October 1, 2015

Marcus mvouka – Keba Na Ye
Salsa Musique 1982

Marcos Mvouka, front

Marcus Mvouka is here and he brought Lea Lignanzi, André
Pamomiel, Pablo Lubadika, Domingo Salsero and Manga Jerry
among others. Quite entertaining slice of Congolese I guess
you’re gonna like. It’s on Salsa Musique and from 1982,
get it, spread it and give it a couple of spins..


01 – Keba na ye
02 – Testament mpo na chantal
03 – Bandjambirika
04 – Nzoto ekali mabele


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  1. Harris Diavua Salakiaku 1 October 2015 at 15:45 - Reply

    R.I.P. Domingo Salsero

  2. Tim Harrison 2 October 2015 at 05:57 - Reply

    Thanks Moos, another success. Great work on this LP from Pablo Lubadika Porthos, one of my favourite guitarists from this time.

  3. glinka21 2 October 2015 at 06:13 - Reply

    Thanks very much, Moos!

  4. Franco Pepe Kalle 3 October 2015 at 22:56 - Reply

    I wonder if he came from the Les Bantous Capitale. I ask this because of the big Congo Brazzaville Stars came from this band.

  5. […] was in october 2015 that we already had Keba Na Ye, an album from 1982 by his hand. Today a follow up on that one, an album we don’t find on […]

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