August 4, 2014

Varieté Africaine vol.6
Various Artists, Editions Namaco 1977

Varieté Africaine vol.6, front

The sound is a bit crackly, some pops and hiss, it’s sleeve
looks quite worn out but still,..I love it. It’s from 1977 on
Editions Namaco, Libreville Gabon. The tracks are divided
in two with the first parts on side-a and the second parts on
side-b of the album. A bit strange I think but now it’s been
ripped to mp3’s we can put first and second part behind
each other to listen to them in correct order. Orchestre
T.P. Zembe Zembe appears here first time and I am very
enthousiast about them, sweet guitars and vocals..
So get it and spread it like always, enjoy.


1 Orchestre T.P. Zembe Zembe – Kamua pt.1
2 Orchestre T.P. Zembe Zembe – Naleli la vie pt.1
3 Orchestre Zaiko Langa-Langa – Elo pt.1
4 Orchestre T.P. Zembe Zembe – Kamua pt.2
5 Orchestre T.P. Zembe Zembe – Naleli la vie pt.2
6 Orchestre Zaiko Langa-Langa – Elo pt.2


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  1. Steinar 5 August 2014 at 00:03 - Reply

    Congratulations and good luck with the new site! Looks fine!

    Thanks for the new shares!

  2. richard 5 August 2014 at 12:01 - Reply

    hallo, dank je wel, het is niet de eerste keer voor zembe zembe. je had ze al op l’afrique danse 360 050, en nogmaals, je prestaties en je volharding zijn al jaren een bron van vreugde voor mij
    oja er is minstens één volle cd van zembe zembe ( in memoriam) en een cd met debonheur op ngoyarto (alhoewel ik niet zeker weet of het dezelfde zembe is , danwel een vervolg) , en ook op een compilatie-cd met bantous.

    • Anonymous 5 August 2014 at 17:06 - Reply

      thank you! awesome new site by the way

  3. David 6 August 2014 at 09:08 - Reply

    Wonderful to have you back posting your fantastic & impossible to find records regularly. You’ve been missed

  4. Anonymous 12 November 2014 at 01:14 - Reply

    Thank you. Very cool!

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