April 16, 2012

Orchestre International Akweza de Libreville,african 360.123, 1979

Akweza de Libreville, front

Sparkling guitars on this splendid album from Gabon.
The weekend’s fair in Utrecht brought us some
goodies among which this ultra danceable
slice of black shiny vinyl. I can’t tell you
anything useful about them,
just listen.


1 Oyem 78
2 Gamba ntce yami
3 Diane ley
4 Emeno n’isindina
5 Boutsiane


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  1. Anonymous 17 April 2012 at 06:57 - Reply

    Thank you!

  2. Anonymous 17 April 2012 at 06:57 - Reply

    Thank you!

  3. Kostas from Piraeus 17 April 2012 at 14:30 - Reply

    Thank you very much….
    I’m very happy ’cause of you….
    I’m glad to see you be continuing… THANK YOU A LOT!!!

  4. Kostas from Piraeus 17 April 2012 at 14:30 - Reply

    Thank you very much….
    I’m very happy ’cause of you….
    I’m glad to see you be continuing… THANK YOU A LOT!!!

  5. Kostas from Piraeus 17 April 2012 at 14:30 - Reply

    Thank you very much….
    I’m very happy ’cause of you….
    I’m glad to see you be continuing… THANK YOU A LOT!!!

  6. African Music Recycler 17 April 2012 at 19:41 - Reply

    thank you so much!


  7. African Music Recycler 17 April 2012 at 19:41 - Reply

    thank you so much!


  8. African Music Recycler 17 April 2012 at 19:41 - Reply

    thank you so much!


  9. Anonymous 18 April 2012 at 15:48 - Reply

    I’ve just found the page while trying to learn something about Zulu music…

    It’s so good you’re here! The recordings are IMPOSSIBLE to get!

  10. Anonymous 18 April 2012 at 15:48 - Reply

    I’ve just found the page while trying to learn something about Zulu music…

    It’s so good you’re here! The recordings are IMPOSSIBLE to get!

  11. Anonymous 18 April 2012 at 15:48 - Reply

    I’ve just found the page while trying to learn something about Zulu music…

    It’s so good you’re here! The recordings are IMPOSSIBLE to get!

  12. paska 19 April 2012 at 17:56 - Reply

    Nice one!!! Big Cheers!

  13. paska 19 April 2012 at 17:56 - Reply

    Nice one!!! Big Cheers!

  14. paska 19 April 2012 at 17:56 - Reply

    Nice one!!! Big Cheers!

  15. Anonymous 20 April 2012 at 19:26 - Reply

    thank you friend moos…I really like your blog friend if you’d appreciate the album did come upload No Hurray For Life of Super negro Bantous…

  16. Anonymous 20 April 2012 at 19:26 - Reply

    thank you friend moos…I really like your blog friend if you’d appreciate the album did come upload No Hurray For Life of Super negro Bantous…

  17. Anonymous 20 April 2012 at 19:26 - Reply

    thank you friend moos…I really like your blog friend if you’d appreciate the album did come upload No Hurray For Life of Super negro Bantous…

  18. DJ Daudi 21 April 2012 at 16:13 - Reply

    I have always thought it odd that the band is called “International” Akweza. This is a group made up of police or gendarmes, so I wonder if they should more aptly have been called “National” than “International”. They have another, later album as well that is just as enjoyable with some more traditionally influenced songs thrown in.
    I’m a big fan of Gabonese music.
    Les Diablotins, for example, is a group whose many vinyl albums still find their way onto my turntable on a regular basis.

  19. DJ Daudi 21 April 2012 at 16:13 - Reply

    I have always thought it odd that the band is called “International” Akweza. This is a group made up of police or gendarmes, so I wonder if they should more aptly have been called “National” than “International”. They have another, later album as well that is just as enjoyable with some more traditionally influenced songs thrown in.
    I’m a big fan of Gabonese music.
    Les Diablotins, for example, is a group whose many vinyl albums still find their way onto my turntable on a regular basis.

  20. DJ Daudi 21 April 2012 at 16:13 - Reply

    I have always thought it odd that the band is called “International” Akweza. This is a group made up of police or gendarmes, so I wonder if they should more aptly have been called “National” than “International”. They have another, later album as well that is just as enjoyable with some more traditionally influenced songs thrown in.
    I’m a big fan of Gabonese music.
    Les Diablotins, for example, is a group whose many vinyl albums still find their way onto my turntable on a regular basis.

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