November 1, 2011

Franco joue avec Sam Mangwana,Rythmes et Musique

Franco, front

Tonight, my fellow groovers, I am asking for your help on
a matter. While recording this LP I discovered a mistake.
Track 4 is obviously ‘Aziza’ instead of track 3. I am assuming
the titles on side-b have been switched around but I’m not 100 %
sure. Track 1 is titled correctly to my opinion, I think to hear the
name in the music. Maybe track 2 and track 3 are still wrong.
Can you give us your view on the case ? Good,
than we can sit and enjoy these four
jiving songs, check…


1 Lukoli
2 Awela-awela
3 Decca
4 Aziza


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  1. FrancoPepeKalle 2 November 2011 at 03:47 - Reply

    it is a great Lp hearing a song of Sam Mangwana. Then we have the two great songs from Grand Maitre Franco. He is a genius guitarist. His solos impressed me a lot. I am impressed by Franco’s greatness. I give my salute to Grand Maitre Franco.

  2. FrancoPepeKalle 2 November 2011 at 12:25 - Reply

    I enjoy this work a lot. Lukoki and Awela Awela is composed by Grand Maitre Franco. Aziza is composed by Dizzy Mandjeku. Decca is composed by of course Mamou person Mpupi Decca. That is how the songs are done. I enjoy this LP a lot. Hopefully that explains how the song go. This LP is a great lp from Grand Maitre Franco. Grand Maitre Franco made two memorable songs. I can not get those songs out of my head. I give my salute to Grand Maitre Franco.

  3. Timothy 2 November 2011 at 17:38 - Reply

    Global Grooves should be made a Shrine for all Franco fans. Thanks a million Moos for being so big-hearted. Fellow bloggers, aren’t we simply spoilt? :D

  4. Anonymous 2 November 2011 at 19:58 - Reply

    Timothy – you are so right!!!!


  5. Grumpy 3 November 2011 at 19:20 - Reply

    Spot on, Timothy. I looked up the discography at the back of ‘Congo Colossus’ and computed that (TP)OK Jazz had 84 albums listed of which I also worked out that I’d heard exactly 75% (63). I’ll bet that over half of those have been heard from this blog. You’re a champion, Moos. (PS. Franco lovers also have much to thank the World Service blog for)

  6. moos 3 November 2011 at 19:44 - Reply

    Thnx guys, happy to be of service, but I agree with Grumpy, don’t wipe out Stefan’s Worldgrv..

  7. Apurva Bahadur 4 November 2011 at 09:33 - Reply

    Many thanks. Apurva from Pune, India.

  8. LeFranck 4 November 2011 at 22:41 - Reply

    This is a great album, Moos. Thank you for sharing your passion for the Congolese music with us.

    As you asked for feed back I checked the songs and the back cover.
    The songs are titled just right. You just need to switch track 03 and 04.:

    01. Lukoli
    02. Awela-Awela
    03. Aziza
    04. Decca

    The album was made in 1989.
    Adding some info from Discogs:

  9. david 1 October 2014 at 04:07 - Reply

    If you can get past the late 80’s drum sound on this then the music is wonderful. The first track Lukoli and the third Decca are particularly memorable. I just want to hear them again and again. Amazing guitar, and groove as always. Too bad the guitar is so timeless while the drums haven’t aged as well. Still it’s pretty amazing that franco was cranking out records of this caliber in 1989. What a talent!

  10. […] from 1984 Les Merveilles du Passéfrom 1984 Live Recording of the Afro-European Tour from 1978 Franco Joue avec Sam Mangwana from 19?? Attaquent Anjela from 1988 Chez Rythmes et Musiques à Paris from 1984 Michelino et […]

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