December 21, 2014

El Michi y su Combo Bravo – El Taconazo
Zeida / Codiscos 1983

Michi Sarmiento, front

I was in the mood for some salsa and after checking a
couple of lp’s from the top of the pile, Michi Sarmiento
came out as today’s winner. Forget about the album’s
awful cover and turn straight to the music, it does not
compare. Michi’s sound was one of the most popular in
Colombia and this slice of salsa brava from 1983 does
not make an exception. Vocals by Felipe Sembergman
on tracks; 1,4,7 and 9, Hernando Perez on tracks; 2,5,
8 an 10, Michi Sarmiento on tracks; 3 and 6.
Get it & spread it as usual..


1 Antonia
2 Tu lo sabias
3 Fidelina
4 No te vayas
5 San andres
6 Caiman gallinazo
7 La vecina
8 El taconazo
9 El manantial
10 El boton


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  1. Tom 21 December 2014 at 23:14 - Reply

    That cover is not awful, mi amigo. Me gusta mucho. To each his own. Thanks for the recent African Brothers albums; I thought that well had run dry but there were several great tunes to be had there.

  2. Tony 22 December 2014 at 13:32 - Reply

    Although the “girlie” covers on so many Colombian records are a bit cheesy, I like the way they speak of an older age when values were different, though not better.
    Thanks for the new details of the site costs. In some ways GG is so cheap to run, although I appreciate that it has to come from your pocket! I’ve made a small donation – really we could easily keep you going with just a small gift from each of us…
    Keep up the very good work Moos!

    • Moos 23 December 2014 at 01:03 - Reply

      thank you very much Tony, on behalf og the GG community..

  3. El Profe 10 August 2022 at 08:24 - Reply

    Terrific recording, gracias !

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