December 19, 2013

Super Rail Band Orchestre du Buffet Hôtel de la Gare de Bamako – Disque de l’Année Mali Musique 1977

Super Rail Band, front

Wow, now I come to realise, it is almost a year and a half
since I posted us some music from Mali. This one by the
great Super Rail Band will surely make up for that long
hiatus. It is a bit worn out and some noise is inevitable.
..dusty tracks, still, I really love to listen to it, it has
great atmosphere, with Mory Kante from 1977.
Hope you enjoy, get it
& spread it..


1 Sinsimba
2 Balakononifing
3 Wale numa lombaliya
4 Tie diu guya


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  1. whiteanduptight 19 December 2013 at 15:27 - Reply

    Thanks a lot for this! I need to remember to swing by your blog more often! Thanks again!

  2. Anonymous 19 December 2013 at 23:32 - Reply

    Gosh, so great this music.I&#39;m listening right now. Puts me into trance.<br />Thanks a lot indeed !!<br />GG

  3. glinka21 20 December 2013 at 04:16 - Reply

    It&#39;s an excellent choice, I agree!

  4. NGONI 22 December 2013 at 10:42 - Reply

    Well done!<br />A new rip from Moos, always welcome, even if you already posted this album on Syllart version,and was also published in the ORO blog.<br /><br />Just for hear back, Balakononifing the fetish song of the Malinke hunters.<br /> The Spear blog also published this song, after a dazzling cleaning.<br /><br />But if you want to hear the original version.<br />here it is for you,Bala

  5. Anonymous 23 December 2013 at 05:39 - Reply

    Thank you!

  6. wilson orozco 23 December 2013 at 21:03 - Reply

    Many thanks dear Moos, GLOBALGROOVE definitely is the master of all existing blog in the world, a salute of admiration of, Merry Christmas and Happy 2014.<br />

  7. Anonymous 29 December 2013 at 19:14 - Reply

    Awesome post! This one is a classic. Syllart released this album years ago as &quot;Rail Band w Mory Kante.&quot; Funky grooves, amazing vocals…fine fine stuff! <br />Thanks for sharing &amp; Happy New Year from NYC.

  8. Anonymous 4 September 2015 at 05:29 - Reply

    This has become one of my favorite albums of all time. LOVE IT!!!

  9. […] Band 1985 Legendary Bands of Mali 1988 Melodias Rail Band 1976 Mandjou, better copy Rail Band 1983 Super Rail Band 1977 Discogs […]

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