July 6, 2015

African Fiesta – Music from Zaïre vol. 1
Music Star

African Fiesta, front

An obscure slice of vinyl here today. We had quite some
records with Docteur Nico and African Fiesta. This one
however on Music Star contains some known and some
lesser known tracks. The album’s sleeve does not give one
letter of info so we’d have to guess about the vocal parts
and such. I’m sure Rochereau is there on a couple of songs
but have no idea about the others. Maybe one of you can
enlighten us and give some additional information.
Meantime listen to this somewhat dusty disc..


01 – Paquita
02 – Eso querida
03 – Connaissance
04 – Mangui
05 – Bougie ya motema
06 – Quiere mida
07 – Cashita
08 – Jerk


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  1. Rico 7 July 2015 at 03:15 - Reply

    LO Moos, for some reason, it’s been impossible to download your files with Firefox for the last 5 or 6 posts. I get to the page where it says “your downlad wille start now” and nothing happens.
    Hence, with Google Chrome Browser, it works OK, but I’d rather stay with Firefox.
    Can you fix this ?
    Thank you for all the great african music you made me discover. I’m a faithful follower since you started your first blog and your posts are the most numerous in my musical library.

    • Moos 7 July 2015 at 06:16 - Reply

      I’m sorry Rico, don’t understand why Firefox does not work, nothng has changed here..

  2. glinka21 7 July 2015 at 06:41 - Reply

    I’m downloading using Firefox 38.0.5, without any issues.

    Thanks for this, Moos. Le Docteur and Le Seigneur are always welcome in my house.

  3. Rico 8 July 2015 at 01:22 - Reply

    As a matter of fact I just retried as there’s been an update to Firefox 39 yesterday, and… it works !
    Big mystery… but never mind !
    Keep going !

  4. David 11 July 2015 at 09:33 - Reply

    Excellent stuff Moos & filing in a further gap in the Music of Zaire series as I have now seen Vols. 1, 3, 5 & 6 mostly available on your blog.

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