February 24, 2012

Nova História da Música Popular Brasileira,Escolas de Samba 1 – Various Artists,Abril Cultural 1979

Escolas de Samba 1, front

Okay, let’s do some samba. Carnaval is over more or less but
that doesn’t matter with this timeless music. In the series ‘Música
Popular Brasileira’ this is a collector of various sambas from the
early seventies. It concerns songs used by the Samba schools
from Rio de Janeiro from 1970 to 1976. baixe rapido e escuta..


1 Carlos Cachaça – Não me deixaste ir ao samba
2 Geraldo Babão – Nega, o que queres de mim ?
3 Alcides Lopes – Cidade-mulher
4 Jamelão – Exaltação à Mangueira
5 Clementina de Jesus – Moro na Roça
6 Elza Soares – O mundo encantado de Monteiro Lobato
7 Conjunto Velha Guarda da Portela – Vida de fidalga
8 Conjunto Velha Guarda da Portela – Quantas lágrimas


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  1. mucury cultural 24 February 2012 at 12:22 - Reply

    Vai para nossa radioweb. Passe por lá depois:

    Grande abraço e parabéns pelo trabalho que é excelente!

    • Sam 12 April 2017 at 22:50 - Reply

      Obrigado, amigo! Nao conhecia o site — entro com boas expectativas.

  2. mucury cultural 24 February 2012 at 12:22 - Reply

    Vai para nossa radioweb. Passe por lá depois:

    Grande abraço e parabéns pelo trabalho que é excelente!

  3. Anonymous 24 February 2012 at 13:25 - Reply

    Grande Moos!!! Mais uma vez, muitíssimo obrigado! E com duas faixas da velha guarda da Portela :o)

    Switching to English, so that more people can understand, I have recently found a nice, short, introduction (in English) on samba’s early days:

    I hope you and GlobalGroovers around find it as interesting as I did!

    But it saddens me that “Praça XI” was destroyed: unfortunately, we are not very good in keeping record of our history, mainly when popular culture is concerned. Precisely the best Brazil has to offer…

    Abraços, Fabricio

  4. Anonymous 24 February 2012 at 13:25 - Reply

    Grande Moos!!! Mais uma vez, muitíssimo obrigado! E com duas faixas da velha guarda da Portela :o)

    Switching to English, so that more people can understand, I have recently found a nice, short, introduction (in English) on samba’s early days:

    I hope you and GlobalGroovers around find it as interesting as I did!

    But it saddens me that “Praça XI” was destroyed: unfortunately, we are not very good in keeping record of our history, mainly when popular culture is concerned. Precisely the best Brazil has to offer…

    Abraços, Fabricio

  5. David 24 February 2012 at 15:09 - Reply

    Moos , you’re back!! I’ve only just noticed. It’s great to see you posting again.

    I read through some of the ‘nasty’ comments & all I can do is echo the wise words of ‘the Minister’: try hard to post stuff that’s OOP (only); take it down if someone points out a problem; but keep supplying the huge pile of music no longer available to the rest of us in any form, PLEASE!!

    Oh, look: that’s exactly the approach you’ve always been following… So, as we Brits say, ‘stiff upper lip’, and stay loyal to your own conscience. If your conscience doesn’t accuse you, don’t listen to the people who do.

    All best. Now I must find an extra 3-4 days per week somehow to catch up with all your old posts as well….!! Keep up the good work.

  6. David 24 February 2012 at 15:09 - Reply

    Moos , you’re back!! I’ve only just noticed. It’s great to see you posting again.

    I read through some of the ‘nasty’ comments & all I can do is echo the wise words of ‘the Minister’: try hard to post stuff that’s OOP (only); take it down if someone points out a problem; but keep supplying the huge pile of music no longer available to the rest of us in any form, PLEASE!!

    Oh, look: that’s exactly the approach you’ve always been following… So, as we Brits say, ‘stiff upper lip’, and stay loyal to your own conscience. If your conscience doesn’t accuse you, don’t listen to the people who do.

    All best. Now I must find an extra 3-4 days per week somehow to catch up with all your old posts as well….!! Keep up the good work.

  7. Yasmin Muller 24 February 2012 at 16:57 - Reply

    Great album but what’s the password for the zip file? thanks

  8. Yasmin Muller 24 February 2012 at 16:57 - Reply

    Great album but what’s the password for the zip file? thanks

  9. Yasmin Muller 24 February 2012 at 16:58 - Reply

    Nevermind, sorry! I was trying globalgroovers =) thank’s again! great blog

  10. Yasmin Muller 24 February 2012 at 16:58 - Reply

    Nevermind, sorry! I was trying globalgroovers =) thank’s again! great blog

  11. moos 24 February 2012 at 18:57 - Reply

    Select label ‘Congo’ and scroll back, you’ll find another bunch of re-ups..

  12. moos 24 February 2012 at 18:57 - Reply

    Select label ‘Congo’ and scroll back, you’ll find another bunch of re-ups..

  13. Jaime 24 February 2012 at 21:29 - Reply

    Thanks, Moos. If you get the chance to re-up some of the Rail Band sounds, that’d be great!

  14. Jaime 24 February 2012 at 21:29 - Reply

    Thanks, Moos. If you get the chance to re-up some of the Rail Band sounds, that’d be great!

  15. anders 25 February 2012 at 10:28 - Reply

    you’re back ! you’re doing a beautiful thing ! thanks for this keep the faith

  16. anders 25 February 2012 at 10:28 - Reply

    you’re back ! you’re doing a beautiful thing ! thanks for this keep the faith

  17. Sam 12 April 2017 at 22:54 - Reply

    Wonderful series of records. Actually, there were three series on the same label, two with a lot of overlap in cuts. The first (smaller format record) had the best liner notes — actually, a whole booklet with lots of photos and very good commentary stapled into the album cover.

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