March 5, 2014

Zaïko Langa-Langa – Zaïko Eyi Nkisi ASL/Polygram 1985

Zaïko Langa Langa, front

We already know a small pile of records by these guys. Although
the line-up of this band changed quite a few times, this is a nice
piece of music again. It concerns a Kenyan release by the group
that originally came from the Congo off course. Zaïko Langa Langa
is the name and the album is from 1989 or 1985..
Sleeve speaks of 1985 and label of 1989, which one is it..?


1 Etape
– Moselebende
– Kamanzi
– Misolina
– Etape
2 Zizita
3 S.v.p. mbey
4 Mokili echanger


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