November 24, 2011
African Fiesta – Sous la direction du Docteur Nico,Sonafric 61.008, 1978
It’s one of those albums you were always wondering about.
We’ve seen it at the backsleeves of other Sonafric LP’s.
Can you imagine how it feels to find it in a big pile at the fair ?
YES !, don’t react too happy, the price will go up so,
oh ehh.. okay ehh.. I’ll take this one as well.. ahem.. a little later
euphoric feeling I can’t describe. Today it comes your way, get
to it and share with the other happy groovers around the globe.
1 Bunga
2 Tuna bango
3 Mama ya makambo
4 Samayel
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cant wait to listen to thi one
I wonder who accompanies Docteur Nico on this one
wuod k
You do find some absolute gems Moos – as ever, thanks a million for sharing.
I loved your description of trying not to look too excited when you bought it!
Many thanks Moos. I feel personally richer, having heard one more Congolese album. Apurva from Pune, India.
alas i missed out (the link has expired)… i bet this sounds great though!