarding.

    Kind regards from the Pacific NW.

  20. Gary 12 September 2011 at 07:35 - Reply

    Hi Moos:

    This comment is way overdue. Many heartfelt thanks for providing a sunshine-filled soundtrack to the Summer season (as meager as it was here!) for both myself and a host of close friends. Without your commitment to sharing this rare and wonderful music the world would surely be a poorer place. Please keep up the good work for as long as you find it rewarding.

    Kind regards from the Pacific NW.

  21. Gary 12 September 2011 at 07:35 - Reply

    Hi Moos:

    This comment is way overdue. Many heartfelt thanks for providing a sunshine-filled soundtrack to the Summer season (as meager as it was here!) for both myself and a host of close friends. Without your commitment to sharing this rare and wonderful music the world would surely be a poorer place. Please keep up the good work for as long as you find it rewarding.

    Kind regards from the Pacific NW.

  22. Zmaupzy 26 September 2011 at 20:44 - Reply


    Jammer, te laat gezien dat je naar ‘t park zou komen, die dag. Maar het is weer prachtig weer, inmiddels! Nog plannen? Deze plaat is geweldig!

    Grtz Mau

  23. Zmaupzy 26 September 2011 at 20:44 - Reply


    Jammer, te laat gezien dat je naar ‘t park zou komen, die dag. Maar het is weer prachtig weer, inmiddels! Nog plannen? Deze plaat is geweldig!

    Grtz Mau

  24. Zmaupzy 26 September 2011 at 20:44 - Reply


    Jammer, te laat gezien dat je naar ‘t park zou komen, die dag. Maar het is weer prachtig weer, inmiddels! Nog plannen? Deze plaat is geweldig!

    Grtz Mau

  25. Anonymous 25 October 2011 at 22:20 - Reply

    Yes, the answer is yes! This is a beautiful album. Check track “Ngomar.” Moos, respect!

  26. Anonymous 25 October 2011 at 22:20 - Reply

    Yes, the answer is yes! This is a beautiful album. Check track “Ngomar.” Moos, respect!

  27. Anonymous 25 October 2011 at 22:20 - Reply

    Yes, the answer is yes! This is a beautiful album. Check track “Ngomar.” Moos, respect!

  28. quique ruiz 17 February 2012 at 03:15 - Reply

    All the Mbalax links are dead, :(

  29. quique ruiz 17 February 2012 at 03:15 - Reply

    All the Mbalax links are dead, :(

  30. quique ruiz 17 February 2012 at 03:15 - Reply

    All the Mbalax links are dead, :(

  31. Ablaye Diouf 13 June 2012 at 10:44 - Reply

    Please rework the links for Senegal! Best regards!

  32. Ablaye Diouf 13 June 2012 at 10:44 - Reply

    Please rework the links for Senegal! Best regards!

  33. Ablaye Diouf 13 June 2012 at 10:44 - Reply

    Please rework the links for Senegal! Best regards!

  34. Hans Kelstrup 21 October 2020 at 03:44 - Reply

    that sounds system is amazing!!! really nice idea.

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