December 11, 2011

“Franco” Luambo Makiadi & his O.K. Jazz
Live Recording of the Afro European Tour
african 360.114 & 360.115, 1978

Franco, front

Good afternoon, oncemore I am asking for your opinion on
a matter. The title of this LP is ‘Live Recording of the Afro
European Tour’. When listening I get the impresssion the
music was made in a studio and the audience was mixed
in afterwards. We saw it before. Another strange thing is
that the pictures inside show the band playing in a studio.
I could be wrong, what do you think ? One way or the other,
the music is as Franco as always, just beautiful, enjoy !


1 Oh ! Miguel
2 Sala lokola luntadila
3 Malou-o bijou
4 Bomba, bomba, mabe
5 Na vanda bombanda
6 Libala ya bana na bana

1 Lisolo ya adamu na nzambe
2 Mama na bebe
3 Meta mama na bana
4 Mbongo
5 Amour viole
6 Lotambe



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  1. FrancoPepeKalle 11 December 2011 at 14:22 - Reply

    Well thank you Moos. Thank you. This is a great masterpiece from Grand Maitre Franco and Le TPOK Jazz. This is a album where you had great diversity of music of many personalities. You got Lutumba Simaro, Thierry Mantuika, Michelino, Gerry Dialunguna, Ya Makosso, Gege Mangaya, Mpupi Decca, Ntesa, Lola, Josky, Wuta Mayi, Diatho Lukoki, Djo Mpoyi, Dessoin, and others. But the person who essembled all this great band is Grand Maitre Franco.

    Grand Maitre Franco produced great masterpieces himself. I am speaking of the two classic songs that I love a lot. They are Oh Miguel and Bomba Bomba Mabe. Both songs deal with marriage. Grand Maitre Franco is someone who has great skills as a guitarists. Franco was powerful with his solos. No one can redo Franco’s greatness.

    Franco was Grand Maitre because he was a great guitarist and his showmanship. I salute to Franco for his greatness. Grand Maitre Franco was the greatest Congolese star that ever lived.

  2. FrancoPepeKalle 11 December 2011 at 14:22 - Reply

    Well thank you Moos. Thank you. This is a great masterpiece from Grand Maitre Franco and Le TPOK Jazz. This is a album where you had great diversity of music of many personalities. You got Lutumba Simaro, Thierry Mantuika, Michelino, Gerry Dialunguna, Ya Makosso, Gege Mangaya, Mpupi Decca, Ntesa, Lola, Josky, Wuta Mayi, Diatho Lukoki, Djo Mpoyi, Dessoin, and others. But the person who essembled all this great band is Grand Maitre Franco.

    Grand Maitre Franco produced great masterpieces himself. I am speaking of the two classic songs that I love a lot. They are Oh Miguel and Bomba Bomba Mabe. Both songs deal with marriage. Grand Maitre Franco is someone who has great skills as a guitarists. Franco was powerful with his solos. No one can redo Franco’s greatness.

    Franco was Grand Maitre because he was a great guitarist and his showmanship. I salute to Franco for his greatness. Grand Maitre Franco was the greatest Congolese star that ever lived.

  3. Anonymous 11 December 2011 at 16:43 - Reply

    Thanks Moos – this is a magnificent recording in every department. Franco & TPOK Jazz at the height of their spectacular powers I reckon. The first recording I ever heard by them and still my favourite.
    I think maybe some of it is studio and some live – there is a live edge. I don’t mind the dubbed applause – the music, playing, arrangements and sound are SOOO good. The band and singers are so tight and so loose at the same time. What a team, and Franco must have been a genius team leader – this proves it. Thanks again for sharing, people should hear this mamboPete

  4. Anonymous 11 December 2011 at 16:43 - Reply

    Thanks Moos – this is a magnificent recording in every department. Franco & TPOK Jazz at the height of their spectacular powers I reckon. The first recording I ever heard by them and still my favourite.
    I think maybe some of it is studio and some live – there is a live edge. I don’t mind the dubbed applause – the music, playing, arrangements and sound are SOOO good. The band and singers are so tight and so loose at the same time. What a team, and Franco must have been a genius team leader – this proves it. Thanks again for sharing, people should hear this mamboPete

  5. Petty Vendetta 11 December 2011 at 17:53 - Reply

    Completely agree Moos- unless they had a really nice mobile rig back then-those audience sounds were certainly mixed in later. Isn’t that the studio door in the cover shot? Where are those throngs of adorin fans we hear? That aside, some beautiful stuff here. Thanks.

  6. Petty Vendetta 11 December 2011 at 17:53 - Reply

    Completely agree Moos- unless they had a really nice mobile rig back then-those audience sounds were certainly mixed in later. Isn’t that the studio door in the cover shot? Where are those throngs of adorin fans we hear? That aside, some beautiful stuff here. Thanks.

  7. legrandmaitre 11 December 2011 at 21:22 - Reply

    Great upload Moos – many thanks!

    There’s a CD version on Sonodisc CD 36545.

    But… the original LP issue has 3 more tracks than the CD. (the first 3 numbers on the second disc are missing from the CD). I agree that these are studio sides, although quite what the story is there I’m not sure.

    Great cover too…..

  8. legrandmaitre 11 December 2011 at 21:22 - Reply

    Great upload Moos – many thanks!

    There’s a CD version on Sonodisc CD 36545.

    But… the original LP issue has 3 more tracks than the CD. (the first 3 numbers on the second disc are missing from the CD). I agree that these are studio sides, although quite what the story is there I’m not sure.

    Great cover too…..

  9. LeFranck 11 December 2011 at 22:19 - Reply

    Thanks Moos for this fantastic album. This album has an awesome sound. This album is a treasure.

  10. LeFranck 11 December 2011 at 22:19 - Reply

    Thanks Moos for this fantastic album. This album has an awesome sound. This album is a treasure.

  11. Anonymous 12 December 2011 at 22:12 - Reply

    sir, just discovered your Congo Mixes from a while ago. So I’m misusing this comment section to thank you profusely for all the amazing music you bring to a cold and lonely night in Warsaw ! A.

  12. Anonymous 12 December 2011 at 22:12 - Reply

    sir, just discovered your Congo Mixes from a while ago. So I’m misusing this comment section to thank you profusely for all the amazing music you bring to a cold and lonely night in Warsaw ! A.

  13. moos 12 December 2011 at 22:17 - Reply

    ..ever so welcome..

  14. moos 12 December 2011 at 22:17 - Reply

    ..ever so welcome..

  15. Apurva Bahadur 13 December 2011 at 13:21 - Reply

    Thank you for this double treat. Apurva from Pune, India.

  16. Apurva Bahadur 13 December 2011 at 13:21 - Reply

    Thank you for this double treat. Apurva from Pune, India.

  17. Anonymous 14 December 2011 at 02:50 - Reply

    Thank you!!!! Never heard of this band, but from all the comments I am extremely excited to listen to it!!!

  18. Anonymous 14 December 2011 at 02:50 - Reply

    Thank you!!!! Never heard of this band, but from all the comments I am extremely excited to listen to it!!!

  19. soukousman 23 December 2011 at 18:08 - Reply

    Thanks Moos for such an lovely album of the sophisticated classy music of TPOK Jazz with Franco bringing that good stuff!

  20. soukousman 23 December 2011 at 18:08 - Reply

    Thanks Moos for such an lovely album of the sophisticated classy music of TPOK Jazz with Franco bringing that good stuff!

  21. Unknown 9 January 2012 at 23:14 - Reply

    The first time I’ve got in contact with the music of Franco has been when I was travelling west-africa 85-86. There was no village where they have not played Mario, from Abidjan to Accra, and Lome to Cotonou, and I was dancing always in these little bar’s with many hundred eyes around me in the dark to watch the white man dance…
    Thank you so much for this album. Luambo Makiadi has really been the greatest african artists ever, cause the people have loved his music over all borders. Thank you that you gave it back to the world. Josch

  22. Unknown 9 January 2012 at 23:14 - Reply

    The first time I’ve got in contact with the music of Franco has been when I was travelling west-africa 85-86. There was no village where they have not played Mario, from Abidjan to Accra, and Lome to Cotonou, and I was dancing always in these little bar’s with many hundred eyes around me in the dark to watch the white man dance…
    Thank you so much for this album. Luambo Makiadi has really been the greatest african artists ever, cause the people have loved his music over all borders. Thank you that you gave it back to the world. Josch

  23. magicman 11 January 2012 at 23:39 - Reply

    here’s a little secret – ALL “live” albums are mixed in the studio or overdubbed later, both the band AND the audience. This one is no different, except I doubt they overdubbed the band, just the audience !! Brilliant stuff

  24. magicman 11 January 2012 at 23:39 - Reply

    here’s a little secret – ALL “live” albums are mixed in the studio or overdubbed later, both the band AND the audience. This one is no different, except I doubt they overdubbed the band, just the audience !! Brilliant stuff

  25. Ray Osoro 24 July 2023 at 09:54 - Reply


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