March 16, 2014

Mayaoula Mayoni “le Grand” – Bon Anniversaire Disc Orient

Mayaoula Mayoni, front

I had some time left and made you an extra for the weekend.
It’s a single but on 12″ and 33 tours so only two songs. If your
birthday is around today, this one is for you, cheers..


1 Bon anniversaire
2 Tonton akue


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  1. Anonymous 18 March 2014 at 23:05 - Reply

    Thank you for this Mr. Moos! And for Pedro Laza and the other recent posts, all great stuff.

  2. DJ Daudi 19 March 2014 at 04:13 - Reply

    I've wanted to hear this again for a long, long time!

  3. Anonymous 20 March 2014 at 00:17 - Reply

    Thanks, buddy. You're a good guy.

  4. Anonymous 20 March 2014 at 16:11 - Reply

    Thank you!

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