August 5, 2012

Mediafire suspended my account once more !

Dear visitors of the Global Groove,
Here we go again, for the second time Mediafire has suspended
my account and that leaves us empty-handed again. Again they
claim I have made available music with copyright protection, the files
they refer to are African Retro vol.3 and les Stars des Annees 50, both
very much out of print and unobtainable in any other way. Again I don’t
understand shit about this action. I find blogs that offer complete cd’s
that you can still buy in the regular cd-stores and they also use Mediafire
without problems. The party that reported my so called violation is one
from London and I strongly suspect the same ones that f***ed us before.
They just can’t stand it that I bring complete albums for free, eventhough they
are absolutely not available elsewhere. So what can I say or do ?
I guess nothing. When I try to get a response, Mediafire does not
give me any relevant information, it is impossible to get them to give
me a personal answer. Only automatically generated mails that speak
of things like I have published pornographic content and so on.
Dear groovers, I am so very sorry to let you down once more !

So what next ?
It is summertime, the weather is high and I am not letting this spoil
my good mood. I guess it is time for something else for at least a
while. .

I know that lots of you loyal visitors still have the files we lost and many
of you are willing to help in some way. However, I’m not sure I want to
continue the way I did before. Maybe all this is meant to open my eyes
and make me realize I should change methods and do things different.
I’m gonna need some time to contemplate on this….

This entry was posted in


  1. Anonymous 5 August 2012 at 09:48 - Reply

    Love You, and will keep on having your great presentation of music as the cornerstone of my collection. Thank You so very much.


  2. Anonymous 5 August 2012 at 09:48 - Reply

    Love You, and will keep on having your great presentation of music as the cornerstone of my collection. Thank You so very much.


  3. Anonymous 5 August 2012 at 10:25 - Reply

    Thanks so much for your AMAZING resource, you have enhanced my life over the last year! THE KITCHEN FLOOR BECOMES THE DANCE FLOOR WITH GLOBAL GROOVERS!
    Lots of love from London!
    X X X

  4. Anonymous 5 August 2012 at 10:25 - Reply

    Thanks so much for your AMAZING resource, you have enhanced my life over the last year! THE KITCHEN FLOOR BECOMES THE DANCE FLOOR WITH GLOBAL GROOVERS!
    Lots of love from London!
    X X X

  5. NGONI 5 August 2012 at 12:35 - Reply

    Modern life is a bunch of illogical and unjust situations.

    But life has always been a struggle, enjoy this unexpected break as if it were a gift.

    The solution will come alone, and soon we will return to share our love for music.

    A hug.

  6. NGONI 5 August 2012 at 12:35 - Reply

    Modern life is a bunch of illogical and unjust situations.

    But life has always been a struggle, enjoy this unexpected break as if it were a gift.

    The solution will come alone, and soon we will return to share our love for music.

    A hug.

  7. Apurva Bahadur 5 August 2012 at 14:18 - Reply

    I am very sorry for this mess to happen once again.

    Fellow Groovers, should you need it, I have a copy of almost all Congolese, Kenyan, Zimbabwe and similar stuff featured on this blog – my email id is in my profile. Apurva from Pune, India.

  8. Apurva Bahadur 5 August 2012 at 14:18 - Reply

    I am very sorry for this mess to happen once again.

    Fellow Groovers, should you need it, I have a copy of almost all Congolese, Kenyan, Zimbabwe and similar stuff featured on this blog – my email id is in my profile. Apurva from Pune, India.

  9. John B. 5 August 2012 at 15:03 - Reply

    You might want to think about getting your own dedicated hosting account from a service like DreamHost. I use them for individual files while I host the zipped files (whole albums) on Mediafire. So even if Mediafire sticks it to me I’ve got something to fall back on.

    I pay about $10/mo for this service and it’s well worth it. Since you have such high traffic (which I think is the reason you keep getting screwed) you’d probably have to pay quite a bit more, but it might be worth it to you.

    Hope you get things straightened out!

  10. John B. 5 August 2012 at 15:03 - Reply

    You might want to think about getting your own dedicated hosting account from a service like DreamHost. I use them for individual files while I host the zipped files (whole albums) on Mediafire. So even if Mediafire sticks it to me I’ve got something to fall back on.

    I pay about $10/mo for this service and it’s well worth it. Since you have such high traffic (which I think is the reason you keep getting screwed) you’d probably have to pay quite a bit more, but it might be worth it to you.

    Hope you get things straightened out!

  11. Henk Madrotter 5 August 2012 at 15:10 - Reply

    Man this SUCKS and I feel very sorry for you….

    I hope you don’t mind but I would like to ask you something…

    I recorded a song from the great Kollington from the radio, it must’ve been 1982, 1983 and I’ve been searching for this ever since. I’ve downloaded his great albums from your (great) blog but it wasn’t on any of those albums….

    I just posted the recording that I made and am hoping you can tell me from what album this is, I personally think it’s his finest work…. Thanks!

    Best wishes and I really hope you can find a quick and good solution to your problems, other than mediafire I wouldn’t know where to upload stuff right now….

    Henk Madrotter

  12. Henk Madrotter 5 August 2012 at 15:10 - Reply

    Man this SUCKS and I feel very sorry for you….

    I hope you don’t mind but I would like to ask you something…

    I recorded a song from the great Kollington from the radio, it must’ve been 1982, 1983 and I’ve been searching for this ever since. I’ve downloaded his great albums from your (great) blog but it wasn’t on any of those albums….

    I just posted the recording that I made and am hoping you can tell me from what album this is, I personally think it’s his finest work…. Thanks!

    Best wishes and I really hope you can find a quick and good solution to your problems, other than mediafire I wouldn’t know where to upload stuff right now….

    Henk Madrotter

  13. Anonymous 5 August 2012 at 16:05 - Reply

    You have let no one down! Groovin’ is as groovin’ does, keep on keepin’ on, Ramdog!

  14. Anonymous 5 August 2012 at 16:05 - Reply

    You have let no one down! Groovin’ is as groovin’ does, keep on keepin’ on, Ramdog!

  15. Anonymous 5 August 2012 at 16:09 - Reply

    I would have liked to listen to the last two albums, too – but I’m very grateful that I could listen to all this amazing music for such a long time. Thank you!

    Hope you’ll find a way to continue…


  16. Anonymous 5 August 2012 at 16:09 - Reply

    I would have liked to listen to the last two albums, too – but I’m very grateful that I could listen to all this amazing music for such a long time. Thank you!

    Hope you’ll find a way to continue…


  17. Goofy 5 August 2012 at 17:31 - Reply

    Take all the time you need, but try to find a way to continue. Life without your african music would be sad.

  18. Goofy 5 August 2012 at 17:31 - Reply

    Take all the time you need, but try to find a way to continue. Life without your african music would be sad.

  19. Anonymous 5 August 2012 at 18:20 - Reply

    Kind of boils the blood thinking about the tosspot that’s had your links taken down. Some people are so intent on messing up other peoples fun. Seems like they just want everything to be controlled by the big boys of the corporate world. Still rather than ranting I’m going to go & play some of this fabulous music you have been sharing, wish you a very fine summer & hope you come back in some way soon

    Best regards


  20. Anonymous 5 August 2012 at 18:20 - Reply

    Kind of boils the blood thinking about the tosspot that’s had your links taken down. Some people are so intent on messing up other peoples fun. Seems like they just want everything to be controlled by the big boys of the corporate world. Still rather than ranting I’m going to go & play some of this fabulous music you have been sharing, wish you a very fine summer & hope you come back in some way soon

    Best regards


  21. Anonymous 5 August 2012 at 19:00 - Reply

    I don’t know what to say Moos….you have turned on so many people to so much good music…just dont let it get you down whatever you choose to do …you’va allredy made so many people happy !

  22. Anonymous 5 August 2012 at 19:00 - Reply

    I don’t know what to say Moos….you have turned on so many people to so much good music…just dont let it get you down whatever you choose to do …you’va allredy made so many people happy !

  23. Anonymous 5 August 2012 at 19:00 - Reply

    I don’t know what to say Moos….you have turned on so many people to so much good music…just dont let it get you down whatever you choose to do …you’va allredy made so many people happy !

  24. Anonymous 5 August 2012 at 19:58 - Reply

    Unbelieveable and likely by somone who themselves have utlized the blog. Time to switch your methods. Mediafire is not the only one out there. Once burned cautious. Twice? Time to get out of the fire!! Pun intended.
    Hurry back you will be missed!!

  25. Anonymous 5 August 2012 at 19:58 - Reply

    Unbelieveable and likely by somone who themselves have utlized the blog. Time to switch your methods. Mediafire is not the only one out there. Once burned cautious. Twice? Time to get out of the fire!! Pun intended.
    Hurry back you will be missed!!

  26. Anonymous 5 August 2012 at 19:58 - Reply

    Unbelieveable and likely by somone who themselves have utlized the blog. Time to switch your methods. Mediafire is not the only one out there. Once burned cautious. Twice? Time to get out of the fire!! Pun intended.
    Hurry back you will be missed!!

  27. Anonymous 5 August 2012 at 23:29 - Reply

    Hi Moos, I hope you find a good solution and don’t let the bastards get you down. Whatever you decide, a big “thank you” for all of the great music you have so generously shared with so many of us.

    Best regards.

  28. Anonymous 5 August 2012 at 23:29 - Reply

    Hi Moos, I hope you find a good solution and don’t let the bastards get you down. Whatever you decide, a big “thank you” for all of the great music you have so generously shared with so many of us.

    Best regards.

  29. Anonymous 5 August 2012 at 23:29 - Reply

    Hi Moos, I hope you find a good solution and don’t let the bastards get you down. Whatever you decide, a big “thank you” for all of the great music you have so generously shared with so many of us.

    Best regards.

  30. Boebis 6 August 2012 at 11:16 - Reply

    :’-( but thanks for all the artists i discovered because of you and are now among my favorite!

  31. Boebis 6 August 2012 at 11:16 - Reply

    :’-( but thanks for all the artists i discovered because of you and are now among my favorite!

  32. Boebis 6 August 2012 at 11:16 - Reply

    :’-( but thanks for all the artists i discovered because of you and are now among my favorite!

  33. Anonymous 6 August 2012 at 11:53 - Reply

    Hey Everyone!

    I think we should all use torrent download.

    I think it’s the best option!

    Thanks for your lovely music

  34. Anonymous 6 August 2012 at 11:53 - Reply

    Hey Everyone!

    I think we should all use torrent download.

    I think it’s the best option!

    Thanks for your lovely music

  35. Anonymous 6 August 2012 at 11:53 - Reply

    Hey Everyone!

    I think we should all use torrent download.

    I think it’s the best option!

    Thanks for your lovely music

  36. Unknown 6 August 2012 at 12:16 - Reply

    I am also truly grateful for all the great music you have been posting. If the solution you end up thinking of involves the support or cooperation from your followers, definitely count on me, too. I’ll be checking your blog for new developments. Best.

  37. Unknown 6 August 2012 at 12:16 - Reply

    I am also truly grateful for all the great music you have been posting. If the solution you end up thinking of involves the support or cooperation from your followers, definitely count on me, too. I’ll be checking your blog for new developments. Best.

  38. Unknown 6 August 2012 at 12:16 - Reply

    I am also truly grateful for all the great music you have been posting. If the solution you end up thinking of involves the support or cooperation from your followers, definitely count on me, too. I’ll be checking your blog for new developments. Best.

  39. yazooo 6 August 2012 at 15:58 - Reply

    This is not good news but thanks for all your hard work!

  40. yazooo 6 August 2012 at 15:58 - Reply

    This is not good news but thanks for all your hard work!

  41. yazooo 6 August 2012 at 15:58 - Reply

    This is not good news but thanks for all your hard work!

  42. Robin Dua 6 August 2012 at 18:55 - Reply

    Oh Man! I just found out about your blog. This Sucks! Was just looking after some star band downloads and damn there were so many :( Please torrent them all up?

  43. Robin Dua 6 August 2012 at 18:55 - Reply

    Oh Man! I just found out about your blog. This Sucks! Was just looking after some star band downloads and damn there were so many :( Please torrent them all up?

  44. Robin Dua 6 August 2012 at 18:55 - Reply

    Oh Man! I just found out about your blog. This Sucks! Was just looking after some star band downloads and damn there were so many :( Please torrent them all up?

  45. Chris Monsen 6 August 2012 at 19:39 - Reply

    Not quite sure what to say except “bummer,” and thanks for all your work and research up to this point. hope things work out, somehow.

  46. Chris Monsen 6 August 2012 at 19:39 - Reply

    Not quite sure what to say except “bummer,” and thanks for all your work and research up to this point. hope things work out, somehow.

  47. Chris Monsen 6 August 2012 at 19:39 - Reply

    Not quite sure what to say except “bummer,” and thanks for all your work and research up to this point. hope things work out, somehow.

  48. LEONARDO MENESES. 6 August 2012 at 22:02 - Reply



  49. LEONARDO MENESES. 6 August 2012 at 22:02 - Reply



  50. LEONARDO MENESES. 6 August 2012 at 22:02 - Reply



  51. Anonymous 7 August 2012 at 16:52 - Reply

    Zwaar klote ,dat
    Global Groove dit weer moet overkomen.Ik en volgens mij alle muziek liefhebbers hopen dat je een passende oplossing zult vinden om al die goede beats weer te posten.
    Veel Sterke

  52. Anonymous 7 August 2012 at 16:52 - Reply

    Zwaar klote ,dat
    Global Groove dit weer moet overkomen.Ik en volgens mij alle muziek liefhebbers hopen dat je een passende oplossing zult vinden om al die goede beats weer te posten.
    Veel Sterke

  53. Anonymous 7 August 2012 at 16:52 - Reply

    Zwaar klote ,dat
    Global Groove dit weer moet overkomen.Ik en volgens mij alle muziek liefhebbers hopen dat je een passende oplossing zult vinden om al die goede beats weer te posten.
    Veel Sterke

  54. Jorge Cerqueira 7 August 2012 at 20:07 - Reply

    your blog is the best blog ever. i thank you for all the love that you put in this blog and passed to us all that visit your blog, a unique space for awesome music o//

  55. Jorge Cerqueira 7 August 2012 at 20:07 - Reply

    your blog is the best blog ever. i thank you for all the love that you put in this blog and passed to us all that visit your blog, a unique space for awesome music o//

  56. Jorge Cerqueira 7 August 2012 at 20:07 - Reply

    your blog is the best blog ever. i thank you for all the love that you put in this blog and passed to us all that visit your blog, a unique space for awesome music o//

  57. Gonzalez on Speed 7 August 2012 at 20:55 - Reply

    what about ??

  58. Gonzalez on Speed 7 August 2012 at 20:55 - Reply

    what about ??

  59. Gonzalez on Speed 7 August 2012 at 20:55 - Reply

    what about ??

  60. Gonzalez on Speed 7 August 2012 at 20:56 - Reply

    Ever tried Moos ??
    best regards from Rotterdam ;-)

  61. Gonzalez on Speed 7 August 2012 at 20:56 - Reply

    Ever tried Moos ??
    best regards from Rotterdam ;-)

  62. Gonzalez on Speed 7 August 2012 at 20:56 - Reply

    Ever tried Moos ??
    best regards from Rotterdam ;-)

  63. Anonymous 7 August 2012 at 21:55 - Reply

    Hi There,

    I’d be happy to contribute to costs if you find a new system you need to pay for.

    I know for every person commenting there are 100 silently enjoying what you do.

    Keep on keepin’ on

  64. Anonymous 7 August 2012 at 21:55 - Reply

    Hi There,

    I’d be happy to contribute to costs if you find a new system you need to pay for.

    I know for every person commenting there are 100 silently enjoying what you do.

    Keep on keepin’ on

  65. Anonymous 7 August 2012 at 21:55 - Reply

    Hi There,

    I’d be happy to contribute to costs if you find a new system you need to pay for.

    I know for every person commenting there are 100 silently enjoying what you do.

    Keep on keepin’ on

  66. jack 7 August 2012 at 22:08 - Reply

    man, this is fucked up.. hope u continue it with a different way, cause i found so many awesome artists through ur blog. thank u dude!

  67. jack 7 August 2012 at 22:08 - Reply

    man, this is fucked up.. hope u continue it with a different way, cause i found so many awesome artists through ur blog. thank u dude!

  68. jack 7 August 2012 at 22:08 - Reply

    man, this is fucked up.. hope u continue it with a different way, cause i found so many awesome artists through ur blog. thank u dude!

  69. Mike D. 8 August 2012 at 01:46 - Reply

    Hang in there Moos! There are definitely some high profile collectors out there who do not want to see these albums released or available to the general public. Childish and spiteful but it keeps the price tag on their own records up. To hell with them. The music you’ve posted over the years has enriched the lives of many folks out there, myself included. Don’t let these snakes keep you down. Hope you find a way to keep the torch burning.

    Mike D.

  70. Mike D. 8 August 2012 at 01:46 - Reply

    Hang in there Moos! There are definitely some high profile collectors out there who do not want to see these albums released or available to the general public. Childish and spiteful but it keeps the price tag on their own records up. To hell with them. The music you’ve posted over the years has enriched the lives of many folks out there, myself included. Don’t let these snakes keep you down. Hope you find a way to keep the torch burning.

    Mike D.

  71. Mike D. 8 August 2012 at 01:46 - Reply

    Hang in there Moos! There are definitely some high profile collectors out there who do not want to see these albums released or available to the general public. Childish and spiteful but it keeps the price tag on their own records up. To hell with them. The music you’ve posted over the years has enriched the lives of many folks out there, myself included. Don’t let these snakes keep you down. Hope you find a way to keep the torch burning.

    Mike D.

  72. gypsykat 8 August 2012 at 03:19 - Reply

    Oh, Moos! I’m so sorry!

    If you decide to try again, you might consider Divshare.

    It’s fast and easy, and as far as I know they haven’t gone after any music bloggers.

    We may all need to converge on one of your music parties in the park. Hmm. How will I afford the airfare?

    Best wishes, and many thanks!

  73. gypsykat 8 August 2012 at 03:19 - Reply

    Oh, Moos! I’m so sorry!

    If you decide to try again, you might consider Divshare.

    It’s fast and easy, and as far as I know they haven’t gone after any music bloggers.

    We may all need to converge on one of your music parties in the park. Hmm. How will I afford the airfare?

    Best wishes, and many thanks!

  74. gypsykat 8 August 2012 at 03:19 - Reply

    Oh, Moos! I’m so sorry!

    If you decide to try again, you might consider Divshare.

    It’s fast and easy, and as far as I know they haven’t gone after any music bloggers.

    We may all need to converge on one of your music parties in the park. Hmm. How will I afford the airfare?

    Best wishes, and many thanks!

  75. moos 8 August 2012 at 06:56 - Reply

    Hey Gonzalez, how are you ? Zippyshare looks nice however there is one big BUT, after 30 days without activity the file will die automatically. I would have to re-up on a permanent basis, no good idea..
    Maybe a personal server is the only solid solution…I’m gonna look into that..

  76. moos 8 August 2012 at 06:56 - Reply

    Hey Gonzalez, how are you ? Zippyshare looks nice however there is one big BUT, after 30 days without activity the file will die automatically. I would have to re-up on a permanent basis, no good idea..
    Maybe a personal server is the only solid solution…I’m gonna look into that..

  77. moos 8 August 2012 at 06:56 - Reply

    Hey Gonzalez, how are you ? Zippyshare looks nice however there is one big BUT, after 30 days without activity the file will die automatically. I would have to re-up on a permanent basis, no good idea..
    Maybe a personal server is the only solid solution…I’m gonna look into that..

  78. Anonymous 8 August 2012 at 12:52 - Reply

    Pornographic content? Now that’s just not being nice. Thinking about it, maybe it was a syntax error generated by the mail robot, perhaps it meant to reference your site having adult content. That would make sense in that it does target an older listening audience; but, at exactly the same time, it’s music which can be enjoyed by all ages across the continents, so there ends that argument.

    OK, I just checked and — yep, all the woman on the cover of deejaymoos “Compilation 4” are still in their swimsuit attire, so who knows what the M_Fire folk are talking about. Certainly not them.

    Just a day or two ago I bumped into a Kurt Vonnegut quote:

    “Music makes practically everybody fonder of life than he or she would be without it.”

    Hands down, your Global Groove presentation has always embodied this. Just trying to say much we have appreciated your efforts. Should we ever meet at a pub, all of your drinks are on me.

  79. Anonymous 8 August 2012 at 12:52 - Reply

    Pornographic content? Now that’s just not being nice. Thinking about it, maybe it was a syntax error generated by the mail robot, perhaps it meant to reference your site having adult content. That would make sense in that it does target an older listening audience; but, at exactly the same time, it’s music which can be enjoyed by all ages across the continents, so there ends that argument.

    OK, I just checked and — yep, all the woman on the cover of deejaymoos “Compilation 4” are still in their swimsuit attire, so who knows what the M_Fire folk are talking about. Certainly not them.

    Just a day or two ago I bumped into a Kurt Vonnegut quote:

    “Music makes practically everybody fonder of life than he or she would be without it.”

    Hands down, your Global Groove presentation has always embodied this. Just trying to say much we have appreciated your efforts. Should we ever meet at a pub, all of your drinks are on me.

  80. Anonymous 8 August 2012 at 12:52 - Reply

    Pornographic content? Now that’s just not being nice. Thinking about it, maybe it was a syntax error generated by the mail robot, perhaps it meant to reference your site having adult content. That would make sense in that it does target an older listening audience; but, at exactly the same time, it’s music which can be enjoyed by all ages across the continents, so there ends that argument.

    OK, I just checked and — yep, all the woman on the cover of deejaymoos “Compilation 4” are still in their swimsuit attire, so who knows what the M_Fire folk are talking about. Certainly not them.

    Just a day or two ago I bumped into a Kurt Vonnegut quote:

    “Music makes practically everybody fonder of life than he or she would be without it.”

    Hands down, your Global Groove presentation has always embodied this. Just trying to say much we have appreciated your efforts. Should we ever meet at a pub, all of your drinks are on me.

  81. Thomo 8 August 2012 at 22:01 - Reply

    What-ever the ins and outs of all this, I just want to say a heart-felt thank-you: thank-you very much for sharing so much music which has made my life better.
    I’m going to keep on clocking in here from time to time, to see how things are going with you.
    Take care and all the best from Edinburgh

  82. Thomo 8 August 2012 at 22:01 - Reply

    What-ever the ins and outs of all this, I just want to say a heart-felt thank-you: thank-you very much for sharing so much music which has made my life better.
    I’m going to keep on clocking in here from time to time, to see how things are going with you.
    Take care and all the best from Edinburgh

  83. Thomo 8 August 2012 at 22:01 - Reply

    What-ever the ins and outs of all this, I just want to say a heart-felt thank-you: thank-you very much for sharing so much music which has made my life better.
    I’m going to keep on clocking in here from time to time, to see how things are going with you.
    Take care and all the best from Edinburgh

  84. Anonymous 9 August 2012 at 01:33 - Reply

    Wow! It’s incredible how entitled some people become with other people’s music, many of these titles (and many, many more) can be found on iTunes, emusic, Amazon and more sites. Some are only a few bucks. This isn’t about collectors being selfish.


  85. Anonymous 9 August 2012 at 01:33 - Reply

    Wow! It’s incredible how entitled some people become with other people’s music, many of these titles (and many, many more) can be found on iTunes, emusic, Amazon and more sites. Some are only a few bucks. This isn’t about collectors being selfish.


  86. Anonymous 9 August 2012 at 01:33 - Reply

    Wow! It’s incredible how entitled some people become with other people’s music, many of these titles (and many, many more) can be found on iTunes, emusic, Amazon and more sites. Some are only a few bucks. This isn’t about collectors being selfish.


  87. Anonymous 9 August 2012 at 09:40 - Reply

    Sorry to hear about this but things don’t really look as bad as early this year. In January, Mediafire deleted ALL your files. This time, however, your account is only put on hold. It looks like your files are still there, except for “African Retro Vol. 3” and “Les Stars des Annees 50” that have been deleted because of alleged copyright violation.

    Apparently, the agency that reported the copyright violation is, so the claim probably came from one of their customers. Still, the software they use to search the internet for copyright violations sometimes comes up with false claims. That could be the case here because, as you say, those LPs were very much out of print.

    You should send an email to Mediafire ( and Muso ( Tell them you think the claim is a mistake. Because, if you don’t react, they might think their action was justified. Also, if your account is no longer being used (like it is now), it might go from suspension to termination and all your files will be deleted.

  88. Anonymous 9 August 2012 at 09:40 - Reply

    Sorry to hear about this but things don’t really look as bad as early this year. In January, Mediafire deleted ALL your files. This time, however, your account is only put on hold. It looks like your files are still there, except for “African Retro Vol. 3” and “Les Stars des Annees 50” that have been deleted because of alleged copyright violation.

    Apparently, the agency that reported the copyright violation is, so the claim probably came from one of their customers. Still, the software they use to search the internet for copyright violations sometimes comes up with false claims. That could be the case here because, as you say, those LPs were very much out of print.

    You should send an email to Mediafire ( and Muso ( Tell them you think the claim is a mistake. Because, if you don’t react, they might think their action was justified. Also, if your account is no longer being used (like it is now), it might go from suspension to termination and all your files will be deleted.

  89. Anonymous 9 August 2012 at 09:40 - Reply

    Sorry to hear about this but things don’t really look as bad as early this year. In January, Mediafire deleted ALL your files. This time, however, your account is only put on hold. It looks like your files are still there, except for “African Retro Vol. 3” and “Les Stars des Annees 50” that have been deleted because of alleged copyright violation.

    Apparently, the agency that reported the copyright violation is, so the claim probably came from one of their customers. Still, the software they use to search the internet for copyright violations sometimes comes up with false claims. That could be the case here because, as you say, those LPs were very much out of print.

    You should send an email to Mediafire ( and Muso ( Tell them you think the claim is a mistake. Because, if you don’t react, they might think their action was justified. Also, if your account is no longer being used (like it is now), it might go from suspension to termination and all your files will be deleted.

  90. kreismyr 9 August 2012 at 20:28 - Reply

    Hey moos, very sorry to get this news. I’m glad that you are able to maintain your summer mood. Condolences on your dog as well. I’ve been meaning for a long time to say thank you for the sit-down we had back in april, it was really cool to meet you. If you feel like it, give my latest mix a spin, i’d be surprised if it doesn’t include a gg tune or two. Love, kreismyr

  91. kreismyr 9 August 2012 at 20:28 - Reply

    Hey moos, very sorry to get this news. I’m glad that you are able to maintain your summer mood. Condolences on your dog as well. I’ve been meaning for a long time to say thank you for the sit-down we had back in april, it was really cool to meet you. If you feel like it, give my latest mix a spin, i’d be surprised if it doesn’t include a gg tune or two. Love, kreismyr

  92. kreismyr 9 August 2012 at 20:28 - Reply

    Hey moos, very sorry to get this news. I’m glad that you are able to maintain your summer mood. Condolences on your dog as well. I’ve been meaning for a long time to say thank you for the sit-down we had back in april, it was really cool to meet you. If you feel like it, give my latest mix a spin, i’d be surprised if it doesn’t include a gg tune or two. Love, kreismyr

  93. Anonymous 9 August 2012 at 23:53 - Reply

    Hallo Moos, I can write Dutch. Bedankt voor je steun. Ik sta op de blogroll van globalgroove! Ik was er al bang voor met mediafire. Ze schoppen alle muziekbestanden eruit. Ik denk dat zelfs Satyrs ’78 toeren: curiosa wereld jazz’ met zijn publiek domein opnamen moet vrezen. Het enige wat ik kan bedenken is blogspot met torrent te combineren. Je hebt minstens 802 volgers; dat wil zeggen 802 seeders! Verder zou ik het ook niet weten. Het is nergens gegarandeerd. Gr. Sinjoro Jillem

  94. Anonymous 9 August 2012 at 23:53 - Reply

    Hallo Moos, I can write Dutch. Bedankt voor je steun. Ik sta op de blogroll van globalgroove! Ik was er al bang voor met mediafire. Ze schoppen alle muziekbestanden eruit. Ik denk dat zelfs Satyrs ’78 toeren: curiosa wereld jazz’ met zijn publiek domein opnamen moet vrezen. Het enige wat ik kan bedenken is blogspot met torrent te combineren. Je hebt minstens 802 volgers; dat wil zeggen 802 seeders! Verder zou ik het ook niet weten. Het is nergens gegarandeerd. Gr. Sinjoro Jillem

  95. Anonymous 9 August 2012 at 23:53 - Reply

    Hallo Moos, I can write Dutch. Bedankt voor je steun. Ik sta op de blogroll van globalgroove! Ik was er al bang voor met mediafire. Ze schoppen alle muziekbestanden eruit. Ik denk dat zelfs Satyrs ’78 toeren: curiosa wereld jazz’ met zijn publiek domein opnamen moet vrezen. Het enige wat ik kan bedenken is blogspot met torrent te combineren. Je hebt minstens 802 volgers; dat wil zeggen 802 seeders! Verder zou ik het ook niet weten. Het is nergens gegarandeerd. Gr. Sinjoro Jillem

  96. Anonymous 10 August 2012 at 04:04 - Reply

    this is not good…. anybody that needs any Ghanaian or ghana band based in nigeria ever posted here, can contact me for it…

  97. Anonymous 10 August 2012 at 04:04 - Reply

    this is not good…. anybody that needs any Ghanaian or ghana band based in nigeria ever posted here, can contact me for it…

  98. Anonymous 10 August 2012 at 04:04 - Reply

    this is not good…. anybody that needs any Ghanaian or ghana band based in nigeria ever posted here, can contact me for it…

  99. Anonymous 10 August 2012 at 14:28 - Reply

    Thanks a lot for the wonderful music you shared with us.It`s highly appreciated. You were always my favourite blog.
    Kepp your head up…

  100. Anonymous 10 August 2012 at 14:28 - Reply

    Thanks a lot for the wonderful music you shared with us.It`s highly appreciated. You were always my favourite blog.
    Kepp your head up…

  101. Anonymous 10 August 2012 at 14:28 - Reply

    Thanks a lot for the wonderful music you shared with us.It`s highly appreciated. You were always my favourite blog.
    Kepp your head up…

  102. richard 10 August 2012 at 17:11 - Reply

    What you have done is so important for so many of us, Moos. Let us know what we can do to help!

  103. richard 10 August 2012 at 17:11 - Reply

    What you have done is so important for so many of us, Moos. Let us know what we can do to help!

  104. richard 10 August 2012 at 17:11 - Reply

    What you have done is so important for so many of us, Moos. Let us know what we can do to help!

  105. Beedou 11 August 2012 at 09:01 - Reply

    You’re an amazing music collector and you’ve made me know so many music bands. I have a lot of friends from african(congo, Ivory coast) there in Paris, France. And we had great time listening all your discoveries. Hope you could continue it after your summer rest ;)

    Take care,

  106. Beedou 11 August 2012 at 09:01 - Reply

    You’re an amazing music collector and you’ve made me know so many music bands. I have a lot of friends from african(congo, Ivory coast) there in Paris, France. And we had great time listening all your discoveries. Hope you could continue it after your summer rest ;)

    Take care,

  107. Beedou 11 August 2012 at 09:01 - Reply

    You’re an amazing music collector and you’ve made me know so many music bands. I have a lot of friends from african(congo, Ivory coast) there in Paris, France. And we had great time listening all your discoveries. Hope you could continue it after your summer rest ;)

    Take care,

  108. Anonymous 11 August 2012 at 10:32 - Reply

    so sad news,whatever you will do ,
    thank you so much for this wonderful world of music you shared with us, I will never forget GG!

  109. Anonymous 11 August 2012 at 10:32 - Reply

    so sad news,whatever you will do ,
    thank you so much for this wonderful world of music you shared with us, I will never forget GG!

  110. Anonymous 11 August 2012 at 10:32 - Reply

    so sad news,whatever you will do ,
    thank you so much for this wonderful world of music you shared with us, I will never forget GG!

  111. David 11 August 2012 at 18:01 - Reply

    “The moment of betrayal is worst, the moment when you know beyond any doubt thay you’ve been betrayed: that some other human being has wished you that much harm.” (Margaret Atwood, ‘The Handmaids Tale’). Thinking good things for you.

  112. David 11 August 2012 at 18:01 - Reply

    “The moment of betrayal is worst, the moment when you know beyond any doubt thay you’ve been betrayed: that some other human being has wished you that much harm.” (Margaret Atwood, ‘The Handmaids Tale’). Thinking good things for you.

  113. David 11 August 2012 at 18:01 - Reply

    “The moment of betrayal is worst, the moment when you know beyond any doubt thay you’ve been betrayed: that some other human being has wished you that much harm.” (Margaret Atwood, ‘The Handmaids Tale’). Thinking good things for you.

  114. Anonymous 13 August 2012 at 08:00 - Reply

    Sad sad news – a great endeavor to bring such wonderful hard to hear music to our ears.

    Sending positive vibes from Alba – we will keep dancing to your sounds and keep checking back!


  115. Anonymous 13 August 2012 at 08:00 - Reply

    Sad sad news – a great endeavor to bring such wonderful hard to hear music to our ears.

    Sending positive vibes from Alba – we will keep dancing to your sounds and keep checking back!


  116. Anonymous 13 August 2012 at 08:00 - Reply

    Sad sad news – a great endeavor to bring such wonderful hard to hear music to our ears.

    Sending positive vibes from Alba – we will keep dancing to your sounds and keep checking back!


  117. Honeyradiance 13 August 2012 at 08:02 - Reply

    The Powers That Be don’t want us to be exposed to the beauty of African music because they don’t want it to move us toward taking action on stopping the corporate-sponsored genocide of the cultures that produce these musics, which is going on right now.

  118. Honeyradiance 13 August 2012 at 08:02 - Reply

    The Powers That Be don’t want us to be exposed to the beauty of African music because they don’t want it to move us toward taking action on stopping the corporate-sponsored genocide of the cultures that produce these musics, which is going on right now.

  119. Honeyradiance 13 August 2012 at 08:02 - Reply

    The Powers That Be don’t want us to be exposed to the beauty of African music because they don’t want it to move us toward taking action on stopping the corporate-sponsored genocide of the cultures that produce these musics, which is going on right now.

  120. grooVemonzter 13 August 2012 at 14:50 - Reply

    Damn… just damn… I keep hoping it’s not true. Damn…

    Thank you Moos. From my heart.. Thank you for everything. Global Groove has been my school. Thank you.


  121. grooVemonzter 13 August 2012 at 14:50 - Reply

    Damn… just damn… I keep hoping it’s not true. Damn…

    Thank you Moos. From my heart.. Thank you for everything. Global Groove has been my school. Thank you.


  122. grooVemonzter 13 August 2012 at 14:50 - Reply

    Damn… just damn… I keep hoping it’s not true. Damn…

    Thank you Moos. From my heart.. Thank you for everything. Global Groove has been my school. Thank you.


  123. Anonymous 14 August 2012 at 06:26 - Reply

    GG was my main inspiration for purchasing records.
    I am sure: Terminating this fine blog will bring down sales in a certain segment.

    Thanks for opening my mind for so long. Don’t give up, Moos!

  124. Anonymous 14 August 2012 at 06:26 - Reply

    GG was my main inspiration for purchasing records.
    I am sure: Terminating this fine blog will bring down sales in a certain segment.

    Thanks for opening my mind for so long. Don’t give up, Moos!

  125. Anonymous 14 August 2012 at 06:26 - Reply

    GG was my main inspiration for purchasing records.
    I am sure: Terminating this fine blog will bring down sales in a certain segment.

    Thanks for opening my mind for so long. Don’t give up, Moos!

  126. Henk Madrotter 14 August 2012 at 13:23 - Reply

    Well, they just did the same thing to one of my favorite blogs, the no longer forgotten music blog

    guess they won’t stop and erase all of us, this mega-sucks….

  127. Henk Madrotter 14 August 2012 at 13:23 - Reply

    Well, they just did the same thing to one of my favorite blogs, the no longer forgotten music blog

    guess they won’t stop and erase all of us, this mega-sucks….

  128. Henk Madrotter 14 August 2012 at 13:23 - Reply

    Well, they just did the same thing to one of my favorite blogs, the no longer forgotten music blog

    guess they won’t stop and erase all of us, this mega-sucks….

  129. gilhodges 15 August 2012 at 19:03 - Reply

    Just horrific. This place is an international treasure. Many blogs have been having success with Zippyshare as a file locker. Maybe worth a try?

  130. gilhodges 15 August 2012 at 19:03 - Reply

    Just horrific. This place is an international treasure. Many blogs have been having success with Zippyshare as a file locker. Maybe worth a try?

  131. gilhodges 15 August 2012 at 19:03 - Reply

    Just horrific. This place is an international treasure. Many blogs have been having success with Zippyshare as a file locker. Maybe worth a try?

  132. abudaiyo 16 August 2012 at 00:45 - Reply

    That’s terrible news. Glad to hear you are rising above it. Hope that you find the energy and motivation to return to us in some form or other. What you do here is far too important and appreciated to disappear without trace.

  133. abudaiyo 16 August 2012 at 00:45 - Reply

    That’s terrible news. Glad to hear you are rising above it. Hope that you find the energy and motivation to return to us in some form or other. What you do here is far too important and appreciated to disappear without trace.

  134. abudaiyo 16 August 2012 at 00:45 - Reply

    That’s terrible news. Glad to hear you are rising above it. Hope that you find the energy and motivation to return to us in some form or other. What you do here is far too important and appreciated to disappear without trace.

  135. moos 16 August 2012 at 09:07 - Reply

    dear visitors,
    It’s incredible how Mediafire has fooled me once more. I asked them to restore my files after I had removed the posts that caused the problem. The IFPI told me they withdrawn the complaint so I thought we would be okay again. Then Mediafire sent me a message; please give us the correct email adress so we can pull up your account. I provided it and then received this message ; Thank you for clarifying. The account is permanently suspended due to a Terms of Service violation and all files have since been deleted from the account. INCREDIBLE or not ?
    I shall leave Mediafire for good this time and think of other solutions, damn it is so disappointing…check you later..

  136. moos 16 August 2012 at 09:07 - Reply

    dear visitors,
    It’s incredible how Mediafire has fooled me once more. I asked them to restore my files after I had removed the posts that caused the problem. The IFPI told me they withdrawn the complaint so I thought we would be okay again. Then Mediafire sent me a message; please give us the correct email adress so we can pull up your account. I provided it and then received this message ; Thank you for clarifying. The account is permanently suspended due to a Terms of Service violation and all files have since been deleted from the account. INCREDIBLE or not ?
    I shall leave Mediafire for good this time and think of other solutions, damn it is so disappointing…check you later..

  137. moos 16 August 2012 at 09:07 - Reply

    dear visitors,
    It’s incredible how Mediafire has fooled me once more. I asked them to restore my files after I had removed the posts that caused the problem. The IFPI told me they withdrawn the complaint so I thought we would be okay again. Then Mediafire sent me a message; please give us the correct email adress so we can pull up your account. I provided it and then received this message ; Thank you for clarifying. The account is permanently suspended due to a Terms of Service violation and all files have since been deleted from the account. INCREDIBLE or not ?
    I shall leave Mediafire for good this time and think of other solutions, damn it is so disappointing…check you later..

  138. Henk Madrotter 16 August 2012 at 11:37 - Reply

    damn moos…. damn….

  139. Henk Madrotter 16 August 2012 at 11:37 - Reply

    damn moos…. damn….

  140. Henk Madrotter 16 August 2012 at 11:37 - Reply

    damn moos…. damn….

  141. Seyum 18 August 2012 at 22:40 - Reply

    Never mind Moos, such a nice community we have here. They can not change our mindset or way of life. Not everything has to be about $$$£££.

    If you decide to set up your own server to host stuff, let us know. We can all contribute towards the cost. After all this what sharing is about.

  142. Seyum 18 August 2012 at 22:40 - Reply

    Never mind Moos, such a nice community we have here. They can not change our mindset or way of life. Not everything has to be about $$$£££.

    If you decide to set up your own server to host stuff, let us know. We can all contribute towards the cost. After all this what sharing is about.

  143. Seyum 18 August 2012 at 22:40 - Reply

    Never mind Moos, such a nice community we have here. They can not change our mindset or way of life. Not everything has to be about $$$£££.

    If you decide to set up your own server to host stuff, let us know. We can all contribute towards the cost. After all this what sharing is about.

  144. Barbatruco Producciones 19 August 2012 at 18:09 - Reply

    salute to you man keep it up and be patient there’s gonna be some alternatives

  145. Barbatruco Producciones 19 August 2012 at 18:09 - Reply

    salute to you man keep it up and be patient there’s gonna be some alternatives

  146. Barbatruco Producciones 19 August 2012 at 18:09 - Reply

    salute to you man keep it up and be patient there’s gonna be some alternatives

  147. zeporro 21 August 2012 at 22:46 - Reply

    I’m sorry Moos, is one of the mejeores African music blog I know and think of those who are on the network.
    I seem to forget the job that you have done and find another server and keep posting new albums and forget the old, unless someone asks and I imagine that if you are not a follower can get them.
    I think you can have a lot of friends who follow what you do.
    a big hug!

  148. zeporro 21 August 2012 at 22:46 - Reply

    I’m sorry Moos, is one of the mejeores African music blog I know and think of those who are on the network.
    I seem to forget the job that you have done and find another server and keep posting new albums and forget the old, unless someone asks and I imagine that if you are not a follower can get them.
    I think you can have a lot of friends who follow what you do.
    a big hug!

  149. zeporro 21 August 2012 at 22:46 - Reply

    I’m sorry Moos, is one of the mejeores African music blog I know and think of those who are on the network.
    I seem to forget the job that you have done and find another server and keep posting new albums and forget the old, unless someone asks and I imagine that if you are not a follower can get them.
    I think you can have a lot of friends who follow what you do.
    a big hug!

  150. FrancoPepeKalle 22 August 2012 at 04:42 - Reply

    What is going with mediafire. I feel so sorry for you man. I feel like you are being targeted for giving us great music that we would never know. Thank you for your services. I hope that your blog will stay alive.

  151. FrancoPepeKalle 22 August 2012 at 04:42 - Reply

    What is going with mediafire. I feel so sorry for you man. I feel like you are being targeted for giving us great music that we would never know. Thank you for your services. I hope that your blog will stay alive.

  152. FrancoPepeKalle 22 August 2012 at 04:42 - Reply

    What is going with mediafire. I feel so sorry for you man. I feel like you are being targeted for giving us great music that we would never know. Thank you for your services. I hope that your blog will stay alive.

  153. Anonymous 15 December 2012 at 01:55 - Reply

    Hi there. Your music is great. You should get more Orquesta Aragon music. Sorry about Mediafire suspending your account for the second time.

  154. Anonymous 15 December 2012 at 01:55 - Reply

    Hi there. Your music is great. You should get more Orquesta Aragon music. Sorry about Mediafire suspending your account for the second time.

  155. Anonymous 15 December 2012 at 01:55 - Reply

    Hi there. Your music is great. You should get more Orquesta Aragon music. Sorry about Mediafire suspending your account for the second time.

  156. Pete 14 October 2018 at 05:13 - Reply

    Moos, is there any chance to re-upload those 2 mentioned albums again? Also, do you have African Retro Vol. 2? If for any reason you are not able to upload them here again, can you kindly send them to me via a common file sharing software. Thanks in advance. Pete

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