April 26, 2015

Los Cañaguateros y Otros Éxitos Vallenatos
Various Artists, Caliente 1976

Los Cañaguateros, front

During the past week I’ve been very busy redecorating and
adding new interior to my little shop. No time for anything
else. Now we have weekend and finally find some
time to post another record. Let’s see..

A group we haven’t seen here earlier is this great vallenato
band. Los Cañaguateros have a solid sound, jumpy bass,
singer Pedro Garcia with his strong voice, I like it a lot.
Then turning the vinyl, we find some other hot vallenato
bands like Isaac Carrillo and his Conjunto with Colacho
Mendoza on accordeon, Alberto Fernandez’ with Gustavo
Gutiérrez and Alfredo Gutierrez with Los del Cesar.
A must have for lovers of good vallenato. Enjoy..


01 – Los Cañaguateros – Sielva maria
02 – Los Cañaguateros – Potrerillo
03 – Los Cañaguateros – Candela
04 – Los Cañaguateros – Campo alegre
05 – Los Cañaguateros – El montañero
06 – Los Cañaguateros – El bachiller
07 – Isaac Carrillo con Colacho Mendoza y Conjunto – De flor en flor
08 – Los Saporritos – Bus metrpolitano
09 – Isaac Carrillo con Colacho Mendoza y Conjunto – La sal de frutas
10 – Alberto Fernandez y Gustavo Gutiérrez – Collar de perlas
11 – Los del Cesar – El pajonal
12 – Alfredo Gutierrez con Los del Cesar – Bendito vicio



  1. Sylvester from Manchester 3 May 2015 at 22:53 - Reply

    What no comment? Los Cañaguateros…dem are skylarking. Check out ‘la Guerrillera’ – murdaaargh!

    • Moos 5 May 2015 at 06:23 - Reply

      ..thank you Sly, I’m glad someone realises..

  2. […] Los Cañaguateros y Otros Exitos 1976 Discogs […]

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