May 12, 2012

Verckys et l’Orchestre Vévé -“Dynamite” Verckys
african 360.016, 1970

Verckys, front

If you ask me to give a list of my favourite albums, I
can’t. There is so much wonderful music, it’s impossible
to say, this is the best one. However, I can tell you this
is one of my absolute favourites. It’s not a competition but
if it was, Verckys is a sure winner. Been searching to find
this lp ever since I downloaded it in februari 2010, I don’t
remember from what page but if it was yours I am still grateful.
Lucky me, I found it recently and a quite clean copy as well.
Track 8 opens with a little pop but futher it’s in perfect condition.
‘african’ 360.016 is now another gap filled on the shelf,..yeah !..
Have a very nice weekend..


1   Ah mokili
2   Yeba olakaki ngai
3   Annitcho
4   Mfumbwa 1
5   Mfumbwa 2
6   Loboko
7   Nakokoka ata botongi
8   Est-ce que nakobala
9   Naboyi nkasa
10  Linga ngai azua te


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  1. zeporro 12 May 2012 at 09:20 - Reply

    thank you for this album.



  2. zeporro 12 May 2012 at 09:20 - Reply

    thank you for this album.



  3. Reza 12 May 2012 at 10:07 - Reply

    On your recommendation I’ll check it out, thanks :)

  4. Reza 12 May 2012 at 10:07 - Reply

    On your recommendation I’ll check it out, thanks :)

  5. øשlqæda 12 May 2012 at 11:18 - Reply

    you’re very kind!

  6. øשlqæda 12 May 2012 at 11:18 - Reply

    you’re very kind!

  7. moos 12 May 2012 at 11:25 - Reply

    Heya Owl, good to hear ya. we’re all really missing you, sincerely hope to see you return some day in the near future..

  8. moos 12 May 2012 at 11:25 - Reply

    Heya Owl, good to hear ya. we’re all really missing you, sincerely hope to see you return some day in the near future..

  9. reservatory 12 May 2012 at 12:16 - Reply

    Another gap filled. Thank you thank you.

  10. reservatory 12 May 2012 at 12:16 - Reply

    Another gap filled. Thank you thank you.

  11. WrldServ 12 May 2012 at 13:02 - Reply

    I am happy to report that the post is actually still there!

  12. WrldServ 12 May 2012 at 13:02 - Reply

    I am happy to report that the post is actually still there!

  13. snakeboy 12 May 2012 at 13:10 - Reply

    If this is your winner, it must be fantastic. Thank you.

  14. snakeboy 12 May 2012 at 13:10 - Reply

    If this is your winner, it must be fantastic. Thank you.

  15. Anonymous 12 May 2012 at 13:38 - Reply

    Thank you!

  16. Anonymous 12 May 2012 at 13:38 - Reply

    Thank you!

  17. Choco 12 May 2012 at 16:32 - Reply

    Smashing stuff. Thanks. Love it too.

  18. Choco 12 May 2012 at 16:32 - Reply

    Smashing stuff. Thanks. Love it too.

  19. FrancoPepeKalle 13 May 2012 at 04:36 - Reply

    This is Verky’s early music which was excellent anyway. At this time, Verkys made some great dynamic songs as a musician and you can see how genius Verkys. He did make one controversial song that I say is so good that the catholic church could not get the song get to be taken off the limelight.

  20. FrancoPepeKalle 13 May 2012 at 04:36 - Reply

    This is Verky’s early music which was excellent anyway. At this time, Verkys made some great dynamic songs as a musician and you can see how genius Verkys. He did make one controversial song that I say is so good that the catholic church could not get the song get to be taken off the limelight.

  21. moos 13 May 2012 at 07:54 - Reply

    Can you tell us the title of that controversial song FrancoPepekalle ?

  22. moos 13 May 2012 at 07:54 - Reply

    Can you tell us the title of that controversial song FrancoPepekalle ?

  23. Anonymous 14 May 2012 at 17:36 - Reply

    thanks moos…you upload a album of super negro bantous – No Hurray for life very good….thank you

  24. Anonymous 14 May 2012 at 17:36 - Reply

    thanks moos…you upload a album of super negro bantous – No Hurray for life very good….thank you

  25. FrancoPepeKalle 14 May 2012 at 19:48 - Reply

    DJ Moos, the song I am referring is the song Nakomitunaka. This song is where Verkys is asking GOD why there is no black figure on the churhces and why only white people appear on the pictures in the churches.

    The catholic church hated this song and tried hard to ban this song but it was so damn popular that the song continues up to today gets played. This song called out the church.

    Moos, that is the song I was referring to.

  26. FrancoPepeKalle 14 May 2012 at 19:48 - Reply

    DJ Moos, the song I am referring is the song Nakomitunaka. This song is where Verkys is asking GOD why there is no black figure on the churhces and why only white people appear on the pictures in the churches.

    The catholic church hated this song and tried hard to ban this song but it was so damn popular that the song continues up to today gets played. This song called out the church.

    Moos, that is the song I was referring to.

  27. Paul 17 May 2012 at 21:36 - Reply

    Thank you – what a great record!

  28. Paul 17 May 2012 at 21:36 - Reply

    Thank you – what a great record!

  29. stevenluvsabba 24 May 2012 at 00:58 - Reply

    Just wanted to stop by and thank you very much for all the great albums! I have discovered so much wonderful music from your blog.
    I’ve been listening to a lot of Congolese music recently, and found that I have almost 30 of the “360” series albums in my library, and I think the vast majority of them came from this blog.
    I think I’ve only commented once or twice before, but I really really appreciate it, and hopefully when I get older and have the opportunity I can start a blog of my own…

  30. stevenluvsabba 24 May 2012 at 00:58 - Reply

    Just wanted to stop by and thank you very much for all the great albums! I have discovered so much wonderful music from your blog.
    I’ve been listening to a lot of Congolese music recently, and found that I have almost 30 of the “360” series albums in my library, and I think the vast majority of them came from this blog.
    I think I’ve only commented once or twice before, but I really really appreciate it, and hopefully when I get older and have the opportunity I can start a blog of my own…

  31. Anonymous 6 June 2012 at 10:46 - Reply

    What’s the password for the compressed folder? I can’t wait to enjoy it. Thanks a lot in advance!

  32. Anonymous 6 June 2012 at 10:46 - Reply

    What’s the password for the compressed folder? I can’t wait to enjoy it. Thanks a lot in advance!

  33. Nebukadineze Adiele 2 March 2015 at 17:33 - Reply

    I enjoyed this music, although I had only heard one track out of the lot until now. For a minute, I thought that I was listening to Orchestra Negro Success and Bavon Marie Marie. Verkys made a concerted effort to sound like them in this album. What was that all about, since he never sounded like them after this album?

    Great job and thanks for your selflessness and generosity in sharing your creation and music collections with us.

  34. […] et l’Immortel Vévé Verckys et l’Orchestre Vévé 1975 Verckys à Paris 1971 Dynamite Verckys 1970 Verckys et l’Orchestre Vévé, Lassissi présente 1979 Verckys et l’Immortel […]

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