October 12, 2014

Grand Maître Franco – In Memoriam
Volumes 1 to 10, Polygram 1989

franco collage

Hello world,
this sunday it is 25 years ago that ‘le Grand Maître’
Franco Luambo Makiadi passed away. Untill now I have
been posting practically every album I found by him. When
Franco died in 1989, Polygram Kenya launched this series
of 10 albums. They were compiled by Justus M. Kasoya.
I’m afraid they didn’t do a very good job though, the artwork
on the covers of the lp’s is quite poor, it lacks of any info
about the music, the sound quality leaves us with something
to wish for and many songs are cut off at a certain point.
In short, it does not do a great deal of justice to Franco’s
impressive oeuvre. Few collectors have good words for the
series, however, we can’t deny that it’s part of the inheritance
and therefore I guess it is justified to bring you these ten lp’s
nevertheless. Of course it is not all that bad, it’s a historic
document all together and deserves a place in our collections.
Nowadays we have all the desired information under our
keyboards so with a little homework we’re able to find out
who plays and sings on every recording. Twentyfive years
have passed in an incredible pace, it seems only
yesterday Franco was still among us,
now let’s honour him once more..
I made this collage as an
homage some years ago.
Hey Fried, hier zijn ze
weer, thnx again..

in Memoriam 1, front


1 Lukika
2 Zando ya tipo tipo
3 Nakbala mbwa
4 Lezi pt. 1
5 Lezi pt. 2
6 Assitou pt. 1
7 Assitou pt. 2


in Memoriam 2, front


1 Nakweyi tapis
2 Celita
3 Beya
4 Georgette
5 Mado


in Memoriam 3, front


1 Kinzonzi ki tata mbemba
2 Mambu na miondo
3 Liberté pt. 1
4 Liberté pt. 2
5 Azda pt. 1
6 Azda pt. 2
7 Kinsona
8 Aya la mode


in Memoriam 4, front


1 Claude
2 Tembe na tembe
3 Caisse d’epagne
4 Lola
5 Celina
6 Patience
7 Mokili matata
8 Nakosala nakolota


in Memoriam 5, front


1 Liwa ya wech
2 Na likunga na seli
3 Motema ya fata
4 Amida muziki ya ok
5 Bomboko justin
6 Isaac ombele
7 Florette modele
8 Mpata ezangi mokengeli
9 On a renseignement na bana ok
10 Ba katanga balingi toyokana
11 Mboka nini okende
12 Nani akunsimdila muana


in Memoriam 6, front


1 Ele wa bolingo
2 Miguel canta
3 Jalousie ya mimi nangai
4 Como quere
5 Guitares de c’enfer
6 Mado oboyi simarro
7 Tele mujos
8 Licencie
9 Bulundue na zongwee
10 La vida del un negro


in Memoriam 7, front


1 Ezuivoisin
2 Zenaba
3 Inousa
4 Nzuzi
5 Lufua lua nkadi
6 Nakobala mbwa


in Memoriam 8, front


1 Mosala etindi
2 Lilian
3 Yoka meje
4 Ba masta bonne année
5 Ebale ya zaïre
6 Cedou


in Memoriam 9, front


1 Assitou
2 Zando ya tipo tipo
3 Bano brekete
4 Lukika
5 Todutaka kaka
6 Bodutaka
7 Ledi


in Memoriam 10, front


1 Makambo maneno
2 Cesar aboya yo
3 Matinda
4 Mibali ya kinshasa
5 Marie mado
6 Dix makuta
7 Aime
8 Basi ya makangoo


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  1. Jeff 12 October 2014 at 03:00 - Reply

    Despite the shortcomings you mention some wonderful music. Thank you for posting these. Your blog is a constant source of amazing music.

  2. goedspul 12 October 2014 at 10:59 - Reply

    Thank you very much for sharing this great music

  3. AlfredO 12 October 2014 at 20:51 - Reply

    You are prolific in your search and sharing. You are a generous soul that uplifts many by your generosity. Thank you.

  4. PeterK 12 October 2014 at 23:20 - Reply

    Wow, that’s more than great, missed some of these records. Thank you very, very much!!!

  5. dial africa 12 October 2014 at 23:22 - Reply

    Thank you!

  6. David 13 October 2014 at 12:03 - Reply

    10 wonderful LPs in one post that fill in gaps in the Franco story. If I say your a crazy guy I mean it in the best possible way :-)

  7. Muriithi 13 October 2014 at 14:13 - Reply

    Great Works, thanks for the collection on Grand Maitre.
    His music is everlasting and will be their for generations to come.
    Thank You

  8. davidn 13 October 2014 at 16:44 - Reply

    Moos, Franco’s music is music that everyone should hear. Although the original versions are much better, this tribute collection is something that should be listened to and then stored for safe keeping. Who else has a ten LP set in tribute? I wish he had the recognition in my country that has been afforded to Fela. I spent the last few days listening to my Franco albums as well.

  9. André 13 October 2014 at 18:31 - Reply

    Thank you very much for the contribution.

  10. glinka21 5 November 2014 at 07:20 - Reply

    I don’t understand why someone would go to the lengths of releasing a series of Franco’s recordings, then cut many tracks short. Would they release a book of reproductions of da Vinci’s paintings, and cut the Mona Lisa in half?

  11. yann 20 March 2015 at 19:53 - Reply

    Hi, Moos. Great post indeed. I didn’t get the chance to dl the volumes I don’t allready have the first time around, but now I’m ready! Unfortunatly, the downloads don’t seem to work – I tried with 4 or 5 different volumes and got the “impossible to download” message… Any idea what could be the problem? Thanks

    • Moos 20 March 2015 at 21:32 - Reply

      I’m sorry Yann, I don’t seem to find any problem, it works fine from here,
      I’ll just check all files again..

      • yann 22 March 2015 at 19:47 - Reply

        Well, I don’t know what’s wrong exactly, but I don’t seem to be able to download any file from GG! It works fine as always on the other blogs though…. I’ll try to find a solution but if you hear about anything that could help, please let me know. Thanks.

  12. Bianca 13 July 2015 at 12:45 - Reply

    awesome! great master! thanks for sharing. Cheers from Australia

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